a 22 MARINE REVIEW. [January 80, : . located in a deck house on th Accommodations for the captain are n te bridge deck and consist of chart room and bed room with stairway from These ships are of the regular ocean type, designed to have a dead- the former to the dining peg aang eer von the upper dea weight capacity at 25 ft. 6 in. draught of 7,000 gross tons cargo and 700 pantry and refrigerator a i = which contains also toon: an = tons of bunker fuel. Owing to the dimensions of the Canadian canal forward end of the bridge house, ec ; ; d petty officers, mess rooms, store rooms imi / officers, engineers, steward and, ) : : : ; a : ee of 44 ft. (extreme) was placed on the beam of the vessels. re Caner for assistant engineers and oilers, together with engineers' General dimensions are: : struction, now says that no better ships for the service for which they are intended could be constructed anywhere. bathroom, etc., are located on the main deck abreast of the engines, with ee ee 443 ft. 6- in. stairway entrance from alleyways under bridge. Firemen and seamen are Lenwth, between perpendiculars ..............0..+. 450 TE 0 it. quartered on the main deck forward and their mess rooms, wash rooms, € oc ' ere MONE 65 ice cs eet 43 ft. 7% in. etc. are on the upper deck under the forecastle. - | Pern Mclned, to upper deck....... 2 6... 222... 2s: pe tt. OF ar complete installation for electric lighting is fitted, the two gener. As already noted, they are built to the highest class (100 A) of the ators of General Electric make having 10 oe cope each. The steering British Lloyds. The material is steel throughout and the vessels have engine, of Williamson Bros. make, is mee t if a es oy of the engine been built under the three-deck rule. They are exceptionally heavy in casing on the upper deck and is operated by rods an evel gears from scantlings. A double bottom, 4% ft. deep, on the cellular principle with the pilot house. Steering rods and chains are led over the deck alongside : Sat hatches and attached to quadrant in the se epapesty in which house js _ NE rae Dack R mir on garn an00k DM also fitted the auxiliary hand se Eek eo windlass, located Se : Sane on the forecastle deck with engine below, 1s 0 yde type and of large | 2A shecey 9 AE TOTAL size for handling of the 2%4-in. cables and 7,000-Ib. anchors. Boats and life ---------- as Art 2 . . . ee a ? | saving appliances are located on the bridge deck amidships. 14. | The main engines, designed to develop fat Eat. at seventy reyo- ie Me lutions, are of the triple-expansion, vertical, irect-acting, surface-con- x rare | ; 4007 eee ae oor Gtedin eb af DA/bOk a 2° te te oc ee Conminag ENDS 3y ¥ . oS ue : Z pe Zs UPPER Dh jy- $1048 x : +Fe ron $b - aearal oe A = eee se ae 4 HANNE. BEAMS 10 «354 as° 4-0" SO Ue eee Masi dw ALP bone UAE! gle aldalak 10635" 8" on avany EAGNE - : ie = Serre I BUrrs of SxYAST EES t c baad te pogsa [ran Coe FAL -- ee | | PLATES SACHE THERNEBS Wave Pevara mes ju ; 4 E254 15 F ewan es ~ G2 ag 4 1S 7 cuann ah rea -48_Srwaxe Basen | EET ET Heg 7Scawyrern et Zo i pus fr. STU ENAMS er Hee AW GSE p NUMERALS PROPORTIONS x i | 40k HL 4x08 Lapran \ % APINIES G8 Iz Banaue ron FL. Te év3t+ he i wenwend Vanr : hy NE | aio Paaaie nnd f mars a AT ENDS. SPACED BY" APANT FRort STEAN Angie 5% 9s Fo 30 APART Fine sass || <2 Gurr ----3/. 58 B704.