72 of windlass either old or new, which was not possible with steam; thus; 'one more field of usefulness has' been added to the sphere of gasoline en- gines. It had been used for several TAE MarINE. REVIEW gineer is required and any intelligent man can soon tearn to run it. Further, there is no expense for fuel only while the engine is running. No stand-by losses like steam where SCHOONER DEAN E. BROWN WHOSE SAILS ARE HOISTED BY GASOLINE POWER. years for propelling small boats, but 'it remains for the Mianus Motor Works, Mianus, Conn., to first intro- duce it for hoisting purposes on ves- sels. They 'the first installed gasoline hoisting gear on the schooner John L. © Treat in the year 1902. The John L. Treat was an old vessel and at first gasoline power was not connected with the windlass. As the windlass shaft was not long enough 'to attach a gear it was some time before a suitable means was found for operating the windlass. This led to the invention of the crank windlass attachment by George Gray of tthe Mianus Motor Works. This attachment is so con- structed that it can be used on any kind of windlass, even the old fash- ioned kind made of wood. Captain Gilmore of the schooner. John L. Treat was so well pleased with the outfit that he recommended it to others and soon several vessels were equipped wih gasoline power, and up to the present time The Mianus Motor Works have equipped two or three hundred vessels with this power. Some of the advantages of gaso'ine over steam are as follows: It occupies less space as there is no boiler or coal bin to provide for. The first cost of the outfit is less and it costs less to install it. The cost of operating is much less, owing to the fact that no licensed en- a fire has to be kept under the boiler all the while in order to have it avail- able. Full power can be had in from one to two minutes. Power is transmitted by means of a size are now equipped with gasoline podwet. 5 ni bs The following vessels are now re- receiving their equipments: Schooner Dean E. Brown, 1,200 tons, owners, Benedict Manson Marine Co. New Haven, Conn.; schooner Marjorie A. Spencer, 421 tons, owners E. C. Ryder, Bangor, Me.; schooner John R. Pen- rose, 455 tons, owner Thos. Wins- more, Philadelphia, Pa.; ship Rhine, 3,000 tons, (English); schooner Thos. Winsmore, 435 tons, owner Thos. Winsmore, Philadelphia, Pa.; schooner Geo Lanlitice tes 405" Ons. Omer, Thos. Winsmore, Philadelphia, Pa. REILLY MULTICOIL FEED WATER HEATER. Of recent years engineers and archi- tects have been giving more attention to the matter of steam plant economy, 'and the subject of pre-heating the boilers has been im- feed water to the found to be one of the most portant factors in economy and fuel saving. It is well known to engineers that if the temperature of the feed water is raised before it enters the boiler, the work necessary to be done in the boiler by the coal burned under it is reduced in proportion, and the result is that each degree increase in temperature of the feed water will re- sult in a saving of fuel of from 1-10 to 1-11 of one per cent. Lrgine oom. Deck plan of the schooner Harold J. McCarthy, showing loca- tion of gasoline engine C, which is connected to main shaft D by sprocket and chain. The Gray Patent Windlass attachment F is driven from main shaft D by messenger chain L. Two pumps E are also driven from main shaft D. The small deck pump S is driven direct from main shaft. friction clutch, this in connection with a throttle for regulating the speed makes the power just as flexible as steam. Many new vessels of the largest In most plants there is a_ suffi- cient supply of exhaust steam at atmospheric pressure, or a few pounds above, to heat the water to from 210 to 230 degrees. In case the auxiliary