Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 23 Jan 1908, p. 33

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BIDS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES. Bids received at the bureau of supplies! and accounts, navy department, Washington; D. C., opened Jan. 2, for material and supplies for the navy yards, included the following: Class 41--Mare Island--45,000 Yards Khaki- Dyed Cotton Canvas. Otto Geotze, 108 Worth St. New More te Sigh aac ME ee ne eee $19,277.50 5 1s, Mikey eer (Cong 7 Worl Sis; NieW: = Yio rhe ceva nceee reaniae gate eae 18,981.75 Class 42--Mare Island--7,000 Yards Flax Can- vas. De Grauw, Eymer & Co., 34 South Sty New -V dil Sica: ge ee $ 4,072.30 O'Jaffe & Pinkus, 103 Franklin 'St,, New. "York yaar coca ee ee eas 4,095.00 Class 61--Newport News and Quincy, Mass.-- 20 Motors. General Electric Co., Schenectady, Dee SOS aoc. koran. Sue oo $20,430.00 B. F. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Park, 5 IMaSS a sere Pee OC ais Tees 21,100.00 Western Electric Co., 463 West Ste Newae onleo santa enn eee } 13,565.00 14,315.00 Class 62--Newport News and Quincy, Mass.-- 20 Motors. General Bectricha (Gon Schenectady, IN Ge YE pete eae ee et oe a ea 12,430.00 By ae Suuntevanita Com Hyde Park, Mass. ie ejens islet eee a Rewer eae - 9,900.00 Western Electric Co., 463 West St., } INS wei NGO eee ott eerie aes 7,415.00 8,075.00 Class 63--Newport News and Quincy, Mass.-- ; 20 Master Controllers. Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, WWHISte secre ee Seta bes te ee eee eee $11,800.00 General Electric Co., Schenectady, h SE ciara) Seas PR Uacr eae ese SE Ra 24,330.00 Otis Elevator Co., 17 Battery Pl, News Worker teisceceaetoss sate rain a em 36,500.00 James Schawel, 27 John St, New Work io caakiie obec Ge get en oe ee 16,640.00 Class 64--Newport News and Quincy, Mass.-- : 20 Master Controllers. Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, W'S esi Sad, Saseet cat aia fe Payee, eee adie ap a eee $ 9,840.00 General New York 30,800.00 Class 65--Newport News and Quincy, Mass.-- 20 Shunt Motors. Diehl Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, N. J..$14,273.20 General Electric Co., Schenectady,. INS ECE, tee i Ss cere sto oe ee 11,240.00 Lincoln Motor Works Co., Caxton latter, (Cieyaleincl, (OK 5 egevoo anodes 5,900.00 B. F. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Park, WEIS Sites a ret we it oe oe Se 9,860.00 Western Electric Co., 463 West St.,) New. "Mork ican es se eee 5,670.00 6,720.00 Class 66--Newport News and Quincy, Mass.-- 20 Series Motors. Diehl Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, N. J..$ 9,524.00 General Electric Co., Schenectady, 4 Fee Pee ee eR ci eee 4,140.00 Boor StuntevantesiGor, sElty det seat. Wats Siz ssa sae ana ye eeeecotaed er eearet eee 5,360.00 Western Electric Co., 463 West St., ) News Moti ite seach carte ees ie « 2,515.00 3,045.00 Class 67--Newport News and Quincy, Mass.-- 20 Complete Controllers. Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, WS ss aS ss apie ena $ 1,950.00 General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Cus Na RCE AS i ayer cee bie Eek caecum 5,290.00 Class 68--Newport News and Quincy, Mass.-- 20 Shunt Motors. Diehl Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, N. J..$ 4,976.00 General Electric Co., Schenectady, Mies Veh ar crm aeeenn aaee cet aeden eet ce Mee Ua ietO 4,980.00 Lincoln Motor Works 'Co., Caxton leaker, | (Cileywdenael, (Ob Se oacudnon020 3,200.00 B. F. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Park, ASS yap ca isan e hak saslt eee ee ee usenet 3,240.00 Western Electric Co., 463 West St., | New AOC or eterererol reenter tie"= 2,730.00 4,230.00 Class 117--New Orleans--450 Lbs. Square Flax Packing. a 3 Brooklyn Forge & Supply by 2 Franklin St., Brooklyn, N. Y..... $ 126.00 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York 91.80 Garlock Packing Co., 95 Liberty St., TNVeSWie a 40 alee esate iogeneii snob tener mene ok o 135.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- Ganz Sima INeny Mops cadecgoovatons 138.60 Manhattan Supply Co.;127 Franklin See ING Oise eee meee okereer ets eles O. K. Olsen, 901 'Carondelet St., New Oxlearissn dea yale. pce eat ease ate 114.75 Quaker City Rubber Co., 629 Market TAE Marine. REVIEW Sih, natasha, © TP oo oo uunvour 99.00 William R, Thompson, 704 Lafayette NS Gee meplt ts 0,6) i ays T ec NI oa Va elie earaearceavae 76.50 Fairbanks Co., 900 Camp St., New Orleans; Wage icc nee asian eo ea 135.00 Class 118--New Orleans--800 Lbs. Tuck's Packing. Diamond Rubber Works, 1826 Broad- WHEY sated Nis uaa ecu: op op SRM N eae h seacemetea ious Seon A0.0) Be Bae Goodrich 4Com.wNicrong Omen 365.50 S. R. Fletcher & Co., 26 Cortlandt tee VO ces cecum anne nora cepearee 622.50 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 DirtatiesuStav Ne. sven wae epee Geer eee 528.00 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York 480.00 Garlock Packing Co., 95 Liberty St., News: Yorkimgsin ce nina aoe aca iat 544.00 Old Dominion Paper Co., 98 Commer- ier eee eee NOs Ilene Veet crete ratte eared 639.20 O. K. Olsen, 901 Carondelet St., New OxléanisisMeax osotee se eokes ee ieee eee 268.75 Fairbanks Co., -900 Camp St., New 'Onleansssileat ahs ccven miae boi eae 346.50 Class 119--New Orleans--400 Lbs. Sheet Rub- ber Packing. Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire Sip ab ostom, © Wiaschen eric woiouccke shrine $ 480.00 Double Service Packing Co., 413 Wal- Tite Steers epi acelin laa cenit mentee 377.68 Diamond Rubber Works, 1826 Broad- WAY Newt VOLK "nonin ecaseletare 332.00 i Ia, (Comelitel (Co, lero, Ooosuoc 336.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 US) Tacarra cage os teteetenl NI Gam Os reer sey ne rei 376.00 O. K. Olsen, 901 Carondelet St., New OTpleanere ae asec eae eee eee anaes 148.50 Trenton Rubber Mfg. Co., Trenton, IN Gy Sater see Spee ete oe enone eee weed (ounces 392.00 Vorhees Rubber Mfg. Co., 48 Dey SEIN war eon lc tenrees sgereetrercemeinners: saeecte 296.00 Fairbanks Co., 900 Camp 'St., New Opleans sala te sre heen ai heey ake Re 360.00 American Supply Co., 16 South Com- nada 'Si, IMioile, Nien cocoon 0c 06 480.00 Class 125--New Orleans--QOuantity of Brass Globe Valves, Angle Valves, Check Valves and Cross Valves. oon e Iron & Brass orks, ay- epee UE yh a athe ws scans Sinise Meee $ 1,840.50 Central Metal & Supply Co., irs Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. (part) 2,100.00 Hartman & Co., 1231 North Front 2 St Piiladel phic. Pays Goat) mectrrs 2,257.00 BE. F. Keating Co., 452 Water -St., INiewa lO Ke eae easece ey ees eres ericenenogte 3,027.50 Knox & Bro., 96 John St., New York 2,673.50 Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, O. Gpanb ewe ol one ie ieee 1,985.00 Montgomery & Co., 105 Fulton St., Niet 40 teas rere epee etoken cet ote ome o 2,802.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty St.. New York .............. 