2 TARE MarINeE. REVIEW Morison _ Suspension Boiler Furnaces For Land and Marine Boilers Uniform Thickness--Easily Cleaned UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH | a Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces West and Cayler Sts., NEW YORK 0 Re K Near 10th and 23d Sts. Ferries 3 Borough of Brooklyn. RUSCOT The Dependable Marine Motor Wa | Ld Jl YY YY yy Yi menemeser** THE CONTINENTAL IRON W SSS Unique Gombination Flue Gleaner will cut the heaviest scale and grit without injury to the boiler. The brush is strong, circular sheets of steel which work with a rotary movement, or may be used much the Same as an ordinary tube brush on light work---also as a steam jet for blowing soot and ashes from tubes The brush (the only wearing part) supplied in all sizes, and is easily replaced. 12,000 Giving Satisfactory Service. Made to withstand the most severe and contin- uous service. A practical design characterized by the accessibility, compactness and simple ignition gas producing and oiling features. Per- fect control. Four cycle type, two and four cylinders, from 8 Ee i th le type. Reliable Agents Wanted. to 65H.P. Smaller sizes of the two cycle type Catalogue and copy of The Launch for the asking. Write us. Unique Engineering Gompany 100-2 Hinsdale Street Brooklyn, N. Y. Department 46. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co. ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN. | we ESTIMATES « WANTED oe « pleased to offer the results from our fifty years experience; either to recommend suitable machines or to give prices. FROM ALL SHIP BUILDERS who have used the "Providence" windJasses, capstans, winches, towing machines, anchors, etc., (and the list includes practically all of them in the country) we hear that "Providence" machines continue to give better satisfaction than any other machines made. That's why we guarantee them all! ! ' Why shouldn't they give satisfaction when we always lead with the latest and best designs ? Our Automatic Towing Machine is a money saver. We guarantee this as well as the machine. When the time comes you']i want the information in a hurry; why not send to us now for our literature and get your name on our mailing list ? AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. PROVIDENCE, R. EI.