30 near dock at Erie, Pa.; released uninjured. June 13--Str. Senator, owned by Wolverine Steamship Co., Detroit, Mich.; sheered and ran hard aground on Ballard's Reef. Detroit river; released without injury. June 13--Str. Bethlehem, owned by Lehigh Valley Trans. Co., Buffalo; wheel chains part- ed in St. Clair river; collided with str. Aus- tralia and bge. Polynesia; large hole stove in side forward by 'the barge; run on_ beach; raised and repaired at Detroit. June 13--Str. Australia, owned by James Corrigan, Cleveland; struck by str. Bethlehem in St. Clair river; large hole punched in port side; beached. June 13--Bge. Polynesia, owned by ~ James Corrigan, Cleveland; in collision with str. Bethlehem while being towed by str. Australia; _stem' twisted and 6 plates damaged; repaired at Toledo. June 14+-Str. E. A. Shores, owned by "Cleveland Transportation Co., Cleveland; sunk at Port Royal owing to weight of water used in extinguishing fire in engine room. June 15--Bge. Montezuma, owned by James Davidson, Bay City, Mich.; ran aground at Limekilns, Detroit river, blocking eastbound channel. June 16--Str. Majestic, owned by Timothy Hurley, Detroit, Mich.; aground on Grosse Pointe, Detroit river. June 17--Str. Sonoma, owned by G. A. Tomlinson, Detroit river; aground, blocking. channel for several] days. June 17--St. bge. Hennepin, owned by Lake Shore Stone Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; ran on sunken dock at North Muskegon; uninjured. June 20--Str. D. M. Clemson, owned by Provident Steamship Co., Duluth, Minn.; in collision with str. James B.. Neilson off Middle Island in fog; badly damaged. June 20--Str. James B. Neilson, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; in col- lision with str. D. M. Clemson in fog off Middle Island. June 21--Str. Batchawanna, owned by John -Ganley, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; burned off ReaD Point, Lake Superior; total loss; 25,000 June 21+--Str. W. G. Pollock, owned by W. H. Becker, Cleveland, O.; in collision with str. Colonial in Detroit river, _ June 21--Str. Colonial, owned by J. C. Gil- christ, Cleveland; in collision with str. W. G. Pollock in Detroit river. June 21--Tug Harvey Watson, owned by Joseph Landon, 'Chicago, Ill.; broke shaft in -Lake Huron; towed to port. June 21--Str. Yale, owned by John J. Bo- land & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; aground on Point Pelee; released without injury. - June 22--Str. Sydney C. McLouth, owned by Sydney C. McLouth, Marine City, Mich.; sustained twisted rudder stock; repaired at Marine City. June 23--Str. Fayette Brown, owned by Northwestern Trans. Co., Detroit; struck bridge at Cleveland; two plates damaged and bow in- jured. June 23--Str. Mariposa, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; broke air pump; repaired at Port Huron. June 25--Str. Ida E., owned by Charles Lonsby, Mt. Clemens, Mich.; ran aground in St. Clair river in storm; released without damage. June 26--Steam sand sucker Atlas, owned by Herman Dahlke, Chicago; steer gearing broke, ran into bnidge at Chicago and sank, _ putting bridge out of commission and _block- ing channel; raised and repaired. June 26--Scow Ohio, owned by Buckeye Construction Co., Cleveland; sank in old river bed at Cleveland. June 27--Str. George King, owned by M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich.; cabin consider- ably damaged by fire; Niagara river. June 29--Tug George Rogers, owned by J. A. Moore, Dollar Bay, Wis.; ran on reef in fog on Lake Superior; total loss. June--Str. Cartagena, owned by F. B. Ches- brough, Boston, Mass.; struck bottom and smashed rudder on way down from Bay City; drydocked at Detroit. June--Str. United Lumbermen, owned by George H. Morden, Oakville, Can.; struck wreck of bge. Massassoit in Niagara river; re- leased. July 1--Str. Manitou, owned by Manitou Steamship Co., Chicago; broke steering gear; repaired at Harbor Springs, Mich. July 1--Str. Tionesta, owned by Erie & Western Trans. Co. (Anchor line), Buffalo, N. Y.; grounded at Portage entry; released herself. July 2--Tug Annie, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland: lost wheel at Fairport. July 3--Str. John Otis, owned by Mc- Millan, Muskegon, Mich.; grounded on Stag Island; released uninjured. July 5--Str. James P. Walsh, owned by