2,717.48 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin See wae (0 tal eeiyeicts euetieds) ceri wede ir 2,430.00 O. K. Olsen, 901 Carondelet St., New Oxelezim@, IL2, Crem): csoccoocncegne 10,185.00 Fairbanks Co., 900 Camp St. New Owieang- le, -soodoepononodonb boa. 2,916,50 Class 126--New Orleans--400 Brass Gate Valves. Bridgman Bros. Co., 1402 Washington Ave., Tadeo ae Pa. Bee OT ee 578.00 entral Metal & Supply Co., i Ce St., Baltimore, Md. (part) 660.00 E. F. Keating Co., 452 Water St., Nie WOOT we pent ortins ov thekane oroheh oeuei nes - EO Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty St, New, YWork.............. 1,574.50 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin Sie Ne wy 1s oes nek sien net rere 1,161.50 Old Dominion Paper Co., 98 Commer- cial Pl, Norfolk, Va..,-...-...... . 2,885.00 William Powell Co., 2521 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, O......... 1,371.00 Fairbanks Co., 900 Camp St., New Oyataang, Ika. Gaet) "coadestousoose 531.50 Class 194--Brooklyn--4,950 Lbs. Oakum. H. E. Boucher Mfg. Co., 91 Maiden Tiehtie ee News NOs gee tees ote ene nocie GQ 276.70 Central Metal & Supply Co.. 609 E Lombard St., Baltimore, Md...... 341.55 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York 281.16 C. H. Langdon, 84 White St., New Wiha cin tig o BON O.0 0b Cte 2.98c to 6.73c per lb. Montgomery & Co., 105 Fulton Sites INle we wy 4O ee seh tees ele tpeceehere acre 282.15 Mannings, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty St., New. York........-.-.+.- 297.00 Old Dominion Paper Co., 98 Commer- © ahh IP. Wieser, Wemrnoasconccsecc ieee) William Wirt Clark & Sons, 546 Monument St., Baltimore, Vile. 297.00 Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 297.00 Class 216--Brooklyn--1,000 Lbs. Vulcabeston Rope Packing. Garlock Packing Co., 95 Liberty St., New York een taci eeepc aren 700.00 HH. W. Johns-Manville Co., 100 Wil- liam St., New York ............. 850.00 E. F. Keating Co., 452 Water St., INicsyie COM iene ts eed e et tein oh epemei: 700.00 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin St., New York ....--++-eseeeeeee 550.00 a5 BIDS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES. Bids received at the bureau of supplies and accounts, navy department, Washington, D. C., opened Dec. 26, for material and supplies for the navy department, included the following: Class 22--Mare Island--25,000 Lbs. Chain. Baker & Hamilton, 900 Third St., San Francisco; iCaliyy 134s aeegeeenn eee $1,411,20 Dunham, Corrigan & Hayden Co., 100 'Kansas St., San Francisco, Cal..... 1,257.48 Richard H. Grey, East Oakland, Cal. 1,380.96 Hayden-Corbett Chain Co., 250 Ful- tonite INiewas\ior ass saree rn nae 1,184.40 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- 1,543.20 enty- Sts. New!) Vorlons sree anne 1,618.56 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin St.) New Work! eb yi need ne 1,688.40 Nicholson & Co., Rankin, Pa......... 1,789.20 Charles E, Robidoux, San Francisco, E Cali Nae CA eee Ce ee 1,209.60 Class 156--Portsmouth--aAngle and Globe ; Valves. Bridgman Bros, Co., 1426 Washington ee Bee elzhiailer cle lini eae ee 837.60 Buckeye Iron & Brass Works, Day- COM SON reece are suse eNOS eos eee 804.48 Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 Lom- bande sty baltunones Vides sees 859.92 W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New Ont Crore S eine taa oe Gee 735.12 