28 THe MarINE REVIEW VESSEL LOSSES AND WRECKS DURING 1907 During 1907 27 vessels were lost cn the great lakes, 15 of them being steamers, 7 schooners and 5 tugs. Of these 27 vessels 10 were destroyed by fire, 2 were wrecked in collisions and the rest were~ lost through other causes. The greatest loss of the sea- son was, of course, the new steel steamer 'Cyprus which sank in Lake Superior on her second trip, claiming the lives of 23 members of her crew. The Cyprus was valued at $275,0U0. Oiher heavy losses were those of tke steamer Fred Pabst, sunk in collision with the steamer Lake Shore in the St. Clair river, valued at $60,000; the steamer City of Glasgow, destroyed by fire on Green Bay, valued at $60, 000; the steamer Majestic, de stroyed by fire on Lake Erie. valued at $50,000; and the steamer Alexander Nimick, which was pounded to pieces in a storm on Lake Superior, valued at $50,000. : Aside from total losses, the heavi- est damage inflicted upon lake vessels and the Queen City also being very badly damaged. CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF WRECKS. April 7--Sch. Plow Boy, owned by James Martin, Manistee, Mich.; sunk in Lake Mich- igan in storm; raised and repaired; loss, $200. April 10--Str. N.. J. Nessen, owned by ©. Nessen & Co., Manistee, Mich.; cut by ice in Lake Michigan and sank; raised and repaired at Charlevoix, Mich.; loss, $2,500. April' 12---Str. Harry HE. Packer, owned by Tonawanda Iron & Steel Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y.; ran aground on Walpole Island, Shes Clair river; released without injury. April 12--Str. Brazil, owned by Wisconsin Transportation Co., Sheboygan, Wis.; hole cut in port bow by ice in Straits of Mackinac; repaired at Buffalo; loss, $1,500. April 15--Str. H. S. Sill, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; struck at Limekiln Crossing; damaged forepeak; repaired at Toledo; loss, $1,800. April 15--Str. Norwalk, owned by Shoal Water Transportation Co., Mt. 'Clemens, Mich.; collided with a mud scow at Cleveland; dam- aged several planks; drydocked at Cleveland; loss, $350. April 15--Str. Ogdensburg, owned by West- ern Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; ran aground at Point au Barques; slightly damaged for- ward; loss, $1,000. April 15--Str. Pathfinder, owned by © Pick- ands, Mather & Co., Cleveland; ran aground on Bar Point; not damaged. April 15--Bge. Delta, owned by Edward Hines Lumber Co., 'Chicago; went ashore; in tow of str. Louis Pahlow; lost rudder and leaked badly; repaired at Sturgeon Bay. April 15--Str. City of Detroit, owned by D. VESSELS TOTALLY LOST DURING 1907. NAME OF STEAMER, t CAUSE. PACA Caw ht se ers ao koectace ce Foundered .......--- Batchawanna ...... PGS eae Naiets eer ereeetaaeiss GoaStenne serie sis sis cisceastg eras liner ea ines serv eneterere sos OrmOnwe rey one Seeks ae eee ee Sirande diese cndcnccreket Vie yet ertelete ee kes = = ee me eep etree tetenees neo) Waves tichemsiee teisy<csitet stelelecs ore toe EM eer ee dire eintolenecensieie ss Alexander Nimick.......... Steal clams ise tenon i: NVitestanriOtraleamucesneieieuarc othetetotoiene ere meee Cie ieay te oa elegarerls ined JERSE "sooocsoobb bond (Coilliisiom cnoooc0c0008 (CHORES bo 0600000 0000000040 Cargo shifted ...... erurslir CMe pers Reiede ue siercr <ncirele GE eanicl © Guam ere siete City of Grand Rapids...... Sie ter Gee er con rhavennee) =! Ibivaae Macklem, coocoov00600 Piet aeeaceaiedial ole too = Vlora Se timeetspetsis cst orsNereren Lie Renew enceeno stony) City of Glasgow .......... AVS tseeees seeteete tere penetra SCHOONERS. CAUSE. Comal: =, Gogued once pono. Siirannclecl o5000000000 Pe alm ere eee eects ecu © eer yepr pel )fone |: H. D. Moore...... bisa er otors Siecle clam weir iererereneitedelon: 1G) rahe ne ae een Tey action= iell-1- (Coilibisiom ooocccscood Beem S tenia tie rieteeaericicne senate io uimdere cies tele): le pian tiers cremate ier ict) ster= Coilidlec, coasnoccocne Dresden gocvcdodoosnadeo0e Foundered .......... TUGS. CAUSE. TL 1Bs Olas. coooaocconnb INoyevavelerteal 4 og6000000 George Rogers ............ Simmel -o cosnooon0e 18, 40, (Cayrmnavenwoyns 660000000 lotinclenecdemem racket ersic Scan@athiedtye sooceconodocaas Mowundereda- et ae > (Chemaclam oandaccoodasc00c00d ice Mmmrcteier icasicnenoncuchcioiel cys during the year was the 'burning of the new passenger steamer (Chi - ani Cleveland while she was being com- pleted at the yard of the Detroit Ship Building Co., just after she had been launched. A number of very costly collisions occurred, the' most serious one being that between the steamers Wm E. Reis and Monroe C. Smith in the St. Clair river on Nov. 1. The repairs to the Reis will call for an expenditure of about $100,000. An- other seriots accident was the col- lision between the steamers John W. Moore and Queen City in the Detroit river on Oct. 13, the Moore sinking & C. Nav. Co.; hit floating pile at Cleveland; WHERE LOST. CAPACITY. VALUE. jtgike iWMilelmmegna Gooa000000c 230 $ 10,000 Ibeiea Syehoyntobe Gacnooooceds 25,000 3,000 Lake OMG coocosocncs00 B72 = [ealce mee Ic ehi'oatae meer -tonnensict 218 Nealkeme rice sierra ecr 2,000 50,000 NGA coe 1D) e191 © te mreer siete meen eren 2,000 50,000 ILAIKS ONMEINO opocbanaos0000 239 Bee Stree Ol all roaeipl Viet teerec diene teri 2,430 60,000 nolLale Groypersloye ocgonccoccuc 7,000 275,000 Goderich harbor ..........-. ; ; Peele lier Mev ateclehine ci is wake outa: Sarsin@ny IBF 5540000000000 690 20,000 avi eu alsin eee eee ee reiaroniolatert 572 20,000 Gees WEG cocodsocoe000500 2,400 60,000 WHERE LOST. CAPACITY. VALUE. See a eTiC Cueiiielaet- tennis Gireeny BRSY "oocboaoucs conc TONE man SIIT [Cte © Tamme nen ene aicck: eAkcemeb ino rime inti nieter aera onOrieeneir een 230 5,000 Lacline (Camel ccoosdacss000 eal cuee it Clit cari eee ier atte atcners 84 WHERE LOST. CAPACITY. VALUE. WalkenssH nile wu rivam sescta cocker teieks 42 italy Siyp@sOr oacoacsacoos 64 Baker Supenloteemier ier: 52 Lalo Shire Goaccodanodnod IDYatsRONE GRNYSPE cose poaduoddo bucket frame bent; loss, $500. April 15--Str. Louis Pahlow, owned by Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chicago; went ashore on reef near Sturgeon Bay; badly damaged; dry docked at Sturgeon Bay; loss, $2,500. April 16--Schr. Eliza Day, owned by Her- man 'Christianson, Racine, Wis.; capsized off peeaud Point; pumped out and proceeded on rip. April 19--Str. Cartagena, owned by F. B. Chesbrough, Boston, Mass.; ran aground at Bay City; not damaged. April 19--Pile Driver No. 1, owned by Can- adian Dock & Bridge Building Co.; sank at dock, Detroit; raised; loss, $300. April 20--Tug Record, owned by _ Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland; lost rudder and shoe while ramming ice in Superior harbor; loss, $500. April 20--Str. Tuscarora, owned by Lehigh Valley Trans, Co., Buffalo; broke propeller in ice at Buffalo; repaired at Buffalo; loss, $5,000. April 20--Str. A. G. Lindsay, owned by Ar- thur Rupert, Aberdeen, Wash.; aground at Port Huron; not damaged. Penobscot, owned by Lake making dock at Mil- loss, 20--Str. Savane ©utayas repaired at Buffalo; April Transit Co., waukee, lost shoe; $5,000. April 20--Str. C. S. Neff, owned by C. S. Neff, Milwaukee; aground at Bay City; re- paired at Fitzgerald's dock, Port Huron, Mich.; loss, $500. April 21--Str. Vulcan, owned by Vo. Cs Geile christ, Cleveland; collided with bridge at Chi- cago; six plates damaged; repaired at Buf- falo; loss, $5,000. April 21--Str. Henry Steinbrenner, owned by Henry Steinbrenner, Cleveland; broke steer- ing gear, struck dock at Port Huron, broke 10 frames, damaged 8 