sent to dock; loss, $5,000. ; April 29--Str. Raleigh, owned by Henry Wineman Jr., Detroit; struck obstruction near (Colchester, but was not damaged. April 29--Str. . Pilgrim, owned by C. W. Thompson, St. Clair, Mich.; sprang leak; beached off Port Huron; abandoned; loss, $8,000. April 29--Str. Andrew Carnegie, owned by Wilson Transit Co., Cleveland; broke all buck- ets from wheel while in ice at Sault; loss, $2,000. April 29--Str. Vermillion, owned by J. C. Gilchrist, Cleveland; broke cylinder head; loss, $1,500. April 29--Schr. Melvin S. Bacon, owned by Abraham King, Marine City, Mich.; went ashore at Limekilns owing to broken steering gear; stern, post split; leaked badly; loss, $1,000. 29--Str. James E. Davidson, owned . A. Tomlinson, Duluth; collided with str. M. 'C. Smith; not damaged. April 29----Str. M. C. Smith, owned by U. S. Trans. €o., Cleveland; collided with str. James E. Davidson; not damaged. April 30--Tue L. B. Johnson, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland; sprung leak; beached near 'Mentor, O.; total loss. April 30--lFuel scow Yankee, owned by Hughes Bros. & Bangs, Sandusky; sank at B. & O. dock, Sandusky, blocking passage and was cut to pieces in order to clear way to dock. ; April 30--Schr. Chieftain, owned by James Davidson, Bay 'City, Mich.; aground at Bay City; not damaged. April 30--Str. W. G. Pollock,- owned by W. H. Becker, Cleveland; damaged by ice in Straits of Mackinac; loss, $8,500. April 30--Str. Frederick B. Wells, owned by Peavey Steamship Co., Duluth; 30 plates damaged by ice; repaired at Milwaukee; loss, $7,500. May 1--Str. Caledonia, owned by James Cor- rigan, Cleveland; went aground near Algonac; released without damage. - May 2--Tug Sunol, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co., - Cleveland; squeezed between breakwater and str. Lake Shore; badly dam- aged; repaired at Cleveland; loss, $5,000. May 2--Str. Iroquois, owned by W. C. Richardson, 'Cleveland; collided with str. W. H. Gratwick (small) off Port Huron; steering gear disabled and otherwise. badly damaged; loss, $5,000. May 2--Str. W. H. Gratwick (small), owned by Chicago & Duluth Transportation Co., Chi- cago; collided with str. Iroquois off Port Hu- ron; dent in port side and otherwise badly damaged; loss, $5,000. May 3--Str. Saronic, owned by Northern Navigation Co., 'Collingwood, Ont.; broke wheel on Lake Huron; repaired at Collingwood; loss, $800. May 3--Scow Leader, owned by Georgia Lee, St. Clair, Mich.; sunk while attempting to lighter cargo wrecked str. Pilgrim, Port . Huron; raised; loss, $200. May 3--Str. Scottish Hero, owned by Can- adian Lake & Ocean Nay. Co.; Toronto, Ont.; went aground at Goderich, Ont.; released; loss, $300. .. May 3--Str. J. H. Reed, owned by A. B. Wolvin, Duluth, Minn.; ran aground off Chi- cago; not damaged. j May 4--Str. Winnipeg, owned by John J. Boland & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; collided with str. Empire City off Point Iroquois; loss, $1,000. May 4--Str. Empire City, owned by _ Pitts- burg Steamship 'Co., 'Cleveland; collided with str. Winnipeg off Point Iroquois; forward bulk- head damaged; loss, $2,000. May 5--Str. Turret Court, owned by Can- adian Lake & Ocean Nav. Co., Toronto, Ont.; damaged by ice; loss, $500. May 5--Str. Harry Coulby, owned by L. C. Smith Trans. Co., Cleveland; damaged by ice at Fort William, Ont.; loss, $1,500. : May 6--Str.. Arabian, owned by J. B. Fair- grieve, Hamilton, Ont.; slightly damaged by fire at Fort William, Ont.; loss, $1,500. May 6--Str. Shenandoah, owned by James Davidson, Bay City, Mich.; broke towing ma- chine; loss, $150. : May 6--Str. Sanilac, owned by Mary H. Flood, Chicago, Ill.; got line in her wheel; removed at Grand Marais, Mich.; loss, $50. May 9--Str. David W. Rust, owned iy Ibe S. Sullivan, Toledo: went aground on Peche Island; released without damage. } May 9--Str. John Oades, owned by Mich- igan, Indiana & Illinois line, Chicago; aground at Wyandotte, Mich.; released without damage. May 9--Str. Iron Age, owned by W. J Willoughby, Windsor, Ont.; broke rudder a Detroit; loss, $300. : May 9--Str. Western Star, owned by Mich- ael J. Cummings, Oswego, INE Yes went aground in Detroit river; released without damage. May 10--Tug George D. Morrison (Can.), TAE MnarRINE. REVIEW rudder broke near Sarnia, Ont.; picked up and towed to Sarnia where repairs were made; | loss, $500. May 10--Str. Philip Minch, Henry Steinbrenner, Cleveland; Limekilns; released