"THE MaRINE. REVIEW 39 MERCHANT WORK'IN COAST YARDS Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va.: Steel freight and passenger steam- ship Lurline for the Matson Navigation Co., San Francisco, Cal.; length over all, 420 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 6,200; single screw, triple expansion engines of 3,500 H. P.; four Scotch boilers. Steel oil tank steamship Texas for the Texas Oil Co., New York; length over all, 410 ft.; estimated gross ton- nage, 5,000; single screw, triple ex- pansion engines of 2,800 H. P.; three Scotch 'boilers, Steel tug Corning for the D. L. & W. R. R. Co., New York; length over all, 100 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 180; single screw, compiound engine of 600 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Steel tug Bath for the D. L. & W. R. R. Co, New York; length over all, 100 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 180; single screw, compound engine of 600 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Steel derelict destroyer for the U. S. Revenue Cutter Service; length over all, 204 fit.; estimated gross tonnage, 1,000; single screw, triple expansion en- gine of 1,500 H. P.; two Scotch boilers. Steel suction dredge for U. S. Army Engineer Corps, Philadelphia, Pa.; length over all, 180 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 1,000; single screw, compound engine of 900 H. P.; two Scotch boilers. Twelve steel barges for the Isthmian canal commission; length over all, 156 ft.; displacement, 875 tons; no machin- © ery. Six steel barges for the Isthmian canal commission; length over all, 127 ft.; displacement, 900 'tons; no ma- chinery. Steel bay steamer for the Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co., Wash- ington, D, C.; length over all, 305 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 2,000; single screw, triple expansion engine of 3,000 H. PP tour Scotch boilers: Steel revenue cutter for the U. S. Revenue Cutter Service; length over all, 152 fit.; estimated gross tonnage, 410; single screw, triple expansion en- gine of 1,000 H. P.; two water tube boilers. Steel lumber steamer Nann Smith for C. A. Smith Timber Co., Minneap- olis, Minn.; length over all, 296 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 2,100; single screw, triple expansion engine of 1,350 H. P.; two Scotch boilers. Steel lumber steamer George W. Fenwick for the Hammond Lumber Co., New York; length over all; 296 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 2,100; sin- gle screw, triple expansion engine of 1,350 H. P.; two Scotch boilers. New York Ship Building Co. Cam- den, N. Je: Light vessel No. 88 for the U. S. Government Lighthouse Board; length over all, 129 ft.; approximate value, $99,000; estimated gross tonnage, 488; One vertical compound engine of 380 H. P.; two boilers of gunboat type. Oil 'tanker Oklahoma for the J. M. Guffey Petroleum Co.; length over all, 441 ft.; approximate value, $775,- 000; estimated gross tonnage, 5,800; one triple expansion single screw en- gine of 3,300 H. P.; three single-ended Scotch boilers. Eight lighthouse tenders for the U. S. Government Lighthouse Board; length over all, 190 fit.; approximate value, $164,000; esimated gross ton- nage, 550; two vertical triple expan- sion engines of 1,020 H. P.; two cylin- drical boilers of the Scotch type. These vessels are named Manzanita, Tulip, Cypress, Sequoia, Kukui, Orchid, Hi- biscus and Anemone. Revenue cutter, No. 20 for the U. S. Government Revenue Cutter Service; length over all, 192 ft.; approximate value, $173,000; estimated gross ton- nage, 650; three-cylinder, triple expan- sion, single-screw engine of 1,400 H. P.; two Babcock & Wilson water tube boilers. Revenue Cutter No. 21 for the U. S. Government Revenue Cutter Ser- vice; length over all, 192 ft.; approxi- mate value, $173,000; estimated gross tonnage, 650; three cylinder, triple ex- pansion, single screw engine of 1,400 H. P.; two Babcock & Wilcox water tube boilers. William Cramp & Sons Ship & Engine Building Co., Philadelphia, Pa.: Side wheel steamer, Commonwealth, for the New England Steamship Co., New York; length over all, 438 -ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 6,000; com- pound inclined engines of 11,000 H. P.; 10 single ended Scotch boilers. Single screw steamer for the Clyde Steamboat Co., New York; length over all, 379 ft.; three-cylinder, triple expansion engines of 3,000 H. P.; four single ended Scotch boilers. Four main boilers and one donkey boiler for the steamship El Dorado, owned by the Southern Pacific Steam- ship Co., New York. Four main boilers and one donkey boiler for the Southern Pacific steam- er, El Paso. Four, main boilers and one donkey boiler for the Southern Pacific steamer,. El Monte. Four boilers for the steamship New Hampshire, owned by the New Eng- land Steamship Co. New Haven, Conn. The Moran Co., Seattle, Wash.: Steel hull steam trawler Chicago tor. A.. Booth ~&. Go 9 Gitcacor length . over allj = 150) 2 ieee sie mated gross tonnage, 443.2; triple- expansion single screw engine, 600 H. P.; one single-ended Scotch boiler. Steel. hull steam freighter Stanley for the Robert Dollar Co., San Fran- 'cisco, Cal.; length over all, 250 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 1,730; triple expansion single screw engine, 850 H. P.; two single ended Scotch boilers and one donkey boiler. Steel hull steam freighter Riverside for the Charles Nelson Co., San Fran- cisco, Cali. length over salle sO estimated gross tonnage, 1,730;. triple expansion single screw engine, 850 H. P.; two single ended Scotch boil- mclssr One steel hull steam freighter for Schubach & Hamilton, Seattle, Wash.; length over all, 250. ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 1,730; triple expansion single screw engine, 850 H. P.; two single ended Scotch boilers. Steel fire tug Ajax for the South- ern Pacific R. R: @o., San. Hranciscor Cal.; length 'over all, 110° tts) esti- mated gross tonnage, 255.5; triple ex- pansion single screw engine, 600 H. P.; one Babcock & Wilcox water tube boiler. Steel freight and passenger steam- er Northland for the Ketchikan Steamship Oo., Ketchikan, Alaska; length over all, 147. ft. 6 in.; esti- mated gross tonnage, 456.7; triple ex- pansion single screw engine, 350 H. P.; one single ended Scotch boiler and one donkey boiler. Steel freight steamer Siskiyou for E. K. Wood Lumber Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal.; length over "all, -250°uty estimated gross tonnage, 1,730; triple expansion single screw engine, 850 H. P.; two single ended Scotch boil- ers and one donkey boiler. Union Iron Works, Cal.: Steel steamer Mauna Kea for the Inter Island Navigation Co.; length ~ San Francisco,