36 in this issue. of the Review. She was sunk in collision in the St. Clair: river, and her repair bill will exceed $100,000. most as extensive are the repairs upon the steamer John W. Moore, which was aban- doned to the underwriters as a constructive total loss. Repair work will figure especially in the activity of the Toledo Ship Building Last winter this company was very busy with repair work, but this winter it will be twice as busy and will have all that it can possibly do to deliver the vessels by the time navigation opens. This yard has been especi- ally designed for rapidity and economy in repair work. 'Twenty-two vessels are now Go. THe Marine REVIEW Al- awaiting repairs at the yard, fourteen of which will have to be dry docked. The ship yards on the great likes did q tremendous amount of work in 1907 under most adverse circumstances, being harassed by labor troubles necessitating the closing down of some of the yards altogether and not as yet in full operation. duced forces. the operation of the rest of them under re- Work is being gradually re- sumed now, however, though the yards are Considering this great handicap it was a prodigious thing to put fifty-six vessels into the water, forty bulk freighters, three package freighters, one passenger steamer, one wrecker, one lighter, one mailboat, five tugs and four scows. VissbicsU\ DER cCONotRUCHION IN GREAT LAKES SHIP YARDS FOR-.1907 DELIVERY. AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING CO.'S YARDS. Dimensions in ft, o $ Le a cieae 5 diy Di ; i 3 ' o| 4H sy 4s Tote built at| orName|a|_|a|=|Se[s2| wusines | sionsinfece' | Drate |fu| 22 eee >|o| & |.o lod a3 and inches 5 & sc O|/H|n\|Ala la nal OS IDpoyH Nb Goes oo oe Bulk Ftr..| 452) 432) 52 | 28 |.... 22, Bd, DS- i oneie ee Bulk Ftr...| 524] 504| 54 | 31 | 30 | 12 32, 36, 60a 129E1L8 HUlly a tavee/ tool G00). [Tonkine Stommento OS Gen Wyandotte... Bulk Fer. 440 420] 52 | 28 | 12 | 24 29,35, 58 42, 13,9x11.6 ilig & Eaves 170 a0 naw and Monr mae Ee Se a eveland..... u Ios 504 "38, 63-42. : : 1 5 "000 Teen CO ; ea ee 54 | 380 | 30 | 12 23, 38, 63-42 14,6x11.6 Hllis & Haves} 180} 9,000 |Wilson Transit Co., Cleveland Biya Ciuiyganer to Thompson | 524) 504) 55 : i cee e Be 5d | 80 | 30 | 12 2346, 38, 63-42. 14.6x11.6 Ellis & Eaves} 180} 9,000 |W. Be Becker, Cleveland Sleveland ..../Bulk Ftr..) 500 480) 5 | 30 | 14 | 2 22 - Tener Ie eS uorain 92.9.) Bulk Ftr..| 452 432 52 | 28 23 D Se oe ae Ellis & Eaves) 180) 9,000 Transit Co. | oe |e Lorain... Bulk Ftr | 400] 380 50 | 28 | 20 | 12 20, 33, 55-40 139512. SNR FG TM ene Buffalo........[Pass Str..| 215| 200/45 (16 |....|....| 207 32' 50-38 13.2<11.6 Ree re WCU OGt eee oe Nor; ae Bulk Ftr..| 452} 432) 52 | 23 | 93 | 12 92 35, 58-42 139x116 PE Pee cee ae ee een cutelon Co peeealo Buffalo........|Bulk Htr..| 257| 237| 41119 | 6| 24 |B of Wkd.S.Panamal 'tisii Mera dete eae ee euueon, Cleveland West Superign|Bulk Mér.| 440! 490) 52/28 | 19 | 94 BN rene a ix 1 Howden 160| 7,500 |James Davidsoa, Bay City, Mich Wost Superior|Bulk Ftr,.