Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 9 Jan 1908, p. 44

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a4 TAE MarRINE. REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Continued. Generale Blectiic (Got ate i: = >: eS ie ene: Se INE Ne Northern Engineering Works.. ae Be ih singe rg bowtie a Detroit, : Republic Belting & Supply Co....... By eee ented aN ae ok aren Cleveland, O. HOISTS (Pneumatic). Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... 'Cleveland, O. Mich. ottovisoiie.(o elo) pi elteioleieleks 1040019) 101 e1e Dake Engine Co.Grand Haven, Northern Engineering Works.. es aera een rte « Detroit, Mich. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON OR STEEL BARS. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co.......... Susie Cuyahoga Falls, O. HYDRAULIC TOOLS. Watson-stilliman Gmmbher... i... . SEAS Mee oc Suuiel ae Ree oeegice New York. ICE MACHINERY. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... By fe ee Fo 9 pe cm ete race gereds. oe Detroit. Roelker, HiRes enercrciees New York INJECTORS. American Injector Co....... Detroit. Jenkins) roster New York. iPeanatony Minyocwory (COccdausoacacaoe Seto aati ater ote tac a oth Detroit, Mich INSURANCE, MARINE. Belcher, - binedesl ar «sc Winnipeg. Byrne 2 (Conooccocc Buffalo, N. Y. Elphicke, C. W. & Co......Chicago. Gilchristv Go G. Pian. ; Cleveland. Hawgood & Co. W. A....Cleveland. Elelm: & "Cole Daele.. es. Duluth. utchinson 6 COs. <1... Cleveland. WieGekrdiay, dhs Te oas en bouse Montreal. McGurdiy,, Geoy elon as oss Chicago. Mehl dwarditierions <<. cit Erie, Pa. Mitchell" & Cos s25 55.0... Cleveland. @©.Conner Jes.) bout Arthur, Ont. Parkers bros. Co, tds... -... Detroit. IPRA os 2 (Cola guaseas anne Chicago. Raelnaucalsonal, WY, CGeosnecanoo Cleveland. Sullivan, ID), et (Comes amoanios oc Chicago. Warnes Seow: COb ss sagoos Milwaukee. Wihlleons, JPacle: te 1ehbyeanes, oo boq00d0ds ett geese New York and Chicago. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. ieMenrinicy View een © One ere cers Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co....Cleveland. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC. APraecyerors iors IWbitee. (Go) suas conn ooes Be eee bie tes Sr LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. AiinstronenConka Con...) «a. Pittsburg. Diagettin eMOSs CP SONs sce s ss <i cc ee. 6 Beer ihsra heros SES om Wilmington, Del. Kenhnwvelleris = David. | SOngl......- 6 BREE a otaie ioc Tee tials) ohake hots New York. LOGS. Nicholson Ship Log Co.. Walter S OS eeshOlilaS cls ae eerie asian armen Birmingham, Eng. LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon' Crucible Co, Joseph........: IRI BAN EY ace Cieeee ns Jersey City, N. J. .Saginaw, Mich. U. S. Graphite Co... LUBRICATORS. Petibertiy rmjechom Oren ccc oa. ells chs Republic Belting & Supply Co. ores Ry ea Ree aS Cleveland. Joseph, Mich. . Cleveland. LUMBER. Mirattin=IbarrisssCOe..... 5... Cleveland. MACHINISTS. Chase Machine Co........ Cleveland. MOckwoOde Ming. CO... .cncctes ob ccss SRS e cic ot oe East Boston, Mass. McKinnon Iron Works, Ashtabula, O. Supemote Iron: VWVORKS). 0. itcts occ vee MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD WORKING). Atlantic Works, Inc.... MARINE MODELS. hier BouchentGOm. icc saan. Be ern aneichs ois siet! New York City. MARINE MACHINERY--STEAM. Marine Iron Wks........ Chicago, III. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. HO Deere "WN irertes Sicreutt ea «a's New York. MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS American Ship Building Co........ ee he is) sos Saree Cleveland. .. Detroit. Detroit Ship Building Co.. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... EC chistes a Ss si Detroit. METALLIC PACKING. Unique Engineering Co............. Bec itece tie 6 ste 9:4 Brooklyn, N. Y. Katzensteiny Ie. o Co. .... New York. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... eee nw aod ao Cleveland. MOTORS, GENERATORS-- ELECTRIC. Generale blectric Gon. .c0 oe6 crocs cece PR eae dears cies -,..-9chenectady, N. Y. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. er Chilene beer OCT OONS: ....2-ccce+s sss IRR Riel fee sine oats Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Ba COC 2 leetOloe aggagad Cleveland. Gui INODET st cits cy + eco Cleveland. Eynd Alexander. .>.-..... Cleveland. IKsialGl, JORG Ns 6dn560eee Duluth, Minn. SaiMeSepct rico 7ec..s ss Cleveland. Wally Galton. 4. cc. «. Detroit, Mich. WVIOG CREE Vicia cee toss ecco es Chicago. Nacey, OAKUM. Straitronde s@aktm: (CO... .o06 50s cic 4b ainiae & CREA ee Jersey City, N. J. OIL AND GREASE CUPS. Penberthy Injector Co........-...-. PTR is Siccie a's oie Dertoit, OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph........ Mee eieiciole cise as « Jersey City, N. J. WMiomittomaOllCo.......... Cleveland. U. S. Graphite Co.. PACKING. JemMtng JRO wah ee om ceeee New York. Katzenstein, L. & Co.... Republic Belting & Supply Co...... DO meh i deca 6 aa. Cleveland. Steel Mill Packing Company....... PEM C6 Ss co. & oie. lays Detroit, Mich. PADDLE-WHEEL BOAT MACHINERY. Marine I1on Wks...... Chicago, Ill. Hascall Philadelphia. .Saginaw, Mich. PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Baker, Howard H. & Co..... Buffalo. ElandyasPaimtace Vianiishs Com aves Cia a ee eGR EE cruel Toledo, O. Paimt®:Gornekek ke Cleveland. Standard Varnish Works..New York. Upson-Walton C€o.....5..- Cleveland. U. S. Graphite Co....Saginaw, Mich. PILE DRIVING AND SUBMAR- INE WORK. Buttalo Wredgingsa©ore- wee. Buffalo. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.... ie este aie ae ae, <2 lar eg Buffalo. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. Sas iets oe eee em Chicago. Barker bros Cor, letG ec qasn: Detroit. Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H.. REN re eeeate ais greiaet ser tare Milwaukee. Sullivan Meee eet ste te aoa Buffalo. PIPE CUTTING AND THREAD- ING MACHINES. iBhes Arimstromen ings COs siecle cee ce TERE tess eg MESS Bridgeport, Conn. PIPE, WROUGH: IRON. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Peter gc chitcl yates etiete tee Cleveland. PLATES--SHIP, STRUCTURAL, ETC. Otis: Steel: Cosssss ee. Cleveland. PRESSURE REGULATORS. Ross Valve Mfg. Co....Troy, N. Y. PROPELLER WHEELS. American Ship Building Co......... Eee tasers ot peice ues Aogeke ace Cleveland. Atlantic Works..East Boston, Mass. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.... Philadelphia. Detroit Ship Building Co....Detroit. Fore River Ship Building Co........ SOE. oc coe Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... isk tavend cloperagoe es © saorecehttanal tension Detroit. Hyde Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. lockwood Nites. Comes mie tca- 5. cee ea ya hee East Boston, Mass. Marine = [rote WVikKSic sci. + 6s Chicago. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co............ gs Ae tae fav eee SR oR Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co.. Saas Sereea anes Newport News, Va. Roelker He Bac... 5< «cr New York. Sherine: WMigwCo..... «se. Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building Co.......... Sige Ere ihaals os Superior, Wis. Toledo Ship Building Co..... Toledo. PR EOUts Ele Gr. (creerecyee cicrate sic Buffalo. PROJECTORS, ELECTRIC. Getiekale mulectrich CO. .ccn cect ccs PORN oe arta eke c (ete Schenectady, Ney PUMPS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Fas isda? cleat A EU OE Detroit. Kingsford Foundry & Machine WO Plies hk cs iaware esters Oswego, N. Y. Marine Iron Works......... Chicago. Wheeler Condenser & Engineering GOST eitakea «. sacth sa isiee ue New York. Williams Gauge Co........ Pittsburg. IVOGLICe TED latslereryetec'e ore New York. REGISTER FOR CLASSIFICA- TION OF VESSELS. Great Lakes Register...... Cleveland.

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