Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 9 Jan 1908, p. 34

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34 Duluth- Superior water front; not in commis- sion when disaster occurred. Dec. 1--Str. Morrow, owned by Joseph Sell- wood, Duluth; stranded at Bar Point, Detroit river; released on Dec. 2. Dec. 2--Str. Empire City, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded in thick weather in Indiana Harbor, Lake Michi- gan; released, uninjured. Dec. 2--Str, Scranton, owned by Mitchell & Co., Cleveland; struck pier head at Ashta- bula harbor; broke wheel and quadrant. Dec. 3--Str. City of Glasgow, owned by Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland; destroyed by fire on Green Bay; total loss; wreck dyna- mited by government engineer to clear entrance to Green Bay; valued at $60,000; machinery probably -saved. Dec. 4--Str. 'Joliet, Steamship Co., Cleveland; East Shoal, Lake Erie. Dec. 5--Str, E. D. Carter, owned by E. D. Carter, Erie, Pa.; steering gear became dis- abled in Detroit river; not seriously injured. 'Dec. 5--Str. Fayette Brown, owned by Northwestern Transportation Co., Detroit, Mich.: out in heavy weather on Lake Superior near Keweenaw Point; steering gear disabled and rudder tackle broke; temporary steering gear installed and went to Marquétte for re- pairs; left there on Dec. 16. Dec. ..--Str. Samuel Mitchell, owned by W. C. Richardson, 'Cleveland; rammed by str. Manistee at Milwaukee; three plates dented, one frame broken and fender streak smashed; docked for repairs. . Dec. 5--Sand_ sucker Mary; str. McKerchey in Detroit river; starboard side Saiz hed sand spar down; aged estimated -at $1,2 Dec. 5--Str. McKerchey, owned by John M. McKerchey, Detroit, collided with sand sucker Mary in Detroit river; not injured. Dec. 7--Str. Desmond, owned by Detroit River Transportation Gor collided with str. Reis ashore in St. Clair ship canal; sank. ~ Dec. 7--Str. C. W. Elphicke, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; stranded on Lake Michigan; released on Dec. 8, unin- jured. Dec. 9--Govt. str. Aspen, eoned imy Wh, Ss government; stranded on Sugar Tete Lake Superior; released on Dec. 11, uninjured. Dec. 9--Canadian str. Wasage: stranded in dense fog on Round Island, Lake Superior; released, uninjured. Dec. 9--Str. Wahcondah, owned by R. O. & A. B. McKay, Hamilton, Ont.; stranded on Round Island, Lake Superior, in dense fog; released, uninjured. Dec. 10--Str. A. H. Hawgood, owned by Neptune Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran aground in 'Sault river; lightered; released on Decwel2: ; Dec. 10--Str. Nottingham, owned by United States Transportation Co., Cleveland; ran aground in Sault river; leaked; docked for repairs. Dec. 11--Str. Harry Coulby, owned by L. C. Smith Transit Co., Syracuse, N. Y.; struck in Sault river; not damaged. Dec. 14--Tug T. C. Lutz, owned by Dun- ham Towing & Wrecking Co., (Chicago; struck in Sandusky harbor, channel marks having been removed; lost rudder. Dec. 20--Tug Tom Dowling, owned by. Inde- pendent Tug Line, Duluth,' Minn. ; ; sank near Washburn, Wis. owned by Pittsburg disabled at South collided with bulwarks on dam- WINTER MOORING LIST (Continued from page 27.) TORONTO, ONT. Schr. Arthur Str. Corunna Str. Belleville Str. Kenora Str. Bickerdike Str. Kingston Str. Brockville Str. Nevada Str. Cayuga Str. Ongiara Str. Chicora Str. Plummer, J. H. Str. 