Ze TAE Marine REVIEW ANNUAL MEETING OF PITTSBURG STEAMSHIP CO.'S OFFICIALS AND MASTERS The annual meeting of the masters and officia's of the Pittsburg Steam- ship Co. was held at The Hollenden in Cleveland last week and was in every respect a conspicuous success. These annual conferences have 'been a feature since Harry Coulby took charge of the general of the company and have undoubtedly resulted in cementing the various de- partments of this great organization into a compact whole. The sessions began on New Year's day and were concluded by a dinner on Friday evening. The Pittsburg fleet is so large a part of the active lake fleet that much that this com- pany does is of general' interest. The gist, therefore, of the company's find- ing, especially in relation to aids to navigation, will be submitted to the Lake Carriers' Association for con- certed action next week. The ad- dresses delivered at the meeting will later be published for the benefit of the whole lake region. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Coulby on New Year's day and addresses were made by Mr. Coul- by and Assistant General Manager A. F. Harvey, Mr. Harvey's address being de- voted to costs in operating. Committees were appointed as follows: : 'Committee on Mates: John Lowe, Fred Hoffman, J. W. Morgan, Rich- Aideaounem Veen. MacGregor, A. P. Chambers, FE. O. Whitney, J. F. Parke, Se; Allen Committeesonm Pay Rolis:> A. F. inane ele MeGresor J. i. Mul- ite Chambers, AS ©. Chapman, WieekivVlocdy, |. A. VVvalsi, W. S. Haag. Committee' on Barge Sails: Lowe, F H. Rae. Committee on Submarine and Aids LOmeNanmtoationws S16, Allen, A. -C. Chapman, J. W. Morgan, F. A. Bailey, iMichande solic = VW. EH. Moody, C. H. Cummuinces, jen. Parke, C. J. Grant, G. B. Mallory. Committee on International Code: P. C. Watson, G. Gegenheimer, J. La- Eeamboiserey. J. Elunt, A, R. Rob- inson, C. H. Woodford. Committee on Hatches on New Boats and Appliances: "W. B. Mc- Gregor, James Leisk, George Bell, F. A. Bailey, Neil 'Campbell, E. M. Smith, Peal eecdeles Winstone: Committee on Towing Hawser on Steamers: W. W. Smith, Fred Hoff- iain) ebaibor, John Burns, R. PF. management the John Humble, J. T. Gemmel, F. J. Crowley, 1D), lal: IMiteulowrsi Committee on Safety Appliances: Ee OreN\eiimicyeumis tA VWalsihn VV" 1G: lem ae bly eieilibya El 1-Gurps. ohn Nahrstedt, M. K. Chamberlain, Fred Rae, James Jackson. On Thursday morning H. A. Kelley, counsel for the Pittsburg Steamship Co., addressed the masters on signals and rules and regulations. Mr. Kel- ley's address was a distinct feature of the meeting. An interesting address was delivered by Dr. Harold Wilson, of Conneaut, on the subject of first aid to the in- jured. At the suggestion of the com- pany he had prepared a medicine chest for emergency cases similar to that adopted by the Red Cross So- ciety and the various features of this chest he explained in detail to the masters. He also explained to them use of an emergency stretcher, and so impressed the masters that they unanimously recommended that each ship be furnished with a medi- cine chest and an emergency stretcher. Addresses were made on Friday morning by Major Keller of the light- house service, Lieutenant Windram of the Life Saving Service, F. C. Shenehon. principal assistant engineer of the lake survey, Capt. James Stone, of Cleveland, and Capt. C. N. Westcott, of Detroit, supervising inspectors of steam vessels. Among the aids to navigation sub- matine signalling came in for an un- usually large share of attention. The obstacles encountered to the perfect working of this system on the lakes have now been overcome. Naturally on the coast no difficulty was ever experienced because submergence of the apparatus was always possible, but on the lakes the forepeak of the ves- sel is frequently above the waterline. The problem has been met by install- ing the apparatus in No. 1 tank in a special watertight receptacle. This has been done with perfect results on the Rensselaer and Sheadle. The latest installation on the lakes is the submarine signal at Detour. This has 'proved itself a very great aid to navigation as the following re- port of the special epmmiuttee on sub- marines testifies: "We, aS a committee, wish to re- port that we consider the submarine bell installed at Detour a very great aid to navigation as has been demon- strated by 'boats this past season when trance Death they picked up the bell in a heavy fog about six mies below Detour, worked their way in until they picked up the can buoy and then went in the river as far as Sweet's Point, where they let go anchor. We earnestly request that you use every endeavor with Ma- jor Keller to have these bells installed at the several stations as recommend- ed by your committee of masters." The committee recommended that additional submarine signal stations be located at the following points: Lake Superior: Copper Harbor, 1% miles northeast of ght; Eagle river, 14 mile outside of shoal; Michigan Is- land, 234 miles east of the northeasr end of the island, 3 1/3 miles south of Gull Island shoal; Sand Island, on the northeast corner of Sand Island shoal; .Two Harbors, 1 mile southeast of the light; Menagerie Island, as far off Isle Royal light on this island as practi- cable; Gros Cap reef at the head of St. Mary's river; Crisp Point, 2 miles north. Lake Michigan: North Manitou shoal south end gas buoy, known as Rush Shoal; Big Point Sable; Little Bear Point; Calumet Bar Shoal; Gary; Fisherman's Shoal; Outer Shoal, Door saassace, «Grosse Point, 3 miles off point; Sand Point in Little Bay DeNoc; Gravelly Island passage shoal. ; Lake Huron: Point Aux Barques; Presque Isle; Thunday Bay Island. ake Erie: Huron, | mile month, Lorain, 1 mile north; Cleveland, outer crib; Fairport, 1 mile north; Conneaut, 1 mile north;. Erie, 1 mite northeast of North pier; on Seneca Shoal, out- side of Buffalo harbor. The dinner on Friday was well at- tended, James H. Hoyt acting as toastmaster. The speakers were Harry Coulby, A. F. Harvey, H. A. Kelley, EG. Daltoneomelevelands Capt). Sullivan, of Chicago, and Wm. Liv- ingstone, of Detroit. Mr. Livingstone's topic the relationship of the master to the owner, which he handled in quite a masterful manner, as follows: RELATION OF MASTER TO OWNER. It affords me more than ordinary pleasure to meet you here this evening. It is only on occasions of this kind, and at this season of the year, that it is pos- sible to meet so many of you at one time, and it is always a great pleasure to meet the masters of the vessels be- longing to our Lake Carriers' Associa- ene concerned