McIntyre & Henderson, foot of Mont- gomery street, Baltimore, Md.: One steel tug boat for stock; length over all, 105 ft.; estimated gross ton- nage, 240; one Scotch boiler, 101% ft. by. 11- ft. A marine leg boiler Claribel of West Point. A marine leg boiler for the tug Ce- cil of Chesapeake City. West Oakland Ship Yards of South- ern Pacific Co., West Oakland, Cal.: Side wheel ferry steamer, Melrose, for the Southern Pacific Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal length over all, 268 "tts approximate value, $152,000; estimated gross 'tonnage, 2,197; tandem horizontal engines of 1,500 H. P.; four Scotch Dryback boilers. for the tug Nilson Yacht Building Co., Baltimore, Md.: Gasoline yacht Crusoe for George Innes of New York; length over all, 68 ft.; approximate value, $15,000; esti- mated gross tonnage, 32. Gaso'ine power tender for the Adams, Cottman Co., Baltimore, Md; length over all, 40 ft.; approximate value, $4,000; estimated goss tonnage, 10. American Car & Foundry Co., Wil- mington, Del.: Six car floats for the Pennsylvania IRR (Coe llemetin over alll, 250 ti, each; estimaitted gross tonnage, 1,200. One dredge scow for the Coast- wise Dredging Co.; length over all, - 138 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 900. One sectional barge for the Dela- wate River lLighterase ~Co.; length over all, 130 ft.; estimated gross ton- 550. nage, James Rees & Sons Co., Pittsburg, Pa.: Steel steamer 6. i. Jomess ton the Vesta Coal Co.; length over all, 155 ft.; approximate value, $70,000; esti- mated gross tonnage, 150; tandem compound engnes, 450 H. P.; three horizontal two flue marine boilers. Steel dredge and snag boat for the republic of Columbia, South America; length over all, 125 ft.; approximate value, $40,000; estimated gross ton- nage, 100; high pressure engine of 125 H. P., two horizontal tubular boilers. E. H. Brown, Taunton, Mass.: Wooden launch for G. L. Blake, Lons- dale, «Ri. 1: leneth over-all, 33, at. ; ap; proximate value, $1,800; gasoline motor Ola aide Wooden launch for S. G. Wilkes, Taunton, Mass.; length over all, 33 it.; approximate value, $1,800; gasoline motor Oil 2 lie es ~ 600. "TAE MarRINE REVIEW Fore River Ship Building Co., Quincy, Mass.: No merchant work is in progress at this yard. Four light vessels for the United States government -- lighthouse board are being built. Mozena Bros., Clarington, O.: One wharf boat for Portsmouth, O.; 150 ft. long, 30 ft. wide and 5 ft. deep. Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, Du- buque, fa.: Two stern wheel hydraulic dredges for ithe United States corps; length over all, 222 ti.; approxi $90,000 each; estimarted 600 each; Miss'ssippi type of high presssure engines, 24 in. by 8 ft.; six .Mississippi type bo'lers, 44 in. by 30 ft. 170 lbs. pressure. Eighteen pontoons for the United States. ernginecerine corps; leneen over all, 47 ft. 6 in.; approximate value, $2,000. enzineer ng mate value gross tonnage, H. D. Bendixsen Ship Building Co., Se eblunelrares @allee Wooden steam schooner. Shoshone for Charles R. McCormick & Co., 25 California street, San Francisco,- Cal; length over all, 195 ft.; approximate value, $85,000; estimated gross tonnage, Wooden steam schooner Katherine for Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., 945 Mioonadnock building, San Francisco, Cal; length over alll 180 tt. approx imate value, $75,000; estimated gross tonnage, 475. Cliver Gildersleeve & Sons, Gilder- sleeve, Conn.: Two wooden deck lighters for stock; length over all, 110 it; approximate value, $9,000 each; estimated gross tonnage, 300 each. One wooden coal barge for James McWilliams of New York; length over all, 130 ft.; approximate value, $12,000; estimated gross tonnage, 500. Cne wooden coal barge for stock; length over all, 105 ft.; approximate value, $6,000; estimated gross tonnage, 200. Southern Ship Building Co., Totten- ville;-S. 1.5 Ne We: One coal lighter for the Havana Coal Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; length over all, 100 ft.; approximate value, $7,000. Two coal lighters for the Havana Goal' Cos, Philadelpitay Can «leneuh over all, 100 ft.; approximate value, $7,000 each. One deck lighter for Geo-ge Painter, Chicago, Iil.; length over all, 86 ft.; approximate value, $3,000. One coal lighter for the Fore River Ship _Building Co.2 Ounincy,. Vass. Al length over all, 110 ft.; approximate value, $18,000. Oliver Reeder & Son, Baltimore, Md.: One open wooden 'harbor 'lighter; length over all, 92 ft.; approximate value, $3,600; estimated gross ton- nage, 165. One open wooden harbor lighter; length over all, 92 ft.; approximate value, $3,500; estimated gross tonnage, 160. One wooden covered harbor light- eiye lemetha Owen yelllie oy ie mate value, $1,200; Sur Hull of wooden boat; length over all, 76 -ft.; approximate value, $15,000; estimated gross 'tonnage, 40. approxi- estimated gross tonnage, tug United Engineering Works, San Fran- cisco, Cal.: Triple expansion, single screw. en- ene of 600 H. P. and one water. tube boiler, for steamer F. S. Loop, build- ine tor the oop lumber Conus One compound, single screw engine of 425 H. P. and one Scotch marine boiler, for the steamer. Bowdoin, build- ing for W. G. Tibbetts. One compound, single screw eng ne of 425 H. P. and one Scotch marine boiler, for the steamer Tahoe. One compound, single screw engine - of 400 H. P. and one Scotch marine boiler, for the steamer Loggie, build- ing for the McKay Lumber Co. Burlee~Dry Dock Co., Pt. Richmond, Sac, Ney: Steel ferry boat Jamestown for the Brie' Ro Re Coy New. Wonk slemaan overall, 224 ft.; estimated net tonnage, 983; two compound engines, 18 by 38 by 28, 1,200, A. B:; two Scotchebe tence Steel steam lighter for the Dela- ware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. Co., New York.; length over all, 110 fit. 6 in.; estimated gross tonnage, 292; single engine, 22 by 26; Hi. P., 400; one Scotch boiler. Steel tug for stock; length over all, 120 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 150; one compound engine, 18 by 38 by 26, H, P., 550; one Scotch boiler. George H. Miller & Co., Es ENP ye: Gasoline oyster boat Vigilant for R. Patchogue, Southard; length "over all,' 32 f.; ap= proximate value, $1,000; estimated gross tonnage, 5; gasoline engine of 12, Ta Bs | Auxiliary - yawl. for I. M.: Miller; length over all, 35 ft, approximate value, $2,000; estimated gross tonnage, 6; 6-H. P. Baldwin engine. Auxiliary yawl for George Henry;