without injury. May 11--Schr. S. B. Pomeroy, Andrew McKenzie, Detroit; owned by aground at owned by sank in Black river, Lorain, owing to defective pump; pump- ~ ed out and proceeded on trip; loss, $300. May 12--Str. Byron Whittaker, owned by Byron Whittaker (est. of), Detroit; sung in collision with str. John C. Gault in Detroit river; raised and repaired at Ecorse; loss, $12,000. May 12--Str. Frank §S. Upton, lision with str. river; uninjured. May .12--Str. Mecosta, owned by J. C. Gil- christ, 'Cleveland; broke air pump; repaired at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; loss, $500. May 12--Bge. Melvina, owned by M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich.; sprung leak near Port Huron; unloaded and repaired by A. P. Ken- yon, Marine City, Mich.; loss, $400. May 12--Str. A. J. McBrier, owned "by '€. B. Moile, Saginaw, Mich.; destroyed by fire on Lake Huron; loss, $8,600. May 14--Str. A. B. Wolvin (large), owned by A. B. Wolvin, Duluth; slightly damaged by fire on Lake Erie; loss, $400. May 14--Str. City of Mt. Clemens, owned by James W. Steinhoff, Wallaceburg, Can.; ran on rock in Sandusky Bay; beached; pump- ed out and floated. May 15--Str. Ball Brothers, owned by G. A. Tomlinson, Duluth, Minn.; blew out high pressure cylinder head; loss, $1,000. May 15--Str. John Plankinton, owned by Pittsburg & Erie Coal Co., Erie, Pa.; aground at Fort William; released without injury. May 15--Str. W. D. Matthews, owned by St. Lawrence & Chicago Steam Nav. Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.; aground at Fort William, Ont.; released without injury. May 15--Str. F. W. Gilchrist, Gilchrist Transp. Co., Cleveland; John C. Gault, owned by Charlottes Nn = Yemainiecole Byron Whittaker in Detroit owned by aground at Fort William; released without injury. May 15--Str. Caledonia, owned by James (Corrigan, Cleveland; stranded in St. Clair river; released undamaged after lightering part of cargo. May 15--Str. Saxon, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., 'Cleveland; stranded on Cari- bou Island, Lake Superior; badly damaged 30 plates and punctured 3 forward tanks; re- leased and repaired by Toledo Ship Building Co., Toledo. : May 15--Str. Henry W. Oliver, owned by Wilson Transit Co., Cleveland; aground at Buffalo; released after lightering portion of cargo; uninjured. May 17--Str. Saxona, owned by G. A. Tom-. linson, Duluth; stranded on rock bottom at entrance to Sault canal; released, leaking bad- ly; repaired at Cleveland. May 17--Str. Algonquin, owned by St. Lawrence & Chicago Steam Nav. Co., Litd., Toronto; aground in St. Lawrence; released. May 17--Str. James R. Langdon, owned by Rutland Transit Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y.; broke crank pin on Lake Huron; towed to Cheboy- gan for repairs. May 17--Str. Fannie C. Hart, owned by Green Bay Trans. Co., Green Bay, Wis.; broke wheel at Cedar river; repaired at Stur- geon Bay, Wis.; loss, $600. May 21--Str. Naomi, owned by Crosby Transp. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; burned to water's edge on Lake Michigan; loss, $35,000. May 21--Bge. Emma C. Hutchinson, owned by Capt. William Strong, Tonawanda, N. Y.; stranded at Sault. May 22--Str. Mohegan, owned by Holland & Graves, Buffalo; ashore in Georgian Bay; badly damaged; repairs made by Buffalo Dry Dock Co.; loss, $2,500. : May 22--Str. Onoko, owned by Omar H. Reeves, Willoughby, O.; cracked outboard shaft at Detour; repaired at Milwaukee. May 24--Str. Japan, owned by Anchor line, Buffalo; grounded in Portage Lake owing to misplaced buoy; released without damage. May 25--Tug William: Kennedy, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland; squeezed against pier by str. Roumania; rail and num- ber of stanchions broken. May 25--Str. Black Rock, owned by R. J. Dunham, 'Chicago; broke wheel at Milwaukee; drydocked and repaired there. May 25--Str. Lilly Smith, owned by On- tario. Lumber Co., Sarnia, Ont.; beached in Georgian Bay; released. May 26--Schr. Oneida, owned by Anton Hansen, Milwaukee; stranded in gale on North Manitou Island; released. May 26--Str. Majestic, owned by Timothy Hurley, Detroit, Mich.; aground at Toledo; . released without injury. May 27--Str. Western States, owned by D. & B. line, Detroit, Mich.; broke away Zo) from tugs; hit dock; fenders smashed. May 27--Str. C. F. Bielman, owned by Mc- Lachlan Trans. Co., Port Huron, Mich.; went ashore in snowstorm; released. May 