'Chippewa Str. Rapids King Str. City of Montreal Schr. St. Louis Str. City of Ottawa a Toronto Str. Corona Turbinia TRAVERSE CITY. MICH. Str. Thompson, Emma_ E. veer ONT. Str. Pellatt, H. WYANDOTTE, MICH. Str. Douglas Str. Johnson, Henry The annual meeting of the Lumber 'Carriers' Association will be held at the Hotel Normandie, Detroit, on Wednesday next. Vice President W. H. Teare, of 'Cleveland, will preside. TARE MARINE REVIEW BIDS FOR REPAIRING LIGHT TENDER. Bids received at the office of the inspector of the twelfth lighthouse district at San Fran- cisco, Cal., opened Dec. 3, for making repairs to lighthouse tender Madrono, were as follows: W. A. Boole & Son, San Francisco, Gale ee ee es cet $2;015300 United Hapincerne Works, Sa lhc, (CeIL sdc000000b00gu00K0 2,374.00 Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Sane hinamc1sCOvn Gall mreecte steienenel sic ot= 2,480.00 Moore & Scott Iron Works, San Pireeisee, (Call, occgouoococoncg0000 2,598.00 Main Street Iron Works, San Fran- ego, CML oocooagdeoc00 505900000 2,902.48 Union Iron Works, San Francisco, Cale et Ro ee eC ae slaio a leriete. 6 3,353.00 Christie Machine Works, San Fran- - CISC Ome (Gall eeeeeperee erty sttehcMator tel erensrareas 3,883.00 GROWTH OF AVERAGE CARGOES. Figures of the Duluth, Missabe & Northern road, for the past 12 years, show the increase in annual average cargoes loaded there to have been as follows: Gross Tons Gross Tons Ore : Ore Average Average Year Cargo. Year. Cargo. NSO Sie estsen creteative 1,800 UG OD Rivers, ovonctetere oils 4,899 WINS o occgn opeceee 2,202 [O08 eikererererersiorelele 5,668 WS Oemtte: Meroe veictess 3,556 D904 er siaieeie sete 5,272 SO Sis vsisecwets eres Seon VG OS er swoscvswerscecarausts 6,101 8 Orr peie st scrrainra 3,803 IQNOGSsoccataccace 6,973 SO OR perereperctecretess 3,783 VO OPS cronarcsetas 7,516 LOOM Re oe 4,459 7 BIDS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES. Bids received at the bureau of supplies and accounts, navy depatrment, Washington, D. C., opened Dec. 17, for material and supplies for the navy yards, included the following: Class 81--Brooklyn--One Steam Winch. American Ship Windlass Co., Provi- dence, R Lambert Hoisting Engine Co., New- } eee ee ee ewe eee eee eee ewes ark, Na Ce ets se cs i 745.00 630.00 Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., 90 Liberty S Geepee NIC Ws pe VGOGKI a caespauss aie tcnh e's o-ctacec 1,850.00 Marine Mfg. & Supply Co, 151 Soutln Su, INewy Wodkoootacceucon0 544.50 Vermillye & Power, 17 Battery . Pl., ING war Okgreeny oe uicte rs as cc nens 553.00 Williamson Bros. Co., Aramingo and Cumberland Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 750.00 850.00 Charles Machine Co., Cleveland, O.. 750.00 Class 126--Brooklyn--300 Sq. Yds. Fearnought Cloth and 5,000 Yds. Burlap. Joseph F. Curran, 56 Leonard St., ING wah ViOn coer ieee eres aie aisles oon $ 676.00 R. P. Clarke Co., Washington, D. C. 544.00 J. Ross Collins, 84 White St., New SVfOrri amen (Dat emer eer Mes ienece nse 396.50 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin S teaetNICWaOT Ka icv. tetel etches fe) ejeielerecs 621.00 _ Joseph N. Snellenberg, 12th and Mar- ket Sts., Philadelphia (part)....... 450.00 Siegel-Cooper Co., Sixth Ave. and TS ee Steppe Niwa VOlneisriclreiacire «6. « 651.00 Class 131--F'ortsmouth--2,000 Ft. Hose. Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire Sic, Bosom, IMADS, Gocacccoadddd00 $1,675.00 B. F. Goodrich Co., 66 Reade St., INS ape AO Geet ev ceeiatccce Misia si civitseiece + a 1,345.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., Gre Dianemnc tee Nie Wars OlKneten cver le 1,375.00 Handland-Buck Mfg. Co., St. Louis, INUOS PERE ner nisi cer hes ster eee 1,775.00 Motley, Green & Co., 66 Broad St., INTE WaBYO TICE eos AI leqeteiieiaiestaiecest ae © alse 1,555.