there is no récordi 6f)a passenger! Tosi ing 'this life in the buoy speaks well for the useful and reliable qualities of the apparatus. The fact that there has been no difference in the opera- tion of the marine cableway, in every sea trial, whether the sea 'be rough or smooth, showed the practi- cability of applying the device in op- erating the breeches buoy under any weather conditions, and prompted Spencer Miller to offer his device for use in the revenue cutter service. SPEED INDICATOR AND SHIP LOG. An interesting exhibit at the New York Engine and Motor Boat Show was the ship log and speed indicator Of, the NicholsonieShip=asicogs (Conon Cleveland. The speed indicator, which is specially designed for motor boats, steam yachts and other pleasure craft, can be placed in the cockpit or cabin in full view of the navigator. The sea connection is a %-in. brass pipe, projecting through a 34-in. sea cock, about %-in. through the shell of the boat "khiss=pipe has! a plug ie tne bottom. A hole in the pipe facing forward forces the water into a float pipe, the float therein operating the instrument. A level float or equalizer keeps the instrument in adjustment when there is a change in the load line, and prevents vibration when the boat is pitching. The Nicholson Ship Log No. 2 is designed on the same principle as the speed indicator but is a much more elaborate instrument. It is used prin- cipally on passenger and freight steamers, and has a recording chart which shows the average speed made at any time on the run in addition "to the indicator showing knots per hour. This log is entirely automatic, and requires very little attention. Be- ing able to know at all times the ex- act speed of the vessel by simply glancing at the speed dial and having the speed with time and date on a record chart, is of the utmost value in the navigating of a vessel. Pro- vision has been made to prevent any chance of the permanent choking of the projecting pipe with weeds or mud, and the pipe can at any time be withdrawn if necessary. United Harbor No. 1, American As- sociation of Masters, Mates and Pi- lots, have issued invitations for their annual entertainment and reception in the Grand Central Palace, Forty- third street and Lexington, New York, on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 8. TAE. MarRINE REVIEW BIDS: FOR: NAVAL' -SUPPLIES. The following communication from the paymaster general of the navy, being descriptive of the department's policy regarding bids received from manufacturers and jobbers, 's of gen- eral interest to firms wishing to fur- nish supplies for the navy, and is therefore reproduced complete. "Navy Department, "Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, "Washington, D. C., Dec. 14, 1907. "Sir: The bureau recently forward- 61 from' value of. deliveries, etc., with a view of encouraging: competition, thus eliminating certain objectionable feat- ures of bidding. "This letter has been given wide- spread attention through certain me- diums--trade journals, jobbers' asso- ciations, etc., and the impression has been created and disseminated broad- cast throughout the country that the bureau intends to confine competition to manufacturers only, by refusing to consider bids from the . wholesaler, SECTION OF WAR VESSEL SHOWING MODE OF FITTING STONE'S ASH EXPELLER. It will be seen by above illustration that the point of discharging ashes and clinkers is considerably below the sea suctions (s.s.) and stern tubes by the bilge keels (b. k.). ed to certain manufacturers, 160 in all, a circular letter explaining the re- cent improvements in the _ contract business of the navy department as regards: (a) waiving of bonds and contracts on proposals less than $500 in value; (b) unloading, at govern- ment expense, deliveries at navy yards; (c) obviating delays in pay- ment for deliveries made, and (d) abolishing 10 per cent reservation (s. t.), which are further shielded ~ jobber, retailer and middleman. "The bureau has neither the desire nor the power to exclude any repu- table dealer from bidding on naval supplies. All bids from such persons will be given the same consideration, and in each case award will be made to the lowest formal responsible bid- der. By reason of the form of con- tract many responsible firms were un- willing to deal directly with the bu-