------ 9.9/ «ie | | Povaemg ee i a, Posr Le9ION BHD. And TH. : Rs See BT Dre L. ML --/6.49 We | ares eae 2/5 i ae Peis re eae ao AK, t Beans - h : 2 iba ARS o i DreoL. UOX--/2.62 r) | " nee 2] STRAPS THE BLE RV* J Riders) Gano abe z dei) 8-0" APART ir > 33.92 Situ Bete Fhe Peawonse / 'eevere, +h REV SHAMES, S*34 Ait To UPPER DECK AND |\! : Ve LOF:- 31 j eae | ALTEANATELY 70 FC%4E DECK. Dov8.eE on || "ty o4ouer 7.00 tf 6 AT £6 POUOLE STRAPS (NS 108 Zz i Tor of ENGINE YB Foon FL 008s. ' x { : SENNA = 100.31 4 426.08 = 429406 wea gf 4 h Patan 7, haners | Dron Zh. 55 Enos. BUNA Bone ns. > Oe ee ay * STRING EA G34, es Sh Lanomshoanvers Mh | Vlgtats peace Paring Bre " | ' RIN DK. i eoeteesc er g 24-70 fh 47 anos. "« Zw fet HANBE A) cenmmas\\CZ lever. LE Le S47 ord Ne Berrs <arene gwo Spee lee ae HATEN HALE BEAMS 10° 9L7 BON EVERY FRAME ey 70 Bo AT wos. ve : = "Wendtw Wai PB Wend FL RE SS . : aes ' --Ceantiree Zveree \ pe 3 eo) He | sea geeeees Wary hi yp Ben SUiivenen Lewan Walk UPPER WE DMO. VERT. STIFFAN ERS _ aaah eeeie a Se SH zerene_| a7 STEM, VE a "at fe Frank lh * Je ANGE 6194 * HO APART. _| LT sac. 127 9t % | Y a , 1 "QUA. SDI, BHD FRAME ANGLES ay ; A Avers | iw RuppeR 10 re : SS a rele TE 8-0" APaRT : a Lark. -- WEB FRAMES TOBE FITTED THROUGHAUT. Oise sar 8 MACHINRIY SPACE 8-0" APART ExtEernon. : q ff. 1 He Fo erga peck . q ee eg q os O54 ANGLE CLIPS q IS saroun 184 29 "om, £ 3 42ers. L fe a : CHANNEL BEANS /0 4 9Z,« g '| | VO" APA, 7) oaNesFr ' i Ns Soe PLWVETING CONT D Ee os H i Burrs Lare20 yo}: PEER LD, STANGER BUTTS Dovac SOUP ENT. yi Quasnvece Fvered|\: 38 wok, con kL. ano Tasaie Rreres Fe AVETS. 2 Bowsn Ancnons Srochiess 6IZ Cw? Bi q # REMAINDER THEBLE FINETED WITH SINGLE GTAAPS BHO. VERT STUIAFENERS s Z ue 14 sy: toe ; easel gape p : ane HEAVIER, THAN PLATES: 4NGL& 62 3E #2830 9PHRT . \ ) Sreea0 eo 2f + i s " - PUTTS SINGLE STIAPS WHEDAE FIVE yyy yamiz. STieeNans | gee |/ Aeoqe - " 9% ; 2 een 5 1 Lp STHING ER BUTTS <APPED STS 104 af Z - LENGTH EASA TANK 220 Larue 2 sro Cwny cape ae ' ) Sh oe as | AYR Abe TREBLE FPNETED _ Wa pain geal Tf _7e CHINDECK, | 90. 1 Sr mann cua at) PF Bee i ea | hi * -- Cen re, L50N Bev DovBis S7 AAP, ee SveLL BY FF BARCKETS EG S rere wink 4 Lee £ Ar ae es a 4 t : TREBLE Rivareco 4 RIVETS. el ee ee 120 Lariarts nape Tews ine 4H Of : : bee PLATE BV773 1no ZOGRS <hPPED Ro | \, . ens" gragenes |. --_ etre AAPL EL ANB Re OU BLE. FVETED BL FORK ano JET | i 20 Latwoms 8 HAWSER GH By _ aC Ret =a Ripe me Qvsdniece Byerep \' : a oF TANK MARGIN BUTTS LAPP ED AnD Dovake Myve : + 93 farvans 8 WAWSER Fiz t ALi ¢ ET. | ny 90 armors 7° WANE £ i Ne TANK TOP PLATING SERMS LHPPEO Ano aan : "fi 20 FaTwems 7" WARP Ny zt q ENETED Ait Lore ano RET. Burrs 70 WAVA Sosa N BE se" 5 5 i Sraaes Tata.e FWnarvand (~ £NG. oom KF Avers. 4740 ref" ! \ 22 _teneing esr Dovaca Wve win EB ANneres. : a wt vere: i BRLG E STINGER AND BILE PLATING ee i. : om Sees AWE BUTT LARS, Phen macs ors ee ge gar x j TANK TOP PLATING Sin EB OPACE Aen YF Lang rH Toh, AT ENDS, : ee ee cemNe Fe Kha %, FA VER ; j 2 ee Burrs <aerze _avp \ ' ee a) QYA0 norLa Five7aD [Tap St awecas X\ ee ae BU, st ee | YB canara ™ [ Ctanees Faces Jy || g7/ BOINNOE Bi Zo__/ ease ) Faves, (Sep aguy \ ee y Forze 7 2 A \ aa te + Nee Be ears a yen: ota aeeaba/ BR cuca de" AEA VAD RY PULTED ge f : a . pee ate Le ee eee va 5 fia "pclae tet TDs -- eae ay, / o R42 9eree Kova rae. Ve Burrs) cavegp oe SR ee \ « go- "6 lag bee Mat Lad £2 A Aner "¥ ee eae, LES oe 4% 0. 