27--Bge. Mary E. McLachlan, owned by McLachlan Trans. Co., Port Huron, Mich.; ashore in snowstorm; released; rudder dam- aged, leaked badly; repaired at Detroit. May 27--Schr. John Schuette, owned by John O. Johnson, Toledo, ©O.; sprung leak; beached on Fighting Island, Detroit river; released and towed to Marine City for repairs. May 27--Schr. Sagamore, owned by Huron Barge Co., Cleveland; lost steering gear out- side Cleveland harbor. May 27--Str. Angeline, owned by Cleve- land-Cliffs Iron 'Co., Cleveland; struck while at anchor at Limekilns Crossing by str. Sax- ona; large dent in side; loss, $1,500. May 27--Str. Saxona, owned by G. A. Tom- linson, Duluth, Minn.; ran into str. Angeline while latter was anchored at Limekiln Crossing. May 27--Str. Patrick Culligan, owned by Capt.. J. B. Hall, Buffalo, N. Y.; pounded by storm on Lake Huron; leaked badly. - May 27--Tow barge Dolly Morden and scow, owned by G. H. Morden, Oakville, Can.; carried from dock by storm and beached. May 29--Str. Charles Weston,. owned by Tonawanda Transit Co., Tonawanda, N. Y.; stranded in fog on Outer Island, Lake Su- perior; released after lightering; slightly dam- aged; loss, $100. : May 30--Str. Northern King, Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo; Bar Point, Lake Erie; loss, at Buffalo. Dry Dock. Mav 30--Schr. Ed Kelley, owned by George B. Taylor, Erie, Pa.; ran aground in Niagara river; released without damage. : May 31--Str. William Chisholm, owned by William Gerlach, Cleveland; struck rock in Sandusky -harbor; 13 plates. damaged; repaired ateleonaine: May 31--Str. John T. Hutchinson, owned by Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland; collided with str. Sultana on Lake Superior; injured on starboard quarter; repaired at Buffalo. May 31--Str. Sultana, owned by G. A. Tom- owned by lost wheel off $2,000; repaired linson, Duluth; collided with str. John T. Hutchinson on Lake Superior. May 31--Sch. F. D. Ewen, owned by W. J. Hackett, Cape Vincent, N. Y.; sunk in Soulanges canal; raised. ; May 31--Tug Kate, owned by'H. M. Mowat, Toronto, Ont.; ashore at Farran's Point; floated. : May 31--Tug R. C. Sullivan, owned by Chi- cago & Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chi- cago; knocked out cylinder head at Ashtabula. June 1--Str.. Selwyn Eddy, owned by Lake Transit Co., Bay City, Mich.; sunk in col- lision with bge. 'Maida in Detroit river. June 1--Bge. Maida, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; in collision with str. Selwyn Eddy in Detroit river; stem badly twisted; repaired at Lorain. June 3--Str. Veronica, owned by Tonawan- da Iron &! Steel Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y.; ran on reef in fog near Sturgeon Bay; lost shoe, dry docked at Milwaukee; loss, $350. June 3--Schr. Theo. S. Fassett, owned by Tonawanda Iron & Steel Co., North Tonawan- da, N. Y.; in tow of str. Veronica, ran on reef in fog; rail damaged; repaired at Esca- naba and North Tonawanda; loss, $50. June 4--Str. Sailor Boy, owned by Hart Trans. Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; aground in fog in Green Bay. June 5--Str. W. J. Averell, owned by Rut- land line, Buffalo, Y.; went ashore above Alexandria Bay. June 5--Str. Utica, owned by Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; struck on Horse- - shoe Reef; several bottom plates damaged and stem bent; drydocked at Buffalo; loss, $25,000. June 7--Str. John C. 'Gault, owned by Frank §S. Upton, Charlotte, N. Y.; struck while at dock by str. Peshtigo; badly damaged. June 7--Tug Vic Robinson, caught in squall | on Lake St. Clair; was beached in shallow water. June 8--Schr. C. C. Barnes, owned by L. S. Sullivan, Toledo, O.; grounded in Niagara river; released after lightering. June 8--Str. Eastland, owned by Lake Shire Navigation Co., Cleveland, O.; broke steering gear at Cedar Point; repaired at Sandusky. June 8--Schr. George G. Houghton, owned by L. S. Sullivan, Toledo, O.; smashed into dock at Sarnia, Ont.; loss, $2,000. ' June 10--Bge. Cornwall, owned by Montreal Transportation Co., Montreal, Que.; went on rocks and broke in two; total loss. June 10--Bge. F. A. Georger, owned by J. C. Gilchrist, Cleveland, O.; broke rudder on Lake St. Clair; repaired at Marine City, Mich. June 12--Str. Bulgaria, owned by B. Abra- hams, Green Bay, Wis.; grounded on South Fox Island; released without injury. a June 13--Str. Monohansett, owned by Ohio Cooperage Trans. Co., Cleveland; went aground