28 MARINE REVIEW. TRADE NOTES. Capt. S. Bickford has been appointed general agent of the Algoma Central Steamship line. He was connected with the White Star line for about fifteen years. The Browning Engineering Co. of 'Cleveland has received a contract from the National Bridge Co., a new Pittsburgh organization, for a travel- ing crane for its prospective plant at South Monaca, Pa. The Bourne-Fuller Co. (iron, steel and pig iron) of Cleveland an- nounces the removal of general offices on April 1 to the eighth floor of the Hickox building, corner of Euclid avenue and Erie streets. The name of the Wellman-Seaver Engineering Co. of Cleveland will be changed in a few days to that of the Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Engi- neering Co., thus giving recognition to Mr. Thomas R. Morgan, the secretary of the company. Mr. Morgan will also be the works manager. The Admiral Anchor Co., Chester, Pa., has received an order for thirty-nine of the Admiral type of stockless anchors for use on steam- ships of the great lakes. This order alone includes a weight of over ninety tons of anchors. There are eighteen 4,000-lb. anchors, fifteen 5,000-Ib. anchors and six 6,000-lb. anchors in the order. The Admiral Anchor Co. has orders on its books for about eighty anchors, weighing in the aggre- gate about 200 tons. Among the notable orders is one for the great anchors for the ships building at New London, Conn., for the Great Northern Steamship Co. The anchors are made of the finest grade of open-hearth steel by the Seaboard Steel Casting Co. of Chester, Pa. In a circular dealing with Wilford's waterproof cloth, for which he is agent in the United States and Canada, Edward A. Bunker of No. 20 Broad street, New York, refers to the following concerns that are using the material: Red Star line, American line, Southern Pacific Co., Murray & Co., Chicago, Union Pacific Railroad Co., St. Louis & San Francisco railroad, A. W. Hepburn, Picton, Ont.; Standard Oil Co. (on lighters) ; Union Iron Works, San Francisco; J. .C. Goss & Co., sail makers, De- troit; the Sunde & Erland Co., Seattle; John Mair & Son, sail makers, Philadelphia; Howard H. Baker & Co., sail makers, Buffalo; and George B. Carpenter & Co., sail makers, Chicago. The claim made for this cloth is that it is impenetrable by water, salt or fresh; that it is soft, light, strong and durable, will not crack like cotton cloth and has none of the objections that are found in cloth treated with paraffine, oil or paint. It is very light in weight and still said to be water repellant and to have nearly double the strength of cotton. The Marine Iron Works, station A, Chicago, have just issued a new 48-page catalogue descriptive of their product, which they will send free on receipt of request. A separate pamphlet issued by the same company. devoted especially to "'River Navigation" (shallow water stern whee! boats), will also be included if asked for. [March 97, -- --$$--____. Air Pump and Hoisting Engine For Sale. One air pump 31 in. diameter, 12 in. stroke, arranged for direct con- nection; in good condition, taken from steamer Manitou, to be replaced by a larger one. Also one hoisting engine, 12 in. cylinder, made by Chas. Elmes; never been used. Can be seen at Chicago Ship Building Co.'s works, South Chicago. Inquire of Manitou Steamship Co., Be pril 24. Freight and Passenger Steamer Wanted. Wanted--To purchase or lease a freight and passenger steamer of about 1,000 to 1,200 tons capacity on 14 ft. draught of water. James Allen. 394 Lafayette Place, Milwaukee, Wis. to Elevator and Barges For Sale. At Prescott, Ont., on St. Lawrence river, elevator of one million bushels capacity, together with fleet of eight steel barges and steam tug, Will be sold by public auction under direction of the court at Prescott, on April 3, at 11:30 a. a. Full particulars on application to Messrs. MacCraken, Henderson & McDougal, solicitors, Ottawa; Messrs. Leitch, Pringle & Cameron, solicitors, Cornwall; or Wm. Dunn & Co., 47 Board of Trade, Chicago, Illinois. March 27. Engine, Boilers, etc., For Sale Cheap. Two Scotch boilers 11x12, 160 Ibs. steam. Triple-expansion engine 20, 80 and 54 in. with 40 in. stroke. Shaft, wheel, anchors, chain, etc., from wrecked steamer Fedora. Thoroughly overhauled. Write for particulars, F. L. Gilbert, 301 Torrey Bldg., Duluth, Minn. March 27. Steamer |. M. Weston For Sale. Length, 96.5 ft.; breadth, 18 ft.; depth, 7.6 ft.; 95 tons. In first-class condition. E. J. Glackin, 363 So. Morgan street, Chicago. tf U. S. Engineer office, 428 Custom House, St. Louis, Mo., March 15, 1902. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, for building and installing two refrigerating plants will be received here until 12 noon, April 14, 1902, and then pub- licly opened. Information furnished on ap- plication. Thos. L. Casey, Major, Engrs. April 10. SELLEVILLE GENERATORS Grand Prix 1889 Originated 1849 Hors Concours 1900 Latest Patents 1902 Number of Nautical Miles made each year by Steamships of the Messageries Maritimes Co., Provided with Belleville Generators--Since their Adoption in the Service. Year Australien | Polynésien a a . "s Mop Chili Cordillére Laos Indus Tonkin Annam_ | Atlantique $U00 67,728 2,460 CD isvcencses 68,247 68,331 204 COs: 68,247 68,403 69,822 23,259 1898 ic esis. 68,379 68,343 68,286 68,247 1804... 68,439 68,367 68,574 68,439 37,701 1895.5. 5 sions 68,673 68,766 68,739 68,808 40,887 28,713 1806.....0.05... 69,534 92,718 69,696 69,549 62,205 63,153 40,716 1697 sina 68,250 69,606 92,736 69,555 62,235 76,110 63,357 43,146 CBG 70,938 69,534 69,552 69,597 62,526 63,240 63,240 62,553 63,954 22,707 (899... roa. 69,534 69,615 67,431 90,405 60,246 62,778 62,868 52,344 54,855 44,007 22,884 1900 ccc ce. 69,534 67,494 69,744 69,564 61,719 62,382 62,502 51,471 53,373 62,016 63,066 52,140 POO visi ccessss 44 220 69,627 69,594 66,948 51.057 62,460 62,490 61,743 62,688 43,866 62,466 63,126 Total..3....: 801,723 | 783,264 | 714,378 | 664,371 438,576 | 418,836 | 355,173 | 271,257 | 234,870 172,596 | 148,416 | 115,266 ATELIERS ET CHANTIERS DE L'ERMITAGE, A ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. WORKS AND YARDS OF L'ERMITAGE AT ST. DENIS (SEINE). FRANCE. _ TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: BELLEVILLE, SAINT-DENIS-SUR-SEINE. £