Ohio Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran ashore in of Bangor off Whitefish .Point; aged. -L. Coyne in Detroit river; TAE Marine REVIEW fog near Manitowoc; released slightly dam- aged. Sale 5--Str, Ionia, owned by E. L. Thomp- son, Detroit; in collision with str. Samuel Mother abreast of Port Huron; slightly dam- aged ray 5--Str. Samuel Mather, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; in collision with str, Ionia abreast of Port Huron. July 5--Str. Neepawah, owned by R. O.and A. B. McKay, Hamilton, Ont.; ran on rock in Cornwall canal; badly damaged; drydocked at Kingston, Ont.; loss, $1,700. July 5--Str. E. J. Earling, owned by G. A. Tomlinson, Duluth; stranded during fog on Gros Cap Point; released; forward plating badly damaged. July 5--Str. Iona, owned by E. A. Hall, L'Original, Can.; struck gates in Cornwall canal, carrying them away. July 7--Str. Henry Phipps, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; struck on Pyramid Point in fog; released without injury. July 9--Str. Bermuda, owned by James Da- vidson, Bay City, Mich.; broke steering gear in Detroit river. July 10--Tug Monarch, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland; lost rudder at Conneaut; repaired at Cleveland. July 11--Str. Tuscarora, owned by Lehigh Valley Transp. Co.. Buffalo; in collision' with str, Maryland at Port Huron; bow stove in; sunk. . 3 July 11--Str. Maryland, owned by Vance & Joys, Milwaukee; rammed the str. Tuscarora at Port Huron; bow badly damaged. : July 11--Str. New York, owned by Port Huron & Duluth Steamship Co., Port Huron; struck by str. Tuscarora as she drifted down stream after collision with str. Maryland; bow damaged; loss, $4,000; repaired by Detroit Dry Dock Co., Detroit. July 12--Str. City of Bangor, owned by Lake Transit Co., Bay City, Mich.; collided with str. Saxona in fog; grounded; slightly damaged. July 12--Str. Saxona, owned by G. A. Tom- linson, Duluth, Minn.; collided with str. slightly dam- eat 13--Str. neer Steamship Co., Limekilns, blocking jured. July 13--Str. Joseph Sellwood, owned by Mitchell & Co., Cleveland; collided with str. Sinaloa in Detroit river; beams and plates cracked. July 13--Str. linson, Duluth; wood in Detroit river; D. R. Hanna, owned by Pio- Cleveland; grounded at channel; released unin- Sinaloa, owned by G. A. Tom- collided with str. Joseph Sell- bow damaged. July 13--Schr. Emma L. Coyne, owned by Campbell & Owen, Detroit; sunk in collision with str. Wallula in Detroit river; raised; badly damaged; drydocked at Cleveland. July 13--Str. Wallula, owned by J. C. Gil- christ, Cleveland; collided with schr. Emma not damayed. James P. Walsh, owned by July 14--Str. Cleveland; struck str. Ohio Steamship Co., Starrucca in Buffalo harbor; not damaged. July 14--Str. Starrucca, owned by Union Steamboat line, Buffalo, N. Y.; struck by str. James P. Walsh in Buffalo harbor; slightly injured equipment. July 15--Str. Corunna, owned by Lake & Ocean Nav. Co., Toronto, Ont.; ma- chinery disabled near Port Colborne, Ont. July 16--Str. Wisconsin, owned by Wiscon- Canadian sin Transit Co., Cleveland; went ashore on Parisien Island, Lake Superior; released. July 16--Str. I. N. Foster, owned by Lars H. Jensen, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; broke shaft in Sturgeon Bay canal. July 16--Str. William S. Mack, owned by Lake Erie Trans. Co., Cleveland; stranded in fog near Detour, Mich.; released; slightly damaged; loss, $2,000. uly 17--Str. John D. Dewar, owned by Pere Marquette Railroad ~Co., Ludington, Mich.; disabled in Lake Michigan by broken boiler. plate. : July 17--Str, Yuma, owned by Wilson Transit Co., Cleveland; rammed drill boat at Buffalo; not damaged. July 18--Str. Carolina, owned by Goodrich ransportatione Cor. Chicago, | Mile.) mane) into bridge at Menominee, Mich.; blocked traffic but was uninjured. July 20--Str. James E. Davidson, owned by A. Tomlinson, Duluth; broke steering gear; crashed into dock at Fort Gratiot. July 20--Str. P. P. Miller, owned by J. E. Ball, Buffalo; aground in Mud Lake; released without injury. July 20--Str. Flora, owned by Lake Shore Navigation Co., Cleveland; collided with sand sucker John M. McKerchey in Detroit river; badly damaged; repaired at Davidson's, Bay City; loss, $2,500. July 20--Str. John M. McKerchey, owned by John M. McKerchey, Detroit, Mich.; in City. collision with