TRADE NOTES. The pamphlets and catalogues which come from the Fort Wayne kjlectric Works are aiwavs of an excellent character. 'the latest output advertises the Wood oil transtormers, . ing instruments and arc lamps. ach catalogue 1s thoroughly described and illustrated ana will be forwarded to anyone 1n- terested. ao The Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, N. Y., has issued a booklet devoted to the Buffalo down draft stationary and heating forges for industrial works. In its preface it says that its purpose 1s to show a complete line of the most modernly-designed and hon- estly-built and best-equipped forges on the market. 'lhe typical features of the Buffalo down draft forges are completely de- scribed and illustrated. The United States circuit court of appeals has finally put an end to six years of litigation between the owners of patents on the Shaw & Spiegle towing machine and the Chase Machine Co. of Cleveland. 'The case, which has been argued four times, 1s again decided in favor of the' Chase company. 'There is no op- portunity for further appeal. 'The court decides that the Chase machine does not infringe. : The Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. report that owing to the vast amount ot business they are receiving from the southwest territory they have advisable to again place a represen- tative in that district and therefore have located Mr. W. C. Walker in St. Louis, with headquarters at 325 Lincoln Trust . building. They believe this arrangement will greatly facilitate handling the large volume of business received from that terri- tory and will be advantageous to both, to themselves and to their customers. H. I. Crandall & Son Co., well-kne.-n dry dock engineers of Boston, are constructing one of their marine railway dry docks of 3,500 tons capacity, at the new ship yard of Hall Bros., Port Blakeley, Wash. The cradle will be 320 ft. long by 76 ft. wide, and will have ample draught of water fer any vessel within the capacity of the dock. The frame of the cradle is of steel and is being built by the Boston Steel & Iron Co. of Boston. The cradle will have the usual dock floor, together with other equip- ments that are a feature of marine railways designed by the Crandall company. The H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New York, has issued a cat- alogue, pocket size, devoted to Vulcabeston packing. The in= creased temperature and pressure in the modern steam plant, necessitated by the strenuous requirements of up-to-date manu- facturing interests, have resulted in a complete revolution in the manufacture of steam packing. This revolution Vulcabeston has sought to meet. This packing is adapted for any steam pres- sure. It does not deteriorate by the action of high pressure or superheated steam. A prominent trunk line railroad has used Vulcabeston concave and convex packing rings for valve stems on both sides of one of their heavy express passenger engines for more than a year, running over 100,000 miles, and each stem traveling 20,000,000 ft. without finding it necessary to even screw down the follower. 'The rod was not scratched or worn and is perfectly sthooth. The pump of the drilling engine in the yards of the Westinghouse Air Brake Co. at Wilmerding, Pa., was packed with similar rings and ran for ten months. A copy of this little catalogue will be sent to anyone upon request. Articles of incorporation of the Michigan Steel Casting Co. have been filed. The company proposes to build and operate a steel casting plant, rolling mill, brass foundry and gray iron foundry and to do a general iron and steel manufacturing busi- ness. The capital stock is $300,000 with $30,000 paid in. 'The shares are held as follows: Karl R. Davies, Fred J. Muttrie and Maxwell R. Davies, each 5,000; Karl R. Davies, trustee, 5,000; Fred J. McMurtrie, trustee, 5,000. The Struthers Furnace Co. of Cleveland announces removal of their offices Oct. 15, to rooms 1106-1109 Citizen's Bank building, No. 190 Euclid avenue. REPAIRING LEAKING SEAMS, Cut showing place in Boiler where Smooth-On Iron Cement No. 1 was successfully used for stopping leaking seam after caulking had proved unsuc- cessful. A layer of cement was placed at seam C its entire length, so as to make a fillet around the inside of the joint between the head and the shell-- allowed to stand twelve hours to metal- ize--it made the seam perfectly tight. