4 LAKE LAUNCHINGS DURING 1907 During 1907 the lake shipyards, ex- elusive of the Canadian yards, launched 56 vessels of which 40 were bulk freighters, three package freight- ers, one passenger steamer, one wrecker, one lighter, one mailboat, five tugs and four scows. Of these the American Ship Building Co. launched 34 vessels, 29 of them being bulk freighters, one passenger steamer, one package freighter, a wrecker, a lighter and a tug. The Great Lakes Engineering Works launched nine vessels, eight being bulk freighters and one a package freighter. The Toledo Ship Building Co. launched three bulk freighters. These 40 bulk freighters have a carrying capacity of 368,000 gross tons on a single trip. However, one of the new steamers, the Cypress, sank on her second trip, so that the net addition to the avail- able carrying capacity of the lake fleet is 361,000 or 7,220,000 tons in- an average season of 20 trips. The new passenger steamer City of Cleveland, building at the Wyandotte yard of the American Ship Building Co., was burned when nearing com- pletion so that her entre superstruc- ture was destroyed. The Canadian yards during the year launched two bulk freighters and two car ferries. The Marine REVIEW During 1906 the ship builders of the great lakes, exclusive of the Canadian yards, launched 47 vessels, of which 40 were bulk freighters, two passen- ger steamers, two package freighters, two car ferries and one sand dredge. The 40 bulk freighters have a carry- ing capacity of 381,000 tons on a sin- gle trip or 7,620,000 gross tons in an average season of 20 trips. During 1905 the ship builders of the zreat lakes launched 32 steamers, of which 29 were bulk freighters, two package freighters and one car, ferry. These 29 bulk freighters have 260,209 gross tons carrying capacity on a sin- ele trip or 5,204,000 gross tons in an average season of 20 trips. During 1904 lake ship yards launched 13 vessels of which seven bulk freighters, two package freighters, one Retieys ance able passenger steamers. The seven bulk freighters have a carrying capacity of 5is00 toms "on a single ttip or 1,- 026,000 in an average season of 20 trips. Durne- 1903. dake Ship yards launched 50 vessels of which 42 were bulk freighters, five car ferries and three passenger steamers. These 42 bulk freighters thave a carrying Capacity om Zi3,250" tons om. ascinele trip or 4,265,000 tons in an average were Car It should be Season Of 20) trips. stated, however, that ten of these freighters were built by Mr. Wolvin for St. Lawrence river trade and are actively engaged in that service, but as they are available for the ore trade, they been classed as _ bulk freighters with an average capacity of 3,000 tons each on 18-ft. draught. During 1902 the lake ship yards launched 42 vessels, of which 32 were bulk freighters (two f them barges), two passenger steamers, three package freighters, two car fer- ries and two vessels for salt water service. These thirty-two bulk freishters "Have a catcyine capacity on L790) tons om a single trip of 3,438,200 tons in an average season of 20 trips. have the. past six yers, there- fore, ships having a carrying capacity of 29,773,200 gross tons in a full sea- son have been added to tthe lake fleet. Moreover there are now on the stocks for 1908 delivery, ex- clusive of Canadian yards, 24 bulk freighters with a carrying capacity on a giacle -- isn or Al" 700) forms re 4,094,000 tons in a full season. The particulars of vessels launched will be found tables. During in the accompanying American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, O. LENGTH CARRYING . WHERE BUILT. TYPE. : NAME OF VESSEL. OVERALL. CAPACITY. NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. Wyandotte ......... Passenger steamer .....City of Cleveland...... 404 Sone EELS occ Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., Detroit. Cileav@lkuncl coasdoocde el oun taser einol: Mathew Andrews ..... 552 tO, 0). 0) eee Henry Steinbrenner, Cleveland. ILDONeE\ibol - <Giereo dia coe On ined eihiber tanger e ako cueierets © Hugh Kennedy ....... 552 IO,0OO- sacoac Capt. John Mitchell, Cleveland. Ties); So coeno ones Wrecking steamer ..... AVG LILO Me sos maser t alee OS aes Reenter eave epee Great Lakes Towing Co.. Cleveland Wayard Otten ten erie lee HRS; @1(07ln re tga eme erator alone Jl, IBRWHWONY oo oc 00008 524 D500 Oseak ee. eee Deen @ alist crselarat oomlaal : ; Ghica cor srs ecok Paes inelounte teen mers tice os AIpli@ Steel syetr Gare een notte 600 T7000 sooces Pittsburg Steamship Gor Cleveland Wi Baw City osabaes IRFeNGAMEEE op a00a0500000 18[, 12s MICIGNOSIMs o G60 6 540 IOOOO -- soscoe Gilchrist Transportation "co Cleveland Bayt City bss cas Rciehiow genet aos Henry Phipps ........ '0 TAO) Sa.cas Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland. Hone cir aire peon tees reer ied oo o6000000000 Welancli Ss aD e Gracia 91005 WA (000. sovoce Weston Transit Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y Wo Simpem@P 5556000 Nieto tet meimmtscr) cro cinco 20s Geongemhe Balkema 600 250 0) Oana Pittsburg Steamship Co "Cleveland. Wayemolonti socecaane Freighter ..... eRe Chas. O. Jenkins...... 524 SRO U0 Mss crn Jenkins Steamship Co "Cladeadl : Evita] OMaeeren teeny Ppileac ac eme ihe oii ciummryeratn: Wassalnickoraie meee ani 372 000 cccose Erie & Western Transportatior Cone Badal TS cyan @iliay ment eemersisko).. a Gel elitedanameycesk a Aisnstepensructe HlenilOcka a acncraetcusr 440 7 O00 RSG ees Lackawanna Steamship Co Buff Tae ane Worn eee os | rcieitene a. Wa NG IETS acgoec (CUS SOOO yen: come MGOR N Tonawacds. NO Vv Glevelandy ed. .3.0- Geiger Oats team eee Recnenel= aver Gye NlOnsey amin. ae BO OOOO soccac Pickands, Mather a Con Cl ot = He eee Womantiter ergy coma diense Wgetoulitse tues sr iemey ciceesl ass tee OGlomaln soocoodacconbe 440 7p O10 OF Lackawanna Steamship C Bafalo. Wiyaridottere rr nrr «<r Wiel lit ete serears sclsl serch rs Caiktinete sooounogu0h6oe 440 GAUOO vb oocen Lackawanna S ianichip Co. Buffs a NB onainn were yer (ike le laitie alm g teen at elias Cypnushiune Wise ecis ss cee 440 T0002 caer Lackawanna Sheree Ga a eo: SanGleson Peeeicea ee a Sale 'ake Citys... 592 MONO). "cacao WOAH ene Sn! iat ond! | Cleyelan: Bonaire mene oh arepenetetcee +i) RiGet eH Gime wetrcr cierto Gpetetegn: Werle iae calico scare 440 E000 eee Lackawanna Stear eGo ce Sepooeloye. aoodoaobodo iPireedaie ga epoed ooo WialrclaeAmestis 4 «crue 552 IOOOO ~ sorca Nome Steamshi Ce Dp a Patale: Glevelande eaten iuergihten: "sis aetelsst os Eiee ee Seton cannery meee 552 10,000 wi... Superior Steen ct ve og Mins. Wyandotte ......-.- Freighter io. .seacseees Edwin N. Ohl.......- tO) We Co" Geel t ae BatenGitye: o.s.b.. 4: Gicinter ea eng Arthur H. Hawgood.... 569 10,000 ......Neptune Steamship Coe Cleveland moe ey ora eco ee eae eee aes aes a ThO00. gs oare Lackawanna Steamship Co., Buffalo. Biitallomecrstacerrer torent: Weinert ey tiay tek evehe aa eie Neliamcenrewos. cc teenie 250 "3,000 ee, ae Tee i oeane eee cers and. Sonn @hicarom einer: Breieinier' oc'ocoo0dn00de Wm. A. Haweood... 552 OKOOCH scene: i akes Towing Co., Cleveland. [oratin heirs tis. IGeio ite tne anntseacc asset 2 Adriatic ..... fs i 440 TACO ras Seas Soe Cleveland. Siepprarecdone Ghscodceosvc Wnere items a cuans swears I. PR. Bope Seen 552 TOCOOOm ee Gaerne Steamship Co., Buffalo. Giese ee RECieiie dire rn a, : eae Fs VOU... tandard Steamship Co., Duluth, Minn. g soll Dae papspeaehasnaie sire aate ts 440 7,000 Lack i oan srl acrin igeloutergerr cnvamriert ke Chas. W. Kotcher...... 440 TAN eee: ae eee Steamship Co., Buffalo. Warton: SeaeR aia Hveignter RAMch | cna susriandhay sk (thomas) Barltim) ).... 500 8,000 See ae Beene ep eeeeiip wee petit ae Bay SOity eg) Sitesi cies dretaheei@ ws bis ction as Calderawy eee 524 CN UO eee Soup ern BUDE ese ceroit,, Mich. : poke a LU ieereneneretene . B. Cranage, Bay City. Great Lakes Engineering Works, Detroit, Mich. WHERE BUILT TYPE NAME'O Pee Sect 5 ; Dh E'OF VESSEL. 2 IBGOSS oooonenoagn00 Uses onto sare sare ee ie es Mamas IPs (Coll, ooo60% Does "12,000 Pittehun Pceieeeeree th OF HOWINER, Ren oaes eee one ce Pe eier ey te i eee Chase eae BED eno ces pees bate Steamship Co., Cleveland. Stee Gleviny tees toa s a8 IRitSeANICie: PaGeqogeo eo ane Wm. B. Davock....... . 440 PN OMGe eae zickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland. opts ga a RIN TREE RRS Re AG Wate ce ek ees oo ane bee Vulcan Steamship Co., Cleveland. I COnSeHe ster rinses iiuetabters i... 4% Mae coacate IIR ee eee ean Rate a Biogas a Wm. P. Snyder, Pittsburg, Pa. RO ne ee ee eee htecay mere tae oneal Role aes Baa ata SPER AR Howard L. Shaw & James Davidson, Bay City,. Mich. ISCOLSE™ we aes eee ee Package freighter ..... Rochester gis mea ae. 400 Beng ere nes York Steamship Co., York, Pa. CORSE rere es Hine o itera cones act. Josiah G. Munro...... 552 TOO) a, Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. IBGONSS co pdoes0b00000 Brelohteneactrrirm srr « Tacob T. Kopp 500 OO ORS si an Frontier Steamship Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. EN ai oe BACRe Mechincee Weenies ee pee a Seae sat Pennsylvania Steamship Co., York, Pa. ai eel Caen et 000 ......Rutland Transit Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y.