16 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Nov. 13, Buffalo Fan System FoR FORCED DRAFT ano 2 'SHIP VENTILATION. Sane AIR SUPPLY AMPLE AND | POSITIVE. OPERATION IS | INDEPENDENT OF WIND AND WEATHER. BUFFALO Forge Company BUFFALO, N. Y. NEW YORK: CHICAGO: 39 Cortland St. 22-24 Randolph St. 7 The Shipowners Dry Dock Co., OEICAGO. Repairs to Three Docks at Halsted Steel and Wooden Vessels. || Street and North Branch. On Ors, tc At TO SUL INcG. OFFICE TELEPHONE, HARRISON 1020. W. W. WATTERSON, Supt. YARD TELEPHONE, NORTH 1659. TELEPHONE, LAKEVIEW 198. a ~ aa , ASHTON Cam Lever Pop Safety Valves || and Non-Corrosive steam gauges \ give highest efficiency and durability. Specify them and get the best. e=--=> The Ashton Valve Co., withing, Usa. AAAAIAVAAIAAAAAAAIVAES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAR THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. IRON, STEEL and PIG IRON. Cleveland, O. . GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. Tool steel is one of our important lines. Let us co-operate with your foreman to get best results © from tool steel in your shops. Pneumatic Hammers, Drills, Hoists, and appli- ances of | Deck Winch connected to General Electric Motor. every de- General Office, Schenectady, N. Y. scription. Cleveland Office 3:0 New Enzland Bldg. in Me ties a : our New occupy liti e space, do not dip and do not freeze. Electric Deck Winches. Are alwavs readv f +r Immediate use Air Compressors Built in all capacities Complete Air Plants Bs INSTALLED, rn And Satisfaction Assured. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company. Compressor Catalog, "*BENEDICT-NICKEL" Seamless Condenser Cubes are the only ones that resist electrolysis. 1 ar superior to brass or conper. i Our treatise on "Electrolysis of Con- Fisher Bigs. denser Tubes" tells whv--send for tt. G0. BENEDICT & BURNHAM, Mtg. Co. Sees Miils ani Main Office, Waterbury, Conn. 95 Liberty St., N.Y 253 Broadway. Boston, 172 High St. New York,