WELIN QUADRANT DAVITS. In the discussion of Axel Welin's paper entitled "Appliances for Manipulating Life Boats on Sea-going Vessels" before the meeting of the Society of Naval Ar- iy "IAE. Marine REVIEW boat when it is fully loaded with pas- sengers as well as when it is empty. When it is desired to hoist the boat the same can be done by one man at each end and by using the same cranks, only FIG. 1. chitects and Marine Engineers in New York, the question was raised that in combination with the Welin quadrant davit it would be desirable to have some means of providing for the lowering and hoisting as well as the swinging out. In reply to this Mr. Welin stated that his company had already gotten out one or two designs for this purpose and that anyone who insisted upon a winch ar- rangement attached to each davit or each pair of davits could have it. At the same time he stated that he thought it would not be difficult to lower the boat as long as the belaying pins were prop- erly made and that his plan had been to keep the whole mechanism as simple as possible. Since that time the company has had several inquiries regarding this lowering and hoisting device in combina- tion with its davits. Two drawings il- lustrating the arrangement are herewith published--one with a drum and brake attached to the davits and the other with a simple clutch for lowering. With the former gear two men can swing out the boat as with the ordinary Welin quad- rant davits by turning the cranks and after they have turned the boat out, all they have to do is to take a couple of steps, take hold of the brake, and lower away. This brake is so arranged that it gives the men, with very little effort, complete control of the lowering of the that they shift the cranks to the other pinion. This gear is very simple in its construction and is made of the best ma- terial so as not to cause any corrosion whatever and it works very well. We) The second drawing illustrates another gear which is still simpler but only in- tended for lowering purposes, particular- ly on ships where they wish to use wire falls. A great many ships nowadays car- ry several small winches upon their boat deck to which the falls can readily be led when the crew wishes to hoist the boats, and in such cases the simplest thing would be to apply this gear which con- sists of a simple clutch brake through which the wire is run and controlled when lowering the boat. PERSONAL. Robert W. Hunt & Co., inspecting and consulting engineers, have decided to es- tablish a branch office and chemical lab- oratory in St. Louis, Mo. Whis repre- sentation will be under the charge of Charles W. Gennett Jr. This gentleman graduated with the degree of mechanical engineer from Cornell university in 1898, following which he was employed in the drafting room of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, and later in the inspecting and testing department of the Southern Rail- way Co. During the latter part of his connection with that organization he was in charge of their inspection work in Pittsburg and the west. Since then and up to the time of entering the service cf Robert W. Hunt & Co., he has been. the western sales agent of the Atha Steel Casting Co: with headquarters ia Chicago. J. Lindstrom, Aberdeen, Wash.. launched the steamer Capastrano, Dec. 21. { FIG, 2.