a MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. corded by their draughts from year to year, affords conclusive proof that the growth of minor details amounts in the aggregate to a large variation in a principal feature of the design. If we had reason to suppose that the contest for naval supremacy in the immediate future would be mild and unimport- ant, or one in which we should have little cause for sustained national effort, it might still be possible that the subject of this paper would be worthy of the attention of this institution as an interesting problem in naval design. But not many will, I think say that the matter is one of only academical interest. . As the pressure of mercantile competition and maritime interests grows greater, it is certain that this country will have to put forth cor- responding effort to keep her place as the greatest of naval pow- ers. It will be dangerous to neglect even small sources of ad- vantage. It may be equally so to suppose that we can perman- ently face a greater outlay than others for the same unit of naval force. There are signs that there is being applied else- where a more rigorous analysis to the methods as well as to the history of naval power. Every improvement in armor, in ord- nance, Or in structural material will be of value; and these minor matters will afford yet another field for advance, equal in im- portance to some of those more obvious once. But it is also a field in which advance is very difficult. So many things militate against economy. It is rarely a thing about which one grows en- thusiastic. There is much discouragement with it, and some little risk. But the work is there, and has to be done, and it can only be done by the united efforts of all connected with the navy. It is by no means merely a question of office design. It needs the intelligent and ceaseless co-operation of all engaged in the work of construction, and not least that of our subordinate building officers and workmen. Most of all, it needs the continuous help and often the thought and self-denial of naval officers of all ranks, who necessarily exert so great an influence on the details of the ships they have to live in and to fight. It is well known to many here that this subject is not a novel one. It has engaged the attention of those who direct the affairs of the navy. Much has been done, but it is a work in which much more still remains. It is with the object of attracting more general attention to the practical side of the question that this paper has been prepared. 3! POWER DOORS AND POWER HATCHES. i The Review is in receipt of a bulletin (No. 6) from the Ae Arm' System Co. of Cleveland descriptive of the "Long Tm" system of safety electric power doors. This bulletin will be followed shortly by one more complete and fully illustrated in detail. A full description of the horizontal door and hatch gear will then be added, when further reference will very probably be made in these columns to the devices of the Cleveland com- pany. This safety electric water-tight power door is the outcome of some five years' work and experience in this line in equipping United States naval ships with such devices. The door and its Safety electric power-gear have, after very exhaustive tests, been _ Officially approved and the United States government has speci- fied them and the "Long Arm" system of operation on all its large naval -ships now building. It will be of general interest to know that the "Long Arm" system has been installed and is now in service on eleven ships of the United States navy and has been officially specified on twenty more; it has also been installed on two ships of the French navy and on one American sea-going steam yacht; a total of over 800 power doors and' 120 power hatches. Briefly it is claimed for the "Long Arm" system that in case of emergency its power doors and power hatches are closed from a central station on the bridge of a ship, just as if the officer there could reach out and place his hand on each individual door or hatch; that it reaches out to save the ship before the collision happens; that it saves the ship by perfecting the ship's cellular structure (stopping up the holes in the bulkheads), so making her unsinkable; that it does this without endangering anyone by sudden closings, and in such a manner that the power remains with the man at any door to reopen it quickly for escape or for passage on duties, the door reclosing automatically. Tri-weekly tourist car service by way of the Nickel Plate road. Every comfort of modern train service is provided at very small cost. Berth rates less than half the price of regular Pull- man service. Get particulars from nearest agent, or from E. A. Akers, C. P. & T. A, Cleveland, O. 66 June 12 for good news articles. Photographers HE MARINE REVIEW is desirous of obtaining at all times interesting photographs of a maritime character. be stranded, should an unusual repair job show up in a ship yard, the MARINE REVIEW will pay substantial sums of money for any such photographs. Many a man in a dry dock, in a ship yard or aboard ship has a camera. Possibly the master or the superintendent has one. vi ipti ; i tences a written description (merely facts; we'll furnish sen ces, so much the better and so much the more profit for him. The REVIEW pays well If he can accompany the photograph with Undoubtedly hundreds of extraordinary interest naval architects and marine engineers, they are known only to those who are working upon them. This invitation is open to everyone. Attention ! Should an accident occur, should a ship spelling and punctuation), repair jobs are going on which would but which are never published because MANUFACTURERS OF AND | DEALERS IN ALBERT C. JAHL, General Manager, 100 William St., New York, U. S. A. ; &S ly Co., United Marine Mfg ELECTRIC AL. MATERIAL FOR SHIPS AND FORTIFICATIONS.