1002) o | MARINE REVIEW. 3 Relief Valve "Relief Valve 3' Relief Valve 4"Relief Valves Grating Line of " 22 Exhaust Pipe Suetion from Fresh Water Tank Creat i) > MARINE REVIEW Two thus at 10} ENGINES AND BOILERS OF STEAMERS MINNE- Ie L ---->la6 TONKA AND MINNEWASKA BUILT ON THE +} 56x =o ee = va Swe LAKES FOR OCEAN SERVICE. Pune pete? 9° 1% Core = eoigecee ooo ooo g|Nd sO / ~ coe ; Tae R10 090.90 0 6:e 0 099 00 die . 1 bees 3 rt he © Gig, To eT TOr es 134" % ' p L--ruf 5 7. a ie | ° Rade | 34 =), 234 ; a aa OmIOL ROL pe ote °0 " " Two " « 6330 f zs Oye o'0 00 Co Oc OO R09 90 of ote 1% 5 : y IOI ©.0 $1.00 0100.0) 00 OOO lice 'é re = ee Doubling Plate / : pee 05 50) LONsos TON Oo nOaz 20) 3 14 Bridge Stay eet it ae on ined of shell { 920 /0 male Longitudinal Seams, cl | Two thus--C Steel Steel Castings for one Boiler iN 5 Het double Butt Straps _ / " 5 les 6/138 3 iam 16 = poe Dh Siyee f : ITO} 244" Steel Stays, 3'Screw at Ends : f Ge ' Goa 8 86 ata + Front.Flate not ' S 9 ORR. exposed|to flame > | - 000 0000 a - 000 00000 a 1 e S885c9se903 Nike i 0 O O 3 ; = a. sJolPll P0301) 000 ko ao Oy e Vy Boe Soe oee 3 '8-4--between-Tube-Sheets ae cy ee (ae Badia: ae st as, ooo CO00000 1 °i1 36" Steel Screw Stays 10 Threads, |! a WOO OOOSOOGO000® 005000000 rr 5 Fe = ae 5 = = ae top 8 w Sean 30 Teo : 140 00000000000041 10060000000000 6 a oo ra ee ea Sony 992.29 93.22.00000099009092 9200] V6 99 98S 9! g 24 Steel Stay, 244' Screw ¥ Rivets, 21¢' Pitch, 3 La; L Mi a0 - 0. 0 oR Oo l G7 Finiwlonses 7 NS | lazasasa-tvess 7-1-2 3 ° eS, « = Fi, en goer 3 . eal Mi lo2 0 oft 2 Ss = 2-2 4) x | | 2 ¥ Scre}red| through Plate | 11g Screw Stays - . ee = g]Z St Heh et ~--Htaho ends, per ba 2-214 ae ea eg 8 Gs i AL I" 13 bth ord steer Stay, Dy' Sast a Let 12k) © : : f eh] Ga ore rte tras zat | | 234'Steel Stay, 236'Screw o MARINE REVIEW 10>k--14- eter. The total grate surface in the four boilers is 148 sq. ft., and the heating surface 6,900 sq. ft. The boilers are fitted with Howden draft, with a large single fan and belted engine. | The donkey boiler, which will : supply steam for the nine cargo winches, is of the Scotch type, 10 ft. 6 in. The air pump is of the vertical single-acting type, driven from the diameter by 10 ft. 6 in. long, with two 40-in. furnaces and 158 tubes of 3% low-pressure crosshead and fitted with bronze disc valves. Two feed and in. diameter. It is placed above the main boilers on the upper deck and two bilge pumps are also driven from air pump crosshead, the feed pumps connected to the forward main funnel. Ashes are hoisted up stokehold taking water from the hotwell and delivering to the feed heater, which is ventilators by small double cylinder engines, buckets being transferred to of Worthington type, from whence the feed water gravitates to the duplex chutes at ship's side on overhead trolleys. : vertical Blake main feed pumps, by which it is pumped to the boilers The propeller is of cast iron, 18 ft. 6 in. diameter by 17 ft. pitch, with through an oil filter. The donkey and ballast pumps are Blake vertical 94 sq. ft. of surface on four removable blades. duplex type, the latter being arranged so that it may be used as a circulat- The engines are supplied with a very complete outfit of engineers' ing pump. The donkey boiler and evaporator feed pumps are horizontal tools, etc., and spare gear in excess of Lloyds' requirements. duplex. The main steam pipe is of 9-in, lap-welded iron with riveted cast In view of the successful outcome of such a departure on the part of steel flanges, the connections to the four boilers being made of solid the American Ship Building Co. as the construction of large freighters for , drawn copper tubing with suitable expansion bends and slip joints. transatlantic service, Mr, A. C. Diericx, chief of hull department, and "Mr... Auxiliary steam' and exhaust pipes are copper and bilge suctions lead. A. P. Rankin, Chief engineer, are of course very much pleased over these The main boilers are four in number, of the Scotch type, 12° ft. mean ships. Owners of the vessels have been represented during construction diameter' by 11 ft. 6 in. long, with a working pressure of 170 Ibs. per square by Capt. F. D. Herriman of the Great Lakes Register. The Minnetonka inch. ,Each has two Morison interchangeable furnaces of 44 in. mean will be commanded by Capt. Samuel Fowler, late of the Drumgarth, and diameter With separate combustion chambers and 226 tubes of 3 in, diam- the Minnewaska by Capt. Louis Leverge, late of the City of Everett.