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, FREE, For SALE BY SUPPLY Houses. SMOOTH-ON MFG. Co., 572-574 COMMUNIPAW AVENUE, y SGA ly RSS8y > hl WS MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. i JERSEY CITY, N. J., U.S.A, [Oct. 16, ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Bids have just been opened in the navy department for the construction of concrete and granite dry dock No. © at the Charlestown navy yard. The lowest straight bid was that of the Virginia Engineering & Construction Co. of Richmond, Va, This company offered to complete the dock for $1,189,450. The American Ship Building Co. has just paid (Oct. 15) the regular quarterly dividend of 134 per cent. on preferred stock, Official announcement is made of the company's first dividend on common stock, authorized at a meeting of the board of directors just following the annual meeting of stockholders on the first of the present month. It is expected that this distribution of $y per share quarterly will be a regular affair. The first $1 per share is to be paid Dec. 1. Books close Nov. 17 and reopen Pe first of the five freight steamers, building in this coun- try for the Atlantic Transport Co. was launched this week from the works of the New York Ship Building Co., Camden, N, J, She is 490 ft. 5 in. long, 56 ft. 3 in. beam and 35 ft. deep. Her carrying capacity will be 13,000 tons. She will be christened Massachusetts. Her sisters, building at this yard, will be christened Minnelora and Minnekahta. The two which the Maryland Steel Co., Sparrow's Point, Md., are building will be christened Missouri and Maine. The financial statement of Canada for the year ending June 30 last has just been issued. The revenue for the year was $58,024,228, an increase of $5,509,527 over the previous year. The expenditure was $50,739,953, an increase of $3,873,586. The difference between revenue and expenditure, on ordinary ac- count, is shown in a surplus of $7,284,275; but there was an ex- penditure of more than $13,000,000 over capital account. If the surplus and sinking fund payments be deducted from this then there has been added to the public debt for the year $3,398,412. Canada's net debt is $271,878,415. While nothing definite can be learned regarding the im- provement of steamship service from Canada it is reported that Sir Wilfred Laurier, premier, has said that the contract for the fast steamship service would be awarded to the Allan-Furness company, and that the service to be established would be a 20- knot service. The contract with the Canadian Pacific was ob- jected to on the ground that no such important contract could possibly be carried out by any one railway without injuring other railways. A prominent director of the Canadian Pacific rail- way when shown this statement announced that his company would secure at once a number of freight ships and establish a regular service from Montreal and Quebec. Vessels classed and rated recently by the American bureau of shipping in the Record of American and Foreign Shipping are: American screw steamers Siberia and Finnland; American side- wheel steamer Uncatena; American schooners Fred A. Daven- port and Star of the Sea; American three-masted schooners Celia F., Frank W. Benedict, George L. Drake, Henrietta J. Powell, Norombega, Joel F. Sheppard, Levi Hart and Belle O'Neil; American barkentine Shawmut; American barge Charles K. Nicholas, American half brig John McDermott; British schooner Ada Mildred; British three-masted schooners Coral Leaf, J. L. Nelson, Lillian Blauvelt, FE. Merriam and Zeta. ASBESTOCEL SECTIONAL PIPE COVERING. ( Patented.) Consists of several layers of corrugated asbestos paper, placed so that the corrugations run CONCENTRICALLY AROUND THE PIPE. Each channel, therefore, forms a closed loop, in which the air is ef- fectually imprisoned, instead of forming a long channel through whieh more or less circulation can take place, as in longitudinal air cells. These circumferential channels occur between each of the several layers, forming a covering of the highest insulating efficiency. We manufacture money saving insulating coverings to meet every requirement under all conditions, and should, therefore, be glad of an opportunity to take the question up with you in detail. Send tor Catalogue A, or a representative. Either will come to you promptly. H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE CoO., 100 William Street, New York. MILWAUKEE, BOSTON, CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. NEW ORLEANS, ST LOUIS. PITTSBURG, LONDON.