5 e Abky Peara\ 54+ 2X5 To Ped AT _ENOS ¢ 7. x 'ar ANDS. Mere 2 ST RAKES NhAT GBD To Anta» F-teers tre Cugenepia Niet Fon Ti' To Fg Fone APTL# Weed or GBD xf Me Taicrwesg faow Wl 70 Sous aon BHO t oo AND 25 AFT DOUBLE STAAPS ina ges AbSe DouBne Borrem -AAMkS To SATB RIMAOS Taewig RvErso / RIVETS 4 ie_pauank£O BeéTWety SAME Fon7s And Ki SAME Loca TY, = Laer Piven iN FRAMES wer Te EXCEED SA ANO ™ LANDINGS 4 DiAS jw FLAT of BOTTOM, i _ MIDSHIP SECTION OF STEAMERS MINNETONKA AND MINNEWASKA, BUILT ON THE GREAT LAKES FOR OCEAN SERVICE. solid floors at every frame, extends from the collision bulkhead to the densing type, with three cylinders, 27, 4214 and 73 in. diameter by 48 in. after-peak bulkhead, with a total capacity, including peak tanks, of 1,600 stroke. The Rich prac eatin: ee fitted with a liner. Cyhadee gross tons of water ballast. The upper and main decks are laid complete, are arranged from forward in the order of high-pressure, intermediate- a but the lower deck is not completely laid, as it was thought advisable to and low-pressure. The high-pressure and intermediate valves (piston and leave open space between beams so as to facilitate stowage of cargo; but double-ported slide respectively) are placed between these cylinders and as the beams are spaced 4 ft. apart, a deck could be laid temporarily if the low-pressure, double-ported slide valve is between the intermediate necessary and made to suit the cargo to be carried. The forward hold is and low-pressure cylinders. The bedplate is in three pieces, bolted to- divided into three compartments by two watertight bulkheads, the after gether, and contains six main bearings, 14 in. diameter and 14 in. long, compartment forming auxiliary bunker and connected to stokeholds by lined with white metal in cast iron circular bushings. The condenser, tunnel through permanent bunkers and watertight door in bulkhead. which is of cast iron, rectangular section, extends about two-thirds the The after hold is divided into two compartments, making five compart- length of the engi : 1 i ments all told, with entire internal capacity for cargo of 360,000 ae at. cueing e0 ibe back, supporting On. its top two Of Mie Jam 2 me 19 ' L columns. It contains 3,120 sq. ft. of cooling surface, made up of %-in. noeee ats ig eae ANG, owing to their size, they give exceptional brass tubes. The circulating water is pinioed twice through By a in PoP ES | 1 the ae 1SC ee of ee As the hatches are all of the centrifugal pump, driven by an independent engine. The three front and pat? aH re i4 It, ey a aa 0 ; very satisfactory arrangement of forward back columns are of the inverted Y pattern allowing free access girders under ee which, with a double row of widely-spaced hold to crank pins and bearings. The piston rods are of steel, 634 in. diameter, Shane ous, ia ndli eicre: sipucture ang anon of easy stowage of cargo. and the connecting rods are 10 ft. between centers. The crank shaft, 'i cere vane ie cea ress of four short steel pole masts, on which is in three interchangeable parts, 14 in. diameter, is of forged i tilins buckes Ge he eee for Were sles we wrought iron crank arms. The crank pins are. 14 in, diamete* BA veyed oe fh a: , SHOrt derrick masts are fitted, by 15% long. Tunnel and propeller shafts it d steel 1314 in, and each equipped with a cargo boom. There are nine double-cylinder steam 153, in dt Me yu ct are ot torged steel, 1o/4 in, am <a x gett ; re s : ter respectively, the latter bei d tube winches (one for dath hatch), fitted with friction drums for the hoisti a Sy ie. 2 AEA ALS ng protected. in the stern tt Ge i. : : on € hoisting by a continuous brass liner. This liner is sh c in: engths, the - w beh ee pe ge ee eS -- an Has We ends of which are fused together by the sola ot on ia ye lene : a 'oi : : : : boiler, located on the upper deck in bridge house ami debing rge donkey joints. The valve gear is Stephenson double bar link motion throughout, the reversing engines being of the direct-acting type.