TAE MarRINeE REVIEW Dake Pilot House Steam Steerer FOR TUCS AND STEAMERS Using either single or double wheel as required. Simple, durable, efficient and practically noiseless. Can easily be changed to hand gear if necessary. We also make Capstans, Windlasses, Boiler Testing Pumps, Derrick Crabs, Swinging Gears, Deck Hoists, Engines direct connected to Centrifugal Pumps and Electric Dynamos, Chain Hoists, all kinds of Brass and Gray Iron Castings. DAKE ENCINE COMPANY Grand Haven, Mich. zy c WALKER'S PATENT Smith's Coal Dock || Snip-togs DETROIT RIVER are unequalled for Accuracy and Durability. DETROIT, MICH. 12 Pockets. Platform. | Low Dock Walker's latest pattern oeae Log, the "CHERUB" MARK II This Log has balJl bearings and is fitted with a sliding case, to allow of the wheel-work being Oiled While the Log is At Work. Operated by THOS. WALKER & SON, Ltd. STANLEY B. SMITH & CO. Makers to the British and Japanese Navies. a J 58 Oxford St., BIRMINGHAM, ENC. THE BOILERS WVILL BE OUT OF SERVICE a much shorter time for washing, thereby requiring very much less labor, to say nothing of the saving in fuel and the increased efficiency of the boilers, if the incrusting solids and other deleterious salts in the water are acted upon by DEARBORN COMPOUNDS and their injurious properties destroyed. Send us gallon sample of your feed water for analysis. 299 Broadwa Postat Telegraph Bids aes