TAE MaRINE REVIEW 29 Michigan Oil Pumps = a) "LUG TO ATTACH MICHIGAN LUBRICATOR CO. DETROIT, MICH. THE RICHARDSON Automatic Oil Pump hake A Safe Investment for Engineers' Capital As many of the Engineers have withdrawn their Capital from various Saving Institutions and are looking for safe profitable investment, we are now offering guaranteed Six per cent or over, investment in a Standard Stock Company in corporate dunder the New York laws, manufacturing a full line of high grade Mechanical Appliances and Supplies with which every Engineer is thoroughly familiar and can judge for himself the value of being a stockholder. This Company has on hand both Municipal and Government contracts and an additional Capital is desired to increase the business. The fullest investigation is invited.--This stock is full paid and non-assessable and may be sub- MODEL M , scribed for and paid in easy installments. : one ; We have just issued a Prospectus of this business Se which we will mail free to any person requesting oil pump, supplied with case-hardened, regrinding checks and patented metallic the same. No subscription too small or too large to be packing. The details of construction considered. and price will interest you. Any amount invested will be fully secured by plants and patents. Manufactured by the Unique Engineering Co., 100 to 102 Hinsdale Street, | SIGHT FEED OIL PUMP CO. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Milwaukee, Wis. CAE ee ee oneeeie Stern and Side-wheel Steamboat Engines both Simple and Compound. GILLETT'S BALANCED VALVE VARIABLE CUT-OFF MOST ECONOMICAL ---SIMPLE---NOISELESS LIGHT WEIGHT and STRONGEST CAST STEEL and NORWAY IRON enter largely in the construction. These engines are OUR SPECIALTY. WE HAVE Special Machinery, Large Experience, producing a SUPERIOR ENGINE for least amount of money. Every customer SATISFIED and a BOOSTER. ill sizes " built on short notice. We also manufacture Capstans, "Doctors," Heaters, Deck and Test Pumps, Syphons, etc. Write for long list of Splendid Testimonials and other information. GILLETT & EATON, Lake City, Minn,