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- ETE UVA Ot Re NIG Ware Olhn| clei eis clteretisie «6 1,560.00 Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., 11 Vesey . S Eee NG We MOG ale tie isle. siateoehcoire oie e's 1,375.00 DREDGING IN WOLF AND JOR- DAN RIVERS. Bids for dredging at the mouths of Wolf and Jordon rivers, Miss., received by Maj. H. Jervey, corps of engineers, U. S. army, Mo- bile, Ala., opened Nov. 21, were as follows: Per cu. yd. Southern Dredging Co., Mobile, Ala...$0.16 Home Dredging Co., Mobile, Macs 0.16% Jancke Navigation Co., New Orleans, Ibe, Oil? BIDS FOR FURNISHING BUOYS. Bids received at the office of the inspector of the third lighthouse district, Tompkinsville, N. Y., on Dec. 12, for furnishing four moor- ing buoys and four bottom castings, were as follows: *Union Boiler Mfg. Co., Lebanon, Mere Erste ich ciate see Seseiens waheke ws $1,080.00 Canton Boiler & Engineering Co., Chintiomy OL Seotiedvoapoonpenuoous 1,300.00 Christian N. Seidle, Lebanon, Pa. 1,432.96 Franklin. Machine & Steamer Boiler \Worles, leaky, IN, Wooosaocone 1,440.00 P. Delaney & Co., Newburgh, N. J.. 2,500.00 * Accepted. DREDGING IN DELAWARE RIVER. Abstract of proposals for dredging Delaware in sections 4 and 5, opened Nov. 15, river 1907: INjovele a Nios =2: No. a: oH a» HO. S$ om Op a oe fae) Ow - os Be oa oa a oe ve ae) AY 39 52 Cad 3 Ea, ae ho ar ie cel cai eet Sa 2 Bee Wn ° tw 2 TE) ao § 7 6 ea 3 ian Cee ea tO Eoad p CEE se CAA ee OC _ Dredging Price Price Price in Sections. Cu Yds. Per Yd. Per Yd. Per Yd. In Section 4.... . 18%c 20%c 16c In Section 5A.. 19%c 213/10c 16c In Section 5B.. 20%4c 26c 17%e BIDS FOR FLATBOAT. Bids received by Lieut. Col. William T. Ros- sell, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, Cincin- nati, O., opened Dec. 17, for constructing one steel flatboat, were as follows: Springfield Boiler & Mfg. Co., Spring- fel dil ies eigeiacpavattristeacatatebcis sores $12,650.00 American Bridge Co. of New York, Cincinnatig OF qa sere cesta cleus o's 7,680.00 STEEL BARGES FOR CANAL COMMISSION. Bids were opened Dec. 21 by the purchas- ing agent of the Isthmian Canal Commission, Washington, D. C., for furnishing four steel dump barges, free of all charges, complete in knock-down condition, with necessary appur- tenances, ready for erection on dock at Colon. The bids were as follows: Each. Fore Fiver Ship Building Co., Quincy, Masse: aan ae oo Loa ea $24,000.00 Maryland Steel Co., Sparrow's Point, See Cee laste ieee cert racine ies 19,800.00 Motley, Green & Co., 66 Broad St.. News SViorkvereeaccs oheiaie eusreiaiayeis ee 23,160.00 Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va..... 20,800.00 Pusey & Jones Co.,. Wilmington, Del. 31,946.00 U. S. Steel Products Export Co., 21 Steme Sin, New Made Sooooocasucc 25,200.00 EXPORTS AND IMPORTS BY PORTS. BY WALTER J. BALLARD. Following is a comparison of our exports by ports in 1906, as compared with 1896, fiscal years, showing the growth in exports and imports in the 10 years from each port region, in round millions of dollars: ; EXPORTS. 1896. 1906. lattice pOlLtSmasrsierter $701,000,000 $1,074,000, 000 (Giedk? (pormis ohooodaue 170,000,000 410,000,000 Northern border and EWG: ONHHA= 5 GG0600 63,000,000 187,000,000 IPacifice pOttse lo. le 58,000,000 88,000,000 Mexican border ports 13,000,000 39,000,000 IMPORTS. 1906. 896. Atlantic ports $564,000,000 $1,042,000,000 Northern border and lake portS .......-. 47,000,000 104,000,000 Pacific ports ....... 42,000,000 80,000,000 Gulf ports: .---....~ 17,000,000 59,000,000 Mexican border ports 3,000,000 17,000,000 Interior ports ...... 7,000,000 17,000,000 The figures speak for themselves.

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