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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 25 Jul 1901, p. 17

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1901.1 i "MARINE REVIEW. oe COLLINGWOOD SHIP BUILDING CO., LTD. The screw steel steamer Huronic, building at Collingwood, Ont., by the Collingwood Ship Building Co., Ltd., will be launched about Aug. 20.and will be the finest and largest ship ever built in Canada. This vessel is. to run from Windsor or Sarnia to Duluth via Mackinac, Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William. It is expected that she will make 15% miles an hour loaded and 17% miles when running light. She was designed by Hugh Calderwood, manager of the Collingwood company, the plans being. approved by Mr. Frank E. Kirby, well-known. naval architect of Detroit, who is 'consulting engineer for the owners. The vessel is built under the inspection of Capt. F. D. Herriman for the classification societies and will have the highest rating, A .1l-with a star for twenty years, in the Great Lakes Register and the Bureau Veritas. She is built of open hearth steel throughout and is of the following di- mensions: °325 ft. over all; 308 ft. between perpendiculars; 43 ft. beam, and 27 ft. molded depth. The steamer has moderately fine ends and large water ballast capacity. Engines are of the triple expansion type, 26, 42 and 70 by 42 in. stroke, steam being supplied from four Scotch boilers, 12 ft. 6 in. in diameter by 12 ft. long, at a pressure of 175 lbs. per square inch, The new vessel will have cabin accommodations of the best design for 200 saloon passengers, together with large provision for the carrying of steerage. passengers, as there is a double tier of cabins. The main dining saloon will be the full width of the lower cabins, thus making it spacious and well lighted. It will be finished in hardwood. Furniture and general equipment will be the best that can be procured. It is in- tended to follow the building of this ship with others of the same class. Work has also been begun on a steel tow barge for the Algoma Central Ry. Co.'s steamship line. This vessel will be 390 ft. long, 46 ft. AROUND THE GREAT LAKES. Secretary Gage, a few days ago, appointed Joseph P. Cottrell of De- troit inspector of hulls at that port. He has held the position temporarily for three months past. From Toledo comes announcement of the death of Capt. James Wood, who commanded sailing vessels on the lakes in early days. He retired about ten years ago. Capt. Wood was seventy-two years of age. The Detroit Ship Building Co. has just closed a contract with Seattle parties for a triple expansion engine of 11, 18 and 31 in. cylinder diameters and 20 in, stroke. The contract also includes condensers and pumps. The American Ship Building Co. has set apart $50,000 for improving its plant at West Superior. Repairs will be made to the old dry dock and new machinery installed in the different. shops. The equipment will be modern in every respect. : Capt. John Ackerman, formerly of the steamer Nyack, became master of the car ferry Pere Marquette last week in place of Capt. Peter Kilty, who, after. taking a month's vacation, will take command of the Pere Mar- quette company's new ferry, now approaching completion at Cleveland. The Detroit Dry Dock Co., one of the constituent companies of the American Ship Building Co., held its annual meeting Wednesday of last week. The following directors were elected: W. C. McMillan, A. Mc- Vittie, Clarence A. Black, all of Detroit, and R. L. Ireland and RC. Wetmore of Cleveland. Mr. R. W.-Crary of the Dunkley Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., which oper- ates the steamer Petoskey between Chicago and South Haven, has been looking around the lakes for another passenger steamer. The company is considering the matter of building a side-wheel steamer, he says, and if we a ee Denw DXcame Durowic. huoke 6 * | Fook. ©000000060 EMEINES, TRIPLE ENTE B6cat, 70142" POULRS I~ SCOTCH TYPE, (6 on 112°0" EPP ASS Bd ee BSL aah se SCREW STEEL STEAMER HURONIC, BUILDING AT COLLINGWOOD, ONT. beam and 26 ft. deep, with a carrying capacity of 7,000 tons. She will rank among the largest steel tow barges of the lakes and will have all modern appliances for the quick and economical handling of both ship and. cargo.. Provision will be made for the carrying of steel rails on her upper deck. She will come out in April.. ; soe t - This company, having a lot of other work in contemplation, will add to its plant by enlarging the dry dock to 530 ft. length and 75 ft. width, and to a depth of 16 ft. of water over the new sill. To do this work they will add to the outer. or gate end of the dry dock by cofferdam on the flat rock bottom, and inside of this extension will build stone walls, as