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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 23 Jan 1908, p. 45

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"TAE. Marine REVIEW MARINE BOOKS On All Branches of Navigation and Seamanship. AZIMUTH TABLES BETWEEN PARALLELS OF LATI- TUDE 30° AND .60° INCLUSIVE--Burdwood........-. AZIMUTH TABLES FOR PARALLELS OF LATITUDE BE- EN 40° N. AND 50° De TNELU SIV ES Hydrographic office ..... erereletetekelare AMERICAN PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR-Nathaniel Bowditch: aay BOOK OF NAVAL g RHI LECTURE: By. W. ye OVE Erterendetructerenetelereronciereieierelerniciercvelerelelelcjeiclereieteiereretere elere COURSE CORRECTOR--Capt. R. M. Bideley a ROS COURSE PROTRACTOR---Capt.R.M.Pugsley .... «.. sess CURRENT-COURSE PROJECTOR--Capt. R. M. Pugsley.. DATA BOOK--Naval architects and engineers' data book. By T. EV ee Wid TSO mi emesepeer. stercucicicve(e nis vere ios «vs ieie Gis bie lehacd sisfavs avers sie kitions ELEMENTARY NAVAL TACTICS--Bainbridge-Hoff........ ELEMENTARY SEAMANSHIP--By Barker.............-.- ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Henderson .........-. sreroene ELEMENTS OF YACHT DESIGN--Norman L. Slene wieieiets GUIDE to the U.S. Local Inspectors examination of masters and mates of ocean-going steam and sailing ships, with complete instructions and information for those who wish to learn naviga- tion and save the expense of attending school by preparing 50 2 25 2 50 1 00 3 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 1 00 2 00 themselves for the examination--Capt. R. M. Pugsley ......... 2 C0 HAND BOOK OF ADMIRALTY LAW --Robt. M. Hughes.... 8 765 HAND BOOK TO THE U. S. MARINE BOARD EXAM- INATION, for Masters and Mates, containing every possible practical examination question and answer in re- lation to ocean navigation--Capt. Howard Patterson...... 2 50 HINTS ON LEGAL DUPES OF SHIPMASTERS--B. W. Gins- DUDS cence cca te Sie elelece 0/6: 06s eisie'e [olstsleie oie lelelerevetoroletets siete ae eae) KNOW YOUR OWN SHIP--Thos. Walton ...... eae toe sate 2 50 LAKE SHIP YARD METHODS OF STEEL SHIP CON- SPR GRION--Robert. Cur aes o-0) vapeictol srelolersletyor hel eee icine 2 00 MAGNETISM AND THE DEVIATION OF THE* COMPASS IN IRON SHIPS Phos: leeAinsléyieenes-e beers ee ee eee 2 00 MARINE INSURANCE--W. Gow ........... afolorolerora sloicickeicielefommlea oO MARINE PROPELLERS--Barmnaby........cccccccscocscccccee 4 50 MARINER'S COMPASS IN AN IRON SHIP--J. W. Dixon. 1 00 MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL BOATS--N. M. Hopkins. 1 25 MODERN NAVIGATION--Wm. A. Hall..............000- 2 60 EER SEAMANSHIP--Lieut. Com. Austin M. Knight, oa ee ARCHITECTS AND SHIPBUILDERS' POCKET OK--Clement Mackrow ......... sidie lateys distele aaeieee Cente 5 00 waa ARCHITECTURE: A manual on laying off iron and steeleviessels----hhos! saben Watson nie eerie 5 00 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--Cecil H. Peabody.............. 7 50 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--W. J. Lovett...............+. 5 2 50 NAVAL CONSTRUCTOR--By Geo. Simpson..............- 5 00 NAVIGATION SIMPLIFIED--C. E. McArthur............ 1 00 JEINL{OVIE AUNID) LECONNY GINO) IDXO) WISTS) WHYOIRIK sn cocoocoaccccoen 1 00 POCKE' BOOK OF MARINE ENGINEERING, RULES AND TABLES--Seaton and Rounthwaite................ eter OOO PRACTICAL AID TO THE NAVIGATOR--Sturdy.......... 2 00 PRACTICAL COMPASS ADJUSTMENT on Iron, Composite and Wooden Vessels. Illustrated--Capt. W. J. Smith.......... 2 00 PRACTICAL INFORMATION ON THE DEVIATION OF THE COM aoe for the use of Masters and Mates of Iron Ships-- J. Tee Towson*.ce ote eee ee Sieleletarsio teretele Sictolelere cleje cteleteietemronOO PRACTICAL NAW GAR @OR=--Dho mss ser tenn eet ite 4 00 PRESENT-DAY SHIP BUILDING--Thomas Walton......... 3 50 SAILING DIRECTIONS FOR THE GREAT LAKES--Hydro- graphic Office--Separate book for each lake--45 and 60 centsZeach; or tullisety tomers eee eee 2 00 SAILS "AND: SATL MAKING £ o.iiciecicscicciccisic ce cciviclei «clement anes SCOTT'S COAST PILOT--Geo. Scott........... 1 $0 SCREW PROPELLERS AND TASEINE PROPULSION--I. McKim Chase ......... eieleteletsiets so 0G, SELF-INSTRUCTION IN THE. PRACTICE. "AND. "THEORY OF NAVIGATION--Earl of Dunraven. Two volumes...... 7 00 SELF-INSTRUCTOR IN NAVIGATION AND PRACTICAL GUIDE to the examinations of the U. S. Government In- spectors for masters and mates of ocean-going steamships and sailings avessels---Capty a Wa sip oinithnreerreciienrmecin eres sree: 200 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Young.......... 