Marshfield, Ore.. & Santa Fe for Atchison, Topeka Rewahaee (CO. yeneines cis compound, single-screw, of 800 H. P. One Babcock & Wilcox water tube boiler Engine and boiler for steamer Fair- haven, building by Kruse & Banks, Marshhelds = Ores tor = = Daven- Port, oan -- Francisco, Cal; compound engine of 400 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Engine and boiler for steamer build- ing by John W. Dickie & Son, Ray- mond, Wash., for Ira J. Harmon, San Francisco, Cal.; triple-expansion, sin- gle-screw, 600 H. P.; two Babcock. & Wilcox water tube boilers. Atlantic Works, Boston, Mass.: Side wheel passenger steamer Bet- ty Alden for the Nantasket Beach Steamboat Co., Boston, Mass.; length over all, 185 ft.; capacity for 2,000 passengers; diagonal triple expansion eneimesy: 00 nl lee tO "SOCOLcn boilers. One fire box flue and return tubu- lar boiler for side wheel ferry boat for the Revere Beach & Lynn Co,, Boston, Mass, One Scotch boiler for tug boat building by the Fore River Ship Building Co., Quincy, Mass., for the New England Navigation Co. One fire box, flue and return tubu- lar boiler for 'tthe tug Cora L. Staples for the Staples Coal Co. One Scotch boiler for the freight and passenger steamer City of Gloucester for Gloucester Steamship Coes OStons One 16-yard bucket for the dredger Eugene for the Breyman Bros., Bos- ton, Mass. The largest bucket of this type ever made. Johnson Iron Works, Ltd., New Or- leans, La.: One steel tug boat; 75 ft.; approximate aie $6,000; and house only. One steam launch; length over all, 39 ft.; approximate value, $3,000; com- pound engine; one boiler. One steel stern wheel boat; length over all, 69 ft.; approximate value, $8,000; high pressure engines and water tube boiler. Eight steel barges; length over all, 60 ft.; approximate value, $12,000. Arthur D. Story, Essex, Mass.: One wooden schooner for Watson Bros., Boston, Mass.; length over all, 117 ft.; approximate value, $14,000; es- timated gross tonnage, 140. One wooden schooner for builder; length over all, 117 ft.; approximate value, $14,000; estimated gross ton- nage, 140. length over all, hull TAE Mariné REVIEW One? woodén 'schooner. for Wesley Robinson, Brooklyn, N. Y.; length over all, 65 ft.; approximate value, $7,000; estimated gross tonnage, Capt. 35; gasoline auxiliary engine of 25 El PS Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works, Oswego, N, Y.: One single leg marine boiler, bye Oem ine One Scotch marine boiler, 8 by One single leg marine boiler, ete One single leg marine boiler, 7 ft. lo" IO) te, win. Two Scotch OMine aye LO tt One single leg marine boiler, deletes One Scotch marine boiler, lv ft. 6 MO ah, 10 ft. 7 Dy marine boilers, 7 ft. 6 by Tie Diye. ett ae Scotch marine boiler, 9 ft. 6 Debye leleante ae Scotch marine boiler, Oni Per Onane by, 10° tt : One single leg marine boiler, 7 by 9 ft. Two Scotch marine boilers, 10 ft. 6 (ia Dye lee titer tate One single leg marine boiler, 6 by oe tts Four Scotch marine boilers, 8 ft. by leita Two Scotch marine boilers, 10 ft. Daye U2 alte. C. Hiltebrant, Rondout, N. Y.: Wooden ice barge, Mrs. C. Mul- ford, for Charles Mulford, Glasco, Ne Ye; length ovemeall 9S Wooden ice barge, New York, for Robert A. Scott, New York; Jength over all, 98 ft. Wooden,coal barge, Blue Band, for McWilliams Blue Line, New York; length over all, 115 ft. Wooden coal barge, Blue Jay, for McWilliams Blue Line, New York; length over all, 115 ft. Wooden coal barge, Blue Beard, for McWilliams Blue Line, New York; length over 'all, 110 ft. Wooden coal barge, Baby -Blue, ee McWilliams Blue Line, New York; length over all, 115 ft. Wooden coal barge, Hazel Mitchell, for Mesick & Mesick, New . York; length over all, 110 at Wooden coal barge for McCaffey's Sons, New York; length over all, 110 ite Wooden coal barge, Ellen Olney, for Edward Olney, New York; length over all, 110 ft. Wooden coal barge for James Fields, New York; length over all, LOO): he Wooden ice barge, Kingston, for As Robert A. Scott, New York; length over ally 98 aie Floating dry dock for own use; length over all, ity, 1,200 tons. Skinner Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., Baltimore, Md.. Steel tug S: ©; Co; Nowe) on ane Standard Oil Co., 26 Broadway, New York; length over all; J0l ft esme mated gross tonnage, 179; single screw compound engine of 650 H. P.; Scotch boiler. See haber So O), (Co,, Standard Oil Co., 26 Broadway, New York; length 'over all) JO0loie, testes mated gross tonnage, 179; single screw 180 ft.; lifting capac- one No. 19, for the compound engine of 650 Ei 2 ome Scottch boiler. Wooden car float for stock; length -- Onin il, ZAA ate. e estimated gross ton- nage, 642. -- Wooden coal barge for the Standard Dredging Co, Wilmington, Del; length over all, 100 ft.; tonnage, 240. One compound engine of 800 H. P.; one Scotch boiler, for, stock. Burrell-Johnson Co., Yarmouth, N. S.: Wooden tug for a. TF: Smitheces©omee Halifax, N. S.; length over all, 55. ft.; approximate value, $2,500; estimated gross tonnage, 35; compound single screw engines of 40 H. P.; one vertical boiler. Wooden steamer Kathleen for M. Neville, Halifax, N. S.; length over all, 75 ft.; approximate value, $10,000; estimated gross tonnage, OE 'com- pound single screw engine of 100 H. P.; one vertical boiler. Wooden passenger steamer for Is- land Tug Co., Charlottetown, P. E. I; length' over "all; 120542. approx mate value, $30,000; estimated gross tonnage, 250; compound 'twin screw engine of 225 H. P.; one horizontal boiler. estimated gross MOSHER WATER TUBE BOIL- ee: ERS. The Mosher Water Tube Boiler Co., 1 Broadway, New York, recently re- ceived orders to equip the United States gunboat Nashville with six of its boilers, the United States coal barges now building at the Brooklyn navy yard with four boilers, the Uni- ted States steamer Norfolk with two boilers, and a torpedo boat with eight boilers. The new steamer S. G. Simpson, built by Crawford & Reid, Tacoma, Wash., was given a successful build- er's trial recently and developed a speed of 15% miles, whereas her con- tract called for only 14 miles.