[Aug. 14 Co., was. building .the ma- jority of ships for the coast- ing trade at this time, and the first boat built by them with compound _ engines, ' specifically intended for the Atlantic deep-water coast- wise trade, was the Rio Grande, in 1876. Harlan & Hollingsworth's first com- pound engines for the coast were in the Decatur H. Miller, built in 1879 for the Merchants « Miners Trans- portation Co. The Cramps put compound engines in the Geo. W. Clyde as early as 1871, and these were the first built in this country. But in spite of the fact 'that these instances all date back to the decade previous, con RE ata 1,680 Tons. Morro Castle, 1864. Off-Shore Service. the compound type of en- ne id ay ae gine was not universally found until the March, 1892. a ae close of the eighties, so that it may be fairly o 6 . . oe oe ee ah included in the list of important advances in Poa Nev Sarr Type Gross oe ee construction typified by the decade ending from New York .: Type ro qk Sas ¢ ; y ; TE. tons 2S 5 oe. in 1892. The change in size to p ae ; oo a a increased rea cana is: oy IK PORTLAND, ME.: in able, carried: to on pO . Manhattan . . . Wood, sew. 1,892 shown by the following F Mate S. 9. Co. . 68... 6 5s } Cottage City... yoo, sew. ee 16,096 9 date: Eleanora..... ood, sew. NEW YORK AND BOSTON: Average Gross Tonnage of Three Largest Herman Winter . Iron, scw. 2,626 ; 4 Ship i. : Metropolitan Line . .... ...-. H. F. eee ce Ve sew. poe $4,462 H. M. Whitney . Iron, sew. ; Work to 1852. 1862. 1872. NEW YORK AND NORFOLK: @eyeca 2) 2 rrdn; 'sew.' 2,720 os a ign ie Roanoke... 412. Iron, sew. 2,354 aAvanNal: 5. <i : a 4 ae Guyandotte . . . Iron, sew. 2,351 62.507 31 @harleston 24... 2 : Old Dominion... 03 ee 3. 8s City of Atlanta . Wood, scw. vee : Norfolk 2. 6 06: 696 sie Weenoke 97) .100n, DW) COOK ee oO leanes 1,905 ae 1.53 Old Dominion . . . Iron, p.w. 2,223 ec + 'gas : 704 - Richmond . . . Iron, sew. 1,438 Portland. i fe mee cas NEW YORK & WILMINGTON, N. : Boston. 3 42: y C., AND GEORGETOWN, S. C.: . Rise eee ee eee) peers ce awnee ood, dy 4 3 é a ; Croatan . . Steel, sew. 1,024 ; oa Avge of six ports. 1,273 1,408 NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON: si in eit aes 2.333 New York to 1882. ee er a seb ANG h 2,380 8,208 ' Woquois 43 5.537 < Iron, sew. 2,944 | Savannah .... .-. , MOINS ae oe a 5 sg ae Cherokee ..... Iron, sew. 2,557 _ 36,433 14 Charleston. 2. 1,745 2,778 3,400. bet - 3,4 /« Tron, sew. aot Norfolic ©. .i.,0-; 4,088 2,478 3,111 : Yemassee . . Wood, sew. 1,88 3 531 4.757 New Orleans ..... 2,881 : : NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH: r Kansas City... . Iron, sew. -- Portland... ..-5:.5 8381§ 1,888§ ee City of Birming- Boston 1,849 2,653 ; 0 8. S. Co WAM 5 ates fe sew. coe | a8 We i oN ek A COMM a bee OE ie a scant os City of Augusta. .Iron, sew. : i 3,620 Chattahoochee . . Iron, sew. 263) | Av'ge of six ports. 1,929 2,755 : Nacoochee . .. . Iron, sew. 2, BS «Ct Chesapeake; no others run- : ae. 3 Iron, 1 BOT Steamer p ; eee agai Pee wee ning. ?These boats touched at New Or- Mallory Line. 54 6 Rio Grande . . Iron, sew. eee 8,584 4 7 oe d chore ous ; State of Texas . Iron,. sew. . 1,758. Pe leans and continue to 0 -sl es : NEW YORK AND FERNANDINA- §T wo ships only. {Including City of Mem- oa See City of St.. Augus- iu phis, not in commission during March. sgt seal ND JAGESONVILIN: ; _ tine'... . . + Wood, sew. 564 oe "The table following, in uniform form re SOR an) aacee oe ee "hy with that of the other decades, shows the Merchants' S. S. Co., of Florida, Oe rood 1.039 2,078 2 : S NE: : Somerville, Agt. ...... . 4. G. Christopher.Wood, sew. 1,038 ; tonnage clearances in 1892. The Morgan ee re ™ poalatan's |). Tron, new. 2,840 line to New Orleans, mentioned as having Cr Li [ Hudson... . . Iron, sew. 1,564 | 6105 6 5 the largest ship (the Chalmette) in 1882, os ee : ete nant : Ase sew. Loe : is seen to have the best equipped fleet, ew Orleans .... Iron, Scw. ' esd % ° . ll Paso... . Tron, sew. 8,581 - with the Savannah line second. This is Hl Mar... . . Iron, sew. 3,081 | coincident with another change in the ser- eee hom ecw. (bedi 10 vice; control by railroads. The last ship | Hxcelsior . . . . Iron, sew. 3,264 | built independently by Mr. Morgan was ba fants Tron, sew. 6.208 the Excelsior, 1882. The Southern Pacific pee TOR SNe GeEyeSron: Concho . . Iron, sew. 3,724 railroad then became interested in the line, Alamo . : 1 Iron, sew. 2,948 | and subsequently leased the property, build- om ecw, 0 Sen 8 ing all the ships whose names begin with Colorado... . . Iron, sew. 2,765 WEI" Similarly, the Central of Georgia San Marcas . . . Iron, sew. 2,839 | acquired the securities of the Ocean Steam- Niagara, 1877. Off-Shore Service. 2,265 Tons. ship Co., of Savannah, better known as the "Savannah Line." | The first triple ex- pansion engines built in the United States for a large vessel in the merchant service were put in the Iro- quois, Clyde line, in 1886. Hence mention of them is proper in connection with this decade, but, like com- pound engines ten years earlier, they were only found in a few of the best boats, in 1892, and are by no means universal at the present time, al-