Handlau-Buck Mfg. Co St. Louis, Os ESE MEU ae AEE Faas a ee 806.72 Knox & Bro., 96 John St., New York. 729.93 E. F. Keating Co., 452 Water St., New: Mork (0. Uae oe ee 870.96 Lunkenheimer €or, Cincinnati Ona 848.40 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- Cli Sts; eee Was Violen eee eee 786.42 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin St, New York. ane Tue ewan (eon ae 796.68 Montgomery & Co., 105 Fulton Sites New <. Wot ke oat sei len Sienna ae aio 783.36 William Powell Co., Cincinnati, O.... 846.12> Class 157--Brooklyn--Brass Angle Valves. Brideman Bros. Co., 1426 Washing- ton. Ave., Philadelphia, Pa......... $1,989.70 Buckeye Iron & Brass Works, Day- ton, 6 Oy. 0. coc eee ie eee 1,922.58 Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 Lom- eval Sin, lulitienone, IMG. .coccec ann 1,946.35 Roe W. Geldart,) 2° 2Stone: Steve York 1,742.50 2,108.44 ehisiieixe (si, Snel aie Moke rene -tellalvele lie se lelel sal cheuen ene omereneies 0) \0'e koe} ehfekes ston etetliial elenee slice ett teiee : 1,742.23 E. F. Keating Co., 452 Water Site New.Vork <n 5 i tate ee een 2,135.00 Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, O...... 2,021.04 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- Cnuys Ste, ING wieeiOl ae eee 1,810.40 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin Sty New: York ane een ee ee 1,975.69 Montcomery & Co., 105 Fulton St., New= Yorks, 3) peasi0 6 pn ee ee 1,815.15 William Powell Co., Cincinnati, O.... 2,068.68 Class 158--Brooklyn--Two Dozen Brass Globe Valves. Bridgman Bros. Co., 1426 Washing- ' ton Ave.;- Philadelphia, Pa.-......5 $ 396.00 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St, New Wid so eek is eee ai ee har CR aa 384.90 Knox & Bro., 96 John St., New York. 380.06 Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, O..... 300.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty Str iNewaaVOnke sien er oe 409.50 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin Stee Nigiav40 inane SAIS AT oc ace pa es 318.00 William Powell Co., Cincinnati, O.... 497.52 Class 159--Boston--Eight Dozen Brass Check Valves and 50 Dozen Brass Globe Valves. Buckeye Iron & Brass Works, Day- [dey olen O Pepa cs Munir Ree heats amram 426.48 Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 Lom- Dar cleasiteseeels el titra Ona eet (Gl Pee renee nee 533.00 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York 426.30 Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, O..... 506.52 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty, St- aNew sWonken scare eee 444.24 Manhattan Supply -Co., 127 Franklin St.y (News Morkeoeet ont Se ee 2. eee 480985) Montgomery & Co., 105 Fulton St., Niew.c/ Miorle Stare ect ates ae ee reves eee 440.70 William Powell Co., Cincinnati, O.... 497.52 'Class 160--Boston--20 Dozen Brass Gate Valves. Bridgman Bros. Co., 1426 Washington IMMony IME, I. oo nuoco aad $ 384.00 Central Metal & Supp' 'Co., 609 Lom- bardaSteeibaltimoness cesarean 380.00 i. Hw Keating «Coy, "452s Water sore, New: Work to. hws cho cecse taro aetna ewer 300.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty, St Newson seins che eneneaserone 624.00 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin . Ste eNews Violet anasto on renee ne 460.00 William Powell Co., Cincinnati, O.... 744.90 Class 161--Brooklyn--50 Dozen Brass Gate ; Valves. Central Metal & Supply 'Co., 609 Lom-

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