plates; loss, $10,000. April 22--Str. Western Star, owned by Mich- ael J. Cummings, Oswego, N. Were lOosteeall blades off propeller while fighting ice off Ash- tabula; loss, $2,000. . April 23--Str. Arcadia, owned by Capt. Harry May, Cleveland; lost with all on board in storm on Lake Michigan; loss, $10,000. April 23--Tug Searchlight, owned by Levi Brown, Harbor Beach, Mich.; sank; total loss. April 23--Str. Homer Warren, owned by Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich.; sprung leak in Lake Huron; narrowly escaped foun- dering; loss, $500. April 24--Tug Ida, owned by Charles Pick- ett, Erie, Pa.; engines broken; loss, $500. April 24--Str. Bessemer, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; broke high pressure cylinder, off Colchester; repaired at Cleveland; loss, $1,000. : April 24--Str. Thomas Cranage, owned by S. P. Cranage, Bay City, Mich.; ran on sand bar at Superior; not damaged. April 25--Str. J. T. Hutchinson, owned by Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland; broke all buck- ets from wheel bucking ice in Whitefish Bay; repaired at Buffalo; loss, $800. oa April 25--Str. Castalia, owned by Brown & Co., Cleveland; ran aground on Fighting Island; loss, $300. April 25--Str. William A. Paine, owned by Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland; in collision with str. J. G. Butler in Whitefish Bay; 30 yplates and rudder post damaged; repaired at Buffalo; loss, $10,000. April 25--Str. J. G. Butler, owned by Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland; in collision with str. William A. Paine; not damaged. April 25--Tug John Kelderhouse, owned by Heckler Dredging Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; sprung leak and was _ beached off Dunkirk, N. Y.; abandoned; loss, $7,500. April 26--Str. John Sherwin, owned by Gil- christ Trans. Co., Cleveland; collided with str. J. C. Gilchrist; stern battered; loss, $5,000. April 26--Str. J. 'C. Gilchrist, owned by J. C. Gilchrist, Cleveland; collided with str. John Sherwin in Whitefish Bay; stem twisted; re- paired at Buffalo; loss, $5,000. April 26--Str. Reliance, owned by H. D. Clow, Duluth, Minn.; ran on sand bar near St. Clair, Mich.; not . damaged. April 27--Str. Robert L. Fryer, owned by Mitchell & Co., Cleveland; broke wheel chains; went on rocks at Ballard's Reef; loss, $2,500. April 27--Str. Uranus, owned by J. C. Gil- christ, 'Cleveland; ran aground in Mud Lake; loss, $1,500. New York, owned by_ Port April 27--Str. Huron & Duluth Steamship Co., Port Huron, gear at Port Huron; Mich.; broke steering hit dock; damaged rudder; repaired at Smith's yard, Algonac; loss, $600. April 27--Str. R. J. Gordon, owned by Capt. S. M. Rose, Manitowoc, Wis.; machinery broke down on Lake Michigan; repaired at Manitowoc; loss, $170. April 28--Str. 'Clarence A. Black, owned by Pittsburg Steamship (Co., Cleveland; struck bottom off Point Iroquois; punctured tank; docked at Toledo for repairs; loss, $5,000. April 28--Str. Northern ave, owned by Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; struck harbor pier at Cleveland; damaged 13 plates; repaired at Buffalo; loss, $2,000. April 28--Bge. Magnetic, owned by J. C. Gilchrist, Cleveland, went aground at Port Huron; released uninjured. April 29--Str. R. S. Warren, owned by Cal- umet Trans. Co., Cleveland; stranded on Round Island; released without injury; loss, $200. April 29--Schr. A. W. Thompson, owned by Calumet Trans. Co., Cleveland; in tow of str. R. S. Warner;: stranded on Round Island; released without injury: loss, $150. April 29--Tug Buffalo, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co.. Cleveland; cut through by ice and sunk in Portake Lake; loss, $7,500. April 29--Str. Alexander Nimick, owned by J. C. Gilchrist; Cleveland; hole stove in bow by ice at Portage entry; beached, patched and