str. Flora in Detroit river; slightly damaged. July 21--Str. Homer Warren, owned by Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich.; went heavy weather, backed- and got ashore at Whitefish Point in accompanied by three barges; line in her wheel; loss, $100. July 21--Bge. White & Friant, owned by Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich.; ashore in tow of str. Homer Warren at Whitefish Point; not damaged. July 21--Bge. Thomas H. Cahoon, owned by Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich.; ashore in tow of str. Homer Warren at Whitefish Point; not damaged. July 21--Bge. B. B. Buckhout, owned by Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich.; ashore in tow of str. Homer Warren at Whitefish Point; loss, $500. July 25--Str. D. R. ericiae owned by Pio- neer Steamship Co., Cleveland; broke steering gear at Buffalo; collided with str. Eastern States and also struck dock. July 25--Str. Frontenac, owned by Cleve- land-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland; struck bridge at Saginaw; bow badly damaged; repaired at Cleveland. July 25--Str. Nevada, Lake & Ocean WNav..~Co., aground in St. Lawrence river; drydocked at Kingston, Ont. July 25--Str. Georgetown, owned by J. L. Crosthwaite, New York City; struck rock in St. Lawrence river; bottom plating badly dam- aged; drydocked at Buffalo; loss, $4,000. owned by Canadian Toronto, Ont.; badly damaged; July 26--Str. Troy, owned by Western Transit Co., Buffalo; struck log in Portage river; broke several bukets from wheel; re- paired at Houghton. July 28--Str. John Crerar, owned by Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Trans. Co., Chicago; stranded in fog off Whitefish Point; released. July 31--Str. Cleveland Transp. Co., St. aground on Walpole Island. July--Str. City of New York, owned by George Wilkinson, Sarnia, Out.; went aground at ae es Point; released; slightly dam- aged July--Str. Adella Shores, owned by Sidney O. Neff, Malwaukee; lost foremast in storm on Lake Superior; replaced at Milwaukee. Douglass, owned by Oscoda &. Clair, Mich.; ran July--Str. Onnoko, owned by Omar H. Reeve, Willoughby, O.; went aground at De- tour, Mich.; tanks filled with water. July--Str. Premier, owned by Doty Engine Works, Ltd., Goderich, Ont.; struck rock in Lake Erie; damaged wheel and rudder; dry- docked at Buffalo. Aug. 1--Sand sucker Junior, owned by Os- car Jarsch; lost wheel in Lake Michigan. Aug. 1--Tug 'Chicago; owned by Dunham Towing & Wrecking Co., Chicago; tripped on tow line, capsized and sank; raised; badly damaged. Aug. 1--Str. City of Grand Rapids, owned by John W. Averill, Grand River, O.; ran aground at Manitoulin Island; released unin- jured. Aug. 2--Str. W. S. Mack, owned by Lake Erie Trans. Co., Cleveland; blown against bridge at Sheboygan, damaging it seriously. Aug. 2--Str. Eastland, owned by Lake Shore Navigation Co., Cleveland; aground in San- dusky Bay; uninjured. Aug. 5--Str. City of Benton Harbor, owned by Graham & Morton Transp. Co., Chicago; machinery disabled in Lake Michigan; towed to Chicago and repaired; loss, $1,000. Aug. 5--Str. Oscoda, owned by Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chicago; lost wheel in Point du Morts passage; drydocked at Mani- towoc; loss, $1,200. Aug. 6--Str. Pascal P. Pratt, owned by Lake Erie Transp. Co., Cleveland; went aground at Bar Point, Lake Erie; released un- injured after lightering part of cargo. Aug. 6--Schr. Melitta, owned by Martin Coyne, Milwaukee; stranded on Chambers Is- land; released uninjured. F Aug. 6--Str. Manistee, owned by J. O. Nes- sen & Co., Manistee, Mich.; broke wheel at Ludington; repaired at Manitowoc; loss, $1,000. Aug. 7--Str. Arabian, owned by J. B. Fair- grieve, Hamilton, Ont.; aground in Lake St. Francis. Aug. 7--Str. Lizzie Madden, M. J. Lynn, manager, Bay City, Mich.; ran aground in Niagara river; released. Aug. 7--Bge. Theo. Wall, M. J. Lynn, manager, Bay City, Mich.; aground in tow of str. Madden; released. Aug. 7--Str. G. J. Grammer, owned by Sei- ther Transit Co., Cleveland; struck bottom at Sailors' Encampment; 12 plates damaged; dry- docked at Cleveland. : Aug. 8--Str. Coaster, owned by F. 3 ana Goderich, Ont.; destroyed by fire; loss, Aug. 8--Bge. Golden Age, owned by W. C. 'Richardson; ashore at Limekiln Crossing, De- troit river; released after lightering; loss, $300.