86 TRE MarRINE REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Conzinued. Kingsford Whorksisc mc. os ee Oswero, N.Y: Manistee alton, Works (COfic «<i Manistee, Mich. oe ee oe eee eee ee ee Marine ron "WOtksiee sic c0.e.s Chicago. Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Gaye ates cries oso ae New York. Williams Gauge Co........ Pittsburg. Roetker Fe Bix. s ins eter New York. REGISTER FOR CLASSIFICA- TION OF VESSELS. Great Lakes Register...... Cleveland. STEEL FOR SHIPS AND BOILERS. Champion. kivet sous... Cleveland. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... se para reteee ar terete hess ace Detroit. RUBBER GOODS. Republic Belting & Supply Co....... ey eh RSS oa nee oy eA Roa Cleveland. SAIL MAKERS. Baker, Howard H. & Co..... Buffalo. Upson-Walton Co....... . Cleveland. SALVAGE COMPANIES. See Wrecking Companies. SEARCH LIGHTS. RIVETS, General) Hlectric: Cons. cece. oe as wees Be aeesearueeceeis & acencle Schenectady, N. Y. SEPARATORS. Rogers Oil Separator Co Soe Buffalo. SHEARS. See Punches and Shears. SHIP AND -BOILER PLATES ~ AND SHAPES. OtiseSteelu Coren es ocak. Cleveland. SHIP BUILDERS. American Ship Building Co......... Seer Aereeqaiete ae 's ooh oss ole wiece Cleveland. Atlantic Works...East Boston, Mass. Buftalo Dry, Dock Co........ Buffalo. Collingwood Shipbuilding Co........ sulle have; daisietncrs aoa Collingwood, Ont. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.... Philadelphia. Chicago Ship Building Co. ..Chicago. Detroit Ship Building Co.... Detroit. Empire Ship Building Co....Buffalo. Bere River snip Biilding Co-........ REET Nol Ware ete icgane oes Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Mereaiei tse a ee ver cae site oo Detroit. ee okie ee rs East Boston, Mass. Manitowoc Dry Dock Co........... Miarvland woteele Com ossicles: Sere eta hae. Sparrow's Point, Md. Milwaukee Dry dock Go..-..:...2... Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co.... BRRR OS he kien sc Newport News, Va. New York Shipbuilding Co Beate neta IA. Sesniss chs Ste Camden, Hort Lunon Construction Col... ... See ee cates Set. Port Huron, Mich. Toledo Ship Building Co..... Toledo. SHIP CEMENT. SHIP CHANDLERS. Baker, Howard H. & Co..... Buffalo. Wpsen-yalton. Co... 2... Cleveland. SHIP DESIGNERS. HSU SP OSED IL arcs whe cro teasneceie «gsi Duluth INFitereaia teed Wisa\a leraeeeny ney ee Cleveland. WOU Paves Bsc tite cress sascsusievere Chicago. SHIP FLOORING. American Sawdolet Co....Cleveland. SHIP LANTERNS AND LAMPS. Upson-Walton Cole acatz: Cleveland. SHIP TIMBER. Nartin=Bariss--.Co.....,...:%:4: Cleveland. SHOES. : Emerson Shoe Co........ Cleveland. SIGNALS--SUBMARINE. Submarine Signal Co....... Boston. SMOOTH-ON COMPOUND, FOR REPAIRS. STOO thie Ones Ni ommC Om cn, caus ss Elon e Syeccie tole ote Jersey City, N. J. STAYBOLT IRON OR STEEL BARS, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Falls: Hliollow Staybolt Co.....:.... Be seth Sk anes Cuyahoga Falls, O. STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. Ebolnmess: Sandel: catc-c cv New York. ike Garbhiy; tee oss «eh Montreal, Can. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS. AND FREIGHT. American vinews. a s.. New York. Bostom. Steamship........... Boston. Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co..... Re Ta eS ee Siete hk Cleveland. International Mercantile Marine Co. Ge ee bite sa ae Philadelphia. Nifty IIe ster. vee 5 «os New York. ReGre Star eine... s5 6 aa ss New York. STEEL. Scully Steel & Iron STEEL CASTINGS. @tisiSteel .CO.8 uc caro: Cleveland. STEERING APPARATUS. American Ship Building Co......... MGR eee e eS Sines craa ns Cleveland. Chase Machine Co........ Cleveland. WAKE mE NOINENGCO: vce cc elsae sos oe dee ws easera AC cag eares Gino's ss Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit Ship Building Co...Detroit. Hyde Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. Marine Iron Wks.........- Chicago. Siemens Nie CO... .- ss. Milwaukee. STOKERS. Underfeed Stoker Co. of America.. Py nyse Chicago. SUBMARINE DIVING APPARATUS. _ WonsemecrSom A Jv... 3. Boston. Schrader's Son, Inc. A....New York. SUPPLIES. Port Huron Construction Co........ Renee MeN ere nog ss Port Huron, Mich. Co... Chicago. Curr, Robert SURVEYORS, MARINE. eet oe woe ec oe ClEMERane Parker: Bros; :Go,,. iatd >) emt Detroit. Nacey, Jamesie.... tee Cleveland. Wiood: (W.-Jic cc pace Chicago. TESTS OF MATERIALS. Hunt, Robert W. & Co..... Chicago. -- THERMIT. Geldschmit "Thermit-iGoay =.) ees Seer cohd Cava tps agers New York City. THREAD CUTTING TOOLS. Armstrong Manufacturing Co....... Be geh ire facbe: 2 gt hae Nagas Bridgeport, Conn. TILING, RUBBER. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Cee cpa Be i star aad ace wttets Cleveland. TOOLS. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Lee tiie scoemtyaoe Semen Saeed tees Cleveland. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS. Watson-Stillman Co..... New York. TOOLS, WOOD WORKING. -- Atlantic Works, Inc....Philadelphia. TOWING MACHINES. American Ship Windlass Co........ Beet inset eels se Se PePLoOvidence sive. Chase Machine C€Co........ Cleveland. TOWING COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. eae 5 eaters Gree Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co...Cleveland. TRUCKS. Boston & Lockport Block Co....... Boston, Mass. TUBING, SEAMLESS. Shelby Steel Tube Co..Pittsburg, Pa. TUGS. Port incon Gonstruction Cor... o: Ra a ger eaten Port Huron, Mich. VALVES, STEAM SPECIALTIES, ETC. Jlenmicins! ss rOSiruere peewee eens New York. New Bedford Boiler & Machine Co. Bee oraseads stearate New Bedford, Mass. ERenberthy: injector Cow... -..cacee elevate oN exami eters eps ete Cleveland. Wp beia Stee nea Sethe tase oeave "esas Detroit. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Eta Geet ara Sirs ao eae er ae Cleveland. ROSSeaV al vier COu.e es ec. Troy, N.Y VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS. Amentcan balances Valve ©ol...- ose Rie daa aes us gen Jersey Shore, Pa. ASInorm- Wake COcasccosedonc Boston. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... eee re ng Ce Cleveland. Ross: Valve Micg= Co... -roy, N. Y. Scomilles Checks Valve aCe ccc Mee eto eS Pisin es Ashtabula, O.