2 00 TEXT BOOK OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--). J. Welch .... 1 50 TE. oo OF SEAMANSHIP--Com. S. B. Luce, naan "WRINKLES" IN' PRACTICA "NAVIGATION S. "i's. Kecky? ate ey eee ates ieha ebelobete tous tele ereterece orev Net Pelclerstereiate OOO. 45 ARITHMETIC OF THE STEAM ENGINE--E. S. Gould... $1 00 ENGINEER'S EPITOME--N. J. Smith...... ster ehelolelevereloleteretole ENGINEER'S MANUAL OF LOCAL MARIN Be X- AMINATIONS--By Ainsley. er ae everevaiore Sone ENGINE RUNNERS' CATECHISM--By Grimshaw ENGINES AND ENGINE RUNNING--Joshua Rose........ ENGINE TESTS AND BOILER EFFICIENCIES--By J. Buchetti EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS--Emory Ed- wards. 900 examination questions and answers for young engineers and firemen who desire to obtain marine licenses. . GAS ENGINES AND THEIR TROUBLES--Roberts and Durand. GAS, GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES--Gardzer D. Hiscox.. HAWKINS' AIDS TO ENGINEERS' EXAMINATIONS, with Questions and Answers Hn INS oo BOOK OF CALCULATIONS FOR EN- HAW ISINS2 INDICATOR GARE GEISM a yeas see HAWKINS' MAXIMS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BOILER ROOM mete emanate ae Lois HAWKINS' NEW CATECHISM OF ELECTRICITY........ HAWKINS' NEW CATECHISM OF THE STEAM ENGINE.. HAWKINS' SELF-HELP, Mechanical Drawing............--. HOW TO RUN NGI AND BOILERS--E. P. Watson. New fifth edition. ......... sic' eie/eisye(eveisic\ afevoisie Wereyetetenveremorets KEY TO ENGINES AND ENGINE RUNNING--Joshua Rose. eer eceseccces were sere eeeerceccseressaeerocee sce er sree eeet cess the See OF STEAM ENGINEERING--John Fehrenbatch, eoeeeeeceeccreecsececsreseecscce ee eseseeec cose eoeee eccoccee MANUAL OF MARINE ENGINEERING--A, E. Seaton.... MARINES BOTEERS--= Reed: ow. a. stele aot ee ee MARINE BOILERS--L, E. Bertin........... MARINE BOILERS--Stromeyer............ jollelol otalleovetegerere cyersnstete MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS--By G. IFW noice paubcbacases MARINE ENGINES--R. Murray..... eielelstererernehetorer 6 Mee ak ENGINEERS' POCKET BOOK--H. H. Sunlee MECHANICS? 'AND ENGINEERS' POCKET BOOK--Chas, Hiv Has wellaviss ccc aaaniee ss witctics cat oe eee MODERN EXAMINATIONS OF STEAM ENGINEERS--W. Hi Wakemaniy .o0i0.5,5 stars wisteie ocioraisae oe ern ee eee ERC MARINE FE NEE RING a W. OF; UR AM Goo ieie ee elnlatt areleterarevelsete tis weve ei aoc eee eRe Reine QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR MARINE ENGINEERS-- Heo. :(LUCas i «s-eyn,c:o etait Beer enio a ae ao See ee Sake QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, sixth editignetcrenten Ronen 5 REED'S ENGINEERS' HAND BOOK--New edition. Forty-five cents extra by mail or express. REEDS SISEYertordkecd:s sElandesbO0lcn siete ieeirae eee ROPER'S ENGINEERS' HANDY BOOK for Steam cipineere and Electricians! "sites sts soe siete be tee eee eieteheleratelets cee EE ETERS AND MARINE PROPULSION--I. chim ASE. weccccseccccee Coeeccccsesecscccecccccceccscce SLIDE, VAEW B-- Julius Begtrup) ici cicretieileteiciie aeiereenna SMALL ENGINES AND BOILERS--Egbert P. Watson..... STEAM AND THE MARINE STEAM ENGINE--Jno. Yeo.... STEAM BOILER: Its Care and Management. Stephen Roper.. STEAM BOILERS--Joshua Rose .......-..0--. STEAM BOILERS--Peabody & Miller................cccccecececsecee STEAM ENGINE CATECHISM--By Robt. Grimshaw............... STEAM ENGINE: Theory and Practice--Ripper......... nietsteke 50 5 00 2 00 2 50 8 00 pet 50 50 ra 2 50 - 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 annngmn = CO 5 50 4 00 2 00 00 00 5 2 00 2 5 00 3 00 50 2 50 ore TURBINES, WITH AN APPENDIX ON. GAS TURBINES THE FUTURE OF HEAT ENGINES--Dr. A. Stodola. Tandntel by Dr. Louis C. Lowenstein........cccscecoes BRIERE ES AND AND THE EXPANSION ENGINES AND OILERS ND THEIR MANAGEMENT--A Ritchie mee ite Riasgveie alelenevavere s¥ere siaiie olshei chev etayeus tokevovey ofelle (a oiavevenerorevens (Cle USES OF Bee nteene ON SHIPBOARD--W. J. Kellog.. WATER TUBE BOILERS--Fifth revised and enlarged edi- tion of HOW TO RUN ENGINES AND BOILERS--F. Pa watsons scisecisicteloiereletet siereie oveveratels nioieiereiatenieeteree sleisiaiate 4 50 2 00 1 00 1 06 Sent to any address, carriage prepaid, at prices named.' There is no book on Navigation, Marine Engineering, Ship Building, or the allied industries, that is not either published or for THE MARINE REVIEW, CLEVELAND, O, sale by

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