26 MARINE REVIEW. [July 10 REVERSIBLE DRILL. We illustrate herewith a new reversible drill of the "Little Giant" type recently developed and put upon the market by the Chicago Pneu- matic Tool Co. This machine was primarily designed to meet the want of customers who required a drill for general use, but whose work is not sufficiently specialized to warrant the purchase of any one of the "Little Giant" exclusive reaming and tapping machines. The motor is of the same general construc- tion as all of the new "Tittle Giant" drills, the distinguishing feat- ure of which are four single acting pistons coupled to one crank shaft at an angle of 90°, each piston of each pair traveling in opposite directions, at all time insuring a well-bal- anced and durable en- ™ gine. All moving parts are in an oil-tight case and each pair of cylin- ders is controlled by one balanced piston slide valve. There has been added a _ simple reverse valve of the same construction as in the Nos. 11 and 12 ma- chines, but so situated that it does not_inter- fere with the feed screw when the machine is used as a simple drilling machine. The controlling lever may be removed from the motor when not required as a reversible machine. It can then be controlled with the ordinary throttle, which is situated at the side of machine as in the plain drills. The reverse valve can be used as a throttle valve, however, when very rapid and accurate reverse motion is required, as would be the case when the motor is used in connection with the machine for setting loco- motive slide valves or tapping to a given point, or to bottom, and various other applications which will readily suggest themselves to the mechanic requiring a machine of this kind. Some of the improvements that will be appreciated by mechanics who have used these drills are as follows: All bearings are furnished with removable bushings; the crank journals have been increased by 50 per cent.; the crank pinion is now shrowded on both ends, which will prevent teeth from breaking; the upper and lower bearings for crank shaft are bronze; sleeves of ball-and-socket -form easily removed (no screws required to hold them in place), which form of bearing insures perfect alignment always and consequent increase in speed and power; hardened steel eccentric straps connect valves to crank shaft in place of bronze used formerly; oil plugs have been dispensed with: oil is poured in through handle, and, as it is impossible to use the drill without this handle, and nothing but the handle will fit the hole, it will surely be re- placed, even by the most careless workman, insuring long life to working parts; a leather-packed stuffing box is supplied to keep oil from escaping; every moving part is hardened and ground to fit. SMOOTH-ON IRON CEMENT 1S A POWDERED-METALLIC-COMPOSITION which, upon being mixed with water, becomes a hard metallic IRON, that is insoluble in water, steam or oil, withstands fire and expansion and contraction--being the same as iron is why it is sometimes called MAGIC IRON. | bRiple is When applied to a blemish in a casting the blemish is removed, Hundreds of breaks or fractures in hydraulic machin- ery, leaks in connections in steam or water work, have been permanently and cheaply repaired with SMOOTH-ON. Send for 60 page illustrated book. It is free. Omen mG, UU, cecey core we JERSEY CITY, N. J. MARINE IRON WORKS, TESTING TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS. st the strength of torpedo boat destroyers the British steed ae ondcien a remarkable experiment to be made at the Ports- mouth dock yard. One of the dry docks is being especially prepared for the destroyer Wolf, where she will be subjected to a series of tests which will include hogging and sagging strains. At first she will be sagged by being hung by the head and stern from two platforms having no support beneath. The middle will then be hogged--that is she will be balanced across a pile of timber so that the full strain of the unsupported fore-and- aft parts will be thrown on the center of the vessel. The experiments will prove whether a destroyer's hull is so weak, as was suggested in the case of the Cobra, that the back breaks when a wave lifts her amidships ora sea lifts her in such a manner that the wave is hollow beneath her middle. Cabins ana staterooms of modern vessels especially those in the passenger service should demon- strate the supreme possibilities of the wood finisher's art. This demands a special varnish however, as atmospheric conditions are more destructive to varnish afloat than ashore and the ordinary article is of but little use. The varnish best adapted to with- stand the deleterious influences of wind, wave and weather is "BERRY BROTHERS' SPAR VARNISH." Further particulars and a unique ma: rine puzzle sent free for the asKing. Write us. Berry Brothers, Limited Varnish Manufacturers NEW YORK BOSTON _ PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE CHICAGO CINCINNATI ST..LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO Factory and Main Office, DETROIT. '* Seaboard Steel Castings."' MANUFACTURERS OF A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. "THE ADMIRAL" ANCHOR. : OPEN-HEARTH STEEL CASTINGS Paes OF THE HIGHEST GRADE. THE LATEST AND BEST FACILITIES FOR CASTINGS UP TO STOCKLESS ANCHOR. 80,000 POUNDS WEIGHT. APPROVED BY LLoyo's. MACHINE WORK AND PATTERNS FURNISHED WHEN REQUIRED. RAIL OR WATER DELIVERIES. CAPACITY, 1500 TONS PER MONTH Seaboard Steel Casting Co., CHESTER, PA. TO BOAT BUILDERS. Our exclusive specialty is designing and building (to order) compl € f f plete outfits of genuine MARINE machinery in small and medium sizes (4 to 30 inch cylinders). HIGH PRESSURE--COMPOUND---TRIPLE EXPANSION and PADDLE WHEEL OUTFITS. EITHER WOOD OR COAL-BURNING MARINE BOILERS. CATALOGUE FREE. Station A, CHICAGO, ILL. ANCHORS CAST AND TESTED ON ORDER, OR STOCK ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.