is now being done with the present dock. A new set of gates will be placed inside the new basin and the dock when. finished will have stone walls and rock bottom the whole length. This work will be done during the winter without disturbing the original dock. The company has just completed a new pumping well, 30 ft. deep in the solid rock, and intend to put in new pumping machinery to take care of the old or new portion of the dry dock. The limestone formation at 'Collingwood is favorable for such work and the quarries furnish stone cheaper than wood. There will also. be added. a machine shop, foundry and boiler shop, so that marine engines and boilers of the largest kind can be built in the yard, thus providing in all respects a modern ship building and engin- eering plant, with the best of provisions for repairs. The company recently launched a barge for Hogan & McDonald of Montreal and. a tug for the Pigeon River Lumber Co. The Stow Manufacturing Co., Binghamton, N. Y., has issued a catalogue devoted to the Stow flexible shaft. The introduction to the catalogue is very good. This shaft was placed on the market twenty-five years ago. The-catalogue says: "Flexible shafts in connection with the various tools we manufacture constitute a machine shop in themselves; yet we do not for a moment claim that they will ever displace standard tools. Their field is peculiarly their own. If your work is all light, accessible or easily carried to a stationary machine, and you have the machine, you probably do not need the flexible shaft, but whenever on account of weight or position it is desirable to take the tool to the work, instead of the work to the tool, its time and labor saving qualities become specially noticeable." ; Honal One fare for the round trip to the Pan-American exposition at Buf- falo via the Nickel Plate road beginning June 1 and continuing the entire summer; good returning within ten davs from date of sale. Write, wire, 'phone or call on nearest agent, or E. A. Akers, C. P. & T. A., Cleveland, o--. 84, Aug. 1. @ Ef it is decided to go ahead with her construction she will be of about 250 ft. ength. { 5y? @ nae Duluth brokers predict that the fall movement of grain from ports at the head of Lake Superior will break all records. . They figure that 60,000,- 000 bushels of grain will be sent forward before the close of navigation, which 'is equal to 1,800,000 tons, and that the grain movement from Ft. William will bring it up to 2,000,000 tons. The record for shipments from ports at the head of the lakes up to date is 43,000,000 bushels. A Washington dispatch announces that the secretary of war has ap- proved an order authorizng an increase in the flowage of the Chicago drainage canal from 200,000 to 300,000 cubic ft. an hour between the hours of 4 o'clock in the afternoon and 12 o'clock midnight. This latter figure was the original flowage but it was reduced upon complaint of the vessel men. It is claimed that there are not many boats moving on the river between the hours named. At a meeting of the board of managers of the Lumber Carriers' Asso- ciation, held in Detroit a few days ago, it was agreed to sustain the rate of $2.50 per 1,000 ft. from Lake Superior ports to Lake Erie. So far as is necessary, boats are to be laid up in order to hold up the rate, and an advance to $3 on Sept. 1 was agreed upon. Secretary G. W. Cottrell said that every member at the meeting expressed himself as being: in favor of doing everything possible to maintain rates. Among those present were F. W. Gilchrist, Edward Hines, J. A. Calbick, O. W. Blodgett, H. E. Runnells, C. H. Prescott, E. F. Fisher and William Teare. IMPROVEMENTS IN LAKE CHANNELS. In his annual report submitted to the secretary of war, Col. G. J. Lydecker, in charge of the river and harbor improvements at Detroit, makes no additional recommendation for increasing the capacity of St. Clair flats canal but refers. to his previous report. The river and harbor bill, which failed to pass, contained authority for improvements along the line suggested by him. He reports progress upon the work to secure a 20-ft. channel under various contracts. The Lime Kiln crossing channel improvement is well under way. He thinks it should be completed by Dec. 1 when the channel will be 21 ft. deep. An estimate of $136,500 to complete thé present project for the improvement of the Detroit river is submitted for insertion in the next sundry civil bill. Maj. W. L. Fitch, in charge of other river and harbor work in the Detroit district, submits - the following estimates for work to be done in the next fiscal year: Cheboygan harbor, $615,500; Saginaw river, $50,000; Harbor Beach har- bor of refuge, $50,000; Black River improvements, $20,000.

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