LAKE SHIP YARD METHODS OF STEEL SHIP CONSTRUC- TION. BY ROBERT CURR. ENGINE.--Fig. 19 illustrates one of the various types of engines built by the To- ledo Ship Building Co. This one is of the 4-cylinder, quadru- ple-expansion type, built for use with steam pressures of over 200 lbs. The cylinder diameters are: High pressure, 20 in.; first intermediate, 29 in.; second intermediate, 42 in.; low pressure, 61 in.; with a stroke of 42 in. The cylinder arrangement is, reading from forward, high pressure, low pres- sure, second intermediate and first inter- mediate. The bed plate and frames are of cast, iron box section, a type of bed plate and, framing in very general use on the great' lakes. The center of the bed plate is dropped down between the side girders and the center of shaft is kept low down, thus materially lowering the total height of engine above engine room floor. This type of bed plate also permits the use of a very simple and cheap founda- tion built up from the tank top with plates and angles. The valve motion is of the familia¥ Stephenson overhung double-box link type, the high pressure and first interme- diate valves being driven direct, and the sec- ond intermediate and low pressure being driven by means of rock arms, this lattert contingency arising by reason of the valve chests being placed on the side of the "THE Marine Review engine in order to shorten it in a fore and aft diréction. These side valve chests are a great} advantage over valve chests placed in the line of the cylinders as is done with many European marine engines, since the valves are thereby rendered very easy of access for adjustment and repair, a point of considerable importance. The high pressure and first intermedi- ate valves are of the piston type in order to reduce friction and wear due to the FIG. 19, high pressure and. temperature in which these valves work. Direct acting steam reversing gear is fitted, this being the only kind with which lake engineers have any patience with nowadays. : A lake engineer would fairly sweat with impatience if given a gear of the "all-around" type, so familiar on many salt water vessels. The crossheads and crank shaft are ot cast steel. ° The crank shaft is of the built up type, the crank shaft being bored and shrunk or pressed on to the section of shafting: and keyed. e The connecting rods are of the usual type with solid top ends lined with brass boxes adjusted by means of a side enter- ing wedge. The bottom ends have babbit lined cast steel boxes bolted to the rod. The main journal boxes are lined with babbit, and the bottom half is arranged to be readily shimmed up in case of wear. The air pump and condenser are of the jet type, attached to the bed plate and one 39 back column of the engine, the air pump being driven by a double plate beam con- nected to the high pressure crosshead. The condenser is fitted with the latesc type of internal injection valve which secures perfect control over the volume of injection water and at the same time maintains the form of spray always the same, thereby enabling the engineer to work with whatever vacuum he chooses all the time. The handling levers are located at the MARINE REVIEW top of the front frames in a convenient place for handling from.a platform or working deck. Passover' valves and piping are pro- vided to allow the use of boiler pressune steam in the first intermediate, second in- termediate and low pressure cylinders. should occasion demand. Indicator piping is also fitted for ma- rine engineers are quite conversant with the use of the indicator, many of them! possessing an instrument of their own,' and all of them taking keen interest in the economical operation of their engines as revealed by indicator cards. The engine, as a whole, is of neat, sim- ple and substantial design, all parts being readily gotten at for adjustment and re- pair, all wearing parts arranged so that wear can be taken up, and every improve- ment that recent lake practice approves being embodied. John J. Boland & Co. announce that after Jan. 1 their firm will be known as Boland & Cornelius, who will conduct a general transportation business.