| 452] 4921 5 | 98. | 95 | 25 Soy pears eel 1.6 Ellis @ Haves) 180) 7,500 |R. P, Ranney, Cleveland ' : Bay City... Bul tr.) 952) 932 56 | 31 | 32 | 12 2344, 88, 63-42 eae Ree ene 170) 2.2) HL. 8. Wilkinson, Syracuse, N. Pe Tee 2/28 | 1 | 94 "35. 68-42 SD is & Faves] 1t 500 |W. A.& A H. A rela Wyandotte a caeRe af a Dose as. lee Ee has ears ee ayes 1'0} 10.000 |J. J. Rardon Bure Cleveland © cele le)f sis si0 fe seccee 3 'Pr j te ; . eee : i : Pas as Aes | De eee hee No Propelling Donkey Boiler Natural oe ea Mar se aeiecee eee ity of Dato Cleveland | 492) 390] 54 | 22 |. 4, 82, 82 igati Bay City eee: poBidera | 524} 504) 54 | 30 | 30 12 aN een Howden | 160]........ a Dotroe mien 'Ova ea -F. Berry] 569! 549| 56 | 31 | 34 | 43 2A 89, 65-49 Tees as & Have 180} 9.0 |S. B. Cranage, Bay City, Mich. so : : : TNS Haves! 180| 10000 |A. K. Oakes, Detroit, Mich. ; AKES ENGINEERING WORKS, DETROIT, MICH. OIE sdoq gobs Pkg. Fr'tr.| 256], 244] 43 |26.6] 6 | 24 3 5 Ecorse .... .... Pkg. Fr'tr.| 236) 944) 43 [26° ae aac cen eee. Ne 'td. . IEICOESOs eee Freighter.| 480) 460} 52 30 8 a Toya) 24, 35, 51-36 12.2x11.3 Geiene: ed 510 tiny Eee eee ee, Butkalo, Navy 2 21%, 35, 58-42, 133x118 Gtkoke ey at 3.00) |Rutland Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Hcorse ........ Freighter.| 557| 532] 53 | 31 | 30 | 12 2 : Ne ee daerrareeee coe 24, 38, 65-42. 16x11.8 Gitlekestttd Mutual 8teamship Vo., G. A. Tomlinson Boorse. Pee lalate | ree 5 es .| 180} 10,500 Mer., Duluth, Minn. flClain gee Freighter | 440) 420 52 | 98 | 12 | a4 21 ee Pr foci e pears h'td.} 180' 10,500 eae we OA ee ; » 34%, 57-42 3x11. pale eae mr uth, Minn. Ecorse ttteeees Freighter .| 550] 530] 55 | 31 | 32 | 12 28, 87, 63-42 15x11.6 Te ae Heanor ats = ie oa it A veouee -++++.../Freighter.| 550) 530 56 | 31.| 32 | 12 Pe x11.6 Gt. Lakes h'td | 180] 10,000 Mr. eee te ae aya M. Mills, ../J..0. Kopp! 500) 480 54! 30 | {4 | 24 Doe ak aaa 15x11 6 Gt.Lakes h'td.| 180! 10.000 Frontier Steamship Co., Wm. M. Mills, 2 36, ) _13.9x11.6 Gt Lakes h'td | 180 Sea pee a ooewanda, IN. We 3 00! ylvania Steamship Co., York, P® aa : Balk TOLEDO SHIP BUILDING CoO., TOLEDO, O ; a ree ee reighter | 524) 504) 58 | 30 15 a Bulk 5 | 24 20, 29, 42, 61-42 | 3-12 eas A , 42, 61-42 6x11,10% F Jas, E, Davidson, Bay City, Mich. G-A. Ore ak Freighter | 524 504| 58 | 30 | 15 | 24 20, 29, 42, 61-42 | 3-12.6x11 ie ee HS wipe Duluth, Mim, GL$ $.C0) ' ' , "20 ~1e.0X 4 A . . 1 i i os COLLINGWOOD SHIP Zi Honcediweee0) 8000 [veuse, Novo OO BUILDING @ Bae 0., LTD., COLLINGWOOD, ont. Hopper a aie) -/ sea ees arge 102 ae fa S'eel CREE OO: i lleaih iy Cee ee 300 ; Hapise | Wie eee ae citer) iets shiasie waded 4 -|Cu.yds Cc . "haps eee Bargo 129)....132.0lt1.9' 6 Steam Operating -yds. | C. S. Boone Dredging Co., Toronto, Ont: Stee) : D Hopper te cc ea a ts aa pmenSound Dredging & Consiiaiigs 2 SEES See Barge | 129]... Ee Steam Operating .../Cu.yds, Co., Ltd., Owen Sound, Ont. CLO oo oll nite ear x j SaameRRIEg er epee. Y ay | Owen Sound Dredging & Construction meta yds, Co., Ltd., Owen Sound, Ont. 2