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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 27 Aug 1903, p. 18

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a8 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. surface and 68,000 sq. ft. of heating surface. These boilers are allowed 250 lbs. pressure and the cruiser is expected to make 22 -knots an hour. As : - The armament of the Pennsylvania will consist. of four 8-in. 'guns, mounted in pairs-in two Hichborn electrically-controlled, el- 'liptical, balanced turrets, placed on the middle line, one forward and one aft,-each having an arc,of train of at least 270°. On the 'upper deck, at the corners of the superstructure, there will be four 6-in. guns, mounted in sponsons, one in each corner, and each having either:a bow or. stern fire, with an arc of train at least 145°. 'There will be, in addition, the gun deck battery of ten 6-in. guns, forming a broadside, five on each. side, the arc of fire of each being not less than 110°, or -at: least 55° forward and 55° abaft the beam, excepting in the case of the forward pair, which:are so arranged as to be capable of direct ahead fire. There will also be a very formidable.secondary battery, consisting of eighteen 3-in. breech-loading rifles, twelve :3-pounder, two' ma- chine guns and six automatic guns of small caliber, mounted in the most commanding positions practicable, and having large arcs of fire. In the lower top there: will be two automatic 1-pounders, and in the upper military top a single-shot 1-pounder. In the Pennsylvania, as in all others of recent design, there will -be no above-water torpedo tubes, but provision is. made for two submarine torpedo tubes located in one compartment forward, fitted for the long, 18-in. Whitehead torpedo. For the guns -above enumerated' there will be carried 500 "rounds of 8-in. ammunition, 2,000 rounds of 6-in., 4,500 rounds of 14-pounder, 6,000 rounds of 3-pounder, 2,000 rounds of I- pounder automatic and 1,200 rounds of 1-pounder heavy ammuni- tion. The magazines have been specially designed with a view _to absolute security in all climates, special provision being made to reduce their temperature, if necessary, by means of connections --with the cooling plant of the, vessels. ~The armored protection of the Pennsylvania will consist of _a water line belt 7 ft. 6 in. in width, extending from the bow to the _ stern of the vessel for a distance of about 244 ft. Abreast of the engines and boilers this armor will be 6 in. in thickness for its _ upper edge, maintaining this thickness for a distance of 4% ft. _ downward, from which point it tapers to 5 in. at its lower edge. -The belt 'is to be completed to the bow and stern by armored 'plates of a uniform thickness of 3% in. Abdye the water line belt the side will be protected for a length of 232 ft. by a belt 5 _ in, in thickness, extending from-the top of the water line belt to _ the main deck.. At the ends of this armor there will be armored _bulkheads 4 in. in thickness, so forming an inclosed citadel or _casemate within which the ten 6-in. guns of the broadside bat- _ tery are mounted. The four 6-in. guns on the upper deck, at the cornets, of the, superstructure, are protected by 5-in. armor casemates. The turrets for the 8-in. guns will be 6 in. im thick- ness, with 6% in. port plates and 114 in. nickel steel tops. The _ barbettes. of the.8-in. turrets will have a uniform thickness of 6 _ In, and the ammunition tubes, extending from the turret to the protective. deck, will. have a, uniform thickness of 3 in. The _ conning, tower will be 9 in; in, thicknéss, with a 2-in. nickel steel top, and;trom, its base to: the protective deck there will be an »-armored tube. in. in,thickness and of sufficient diameter not only .,to permit. ofthe accommodation of speaking tubes, etc., but also access: to the conning tower from below the protective deck. The signal, tower aft-wil! be 5 in. in thickness. A complete oil tem- .. pered..and.annealed nickel steel protective deck, 1% in. thick on the flat and .4 in. thick on the sloping sides, is to extend the en- ~ tire length, of.the vessel, anda cellulose cofferdam belt 3 in. in . thickness,.as,,an additional, protection against water line damage 'which might affect the stability, will be worked along both sides, above the protective deck, for the entire length of the vessel... '--The Pennsylvania is to be fitted as a-flagship, and provision - is made for the proper. accommodation of a full complement of officers and men, comprising one flag officer, one commanding offi- cer,,one. chief of staff, twenty ward room officers, twelve junior officers, ten warrant officers and 777. crew, making a-grand totay Of S22.soulse 2 Electricity will be extensively used for the transmission of power necessary for the many auxiliaries. The electric generat- ing plant will consist of seven units, each consisting of an-engine ahd dynamo mounted on a combination bed plate. Three of these units will havea rated output of 1,250 amperes each at 80 volts, and the remaining four a rated output of 625 amperes at the same voltage. They will supply, in addition to the current for lighting the vessel, sufficient power for operating the turret turning gear, ammunition hoists, blowers for the hull and turret ventilation, rammers for the heavy guns, elevating gear for the heavy guns, / air compressors for charging the torpedoes, machinery in the "general work shop, etc. A limited number of the auxiliaries, as, - for instance, steering engine, anchor and capstan engine and ash hoisting engines, will be steam driven. QUAINT DESCRIPTION OF THE FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. _ The cruiser launched at the works of the Cramps, Philadel- phia, on Saturday last, is the third warship bearing the name Pennsylvania. A quaint and curious description of the launch of the first Pennsylvania is contained in South's Friend, a Sun- day-school book of the thirties. In these days of directness it makes interestine reading: -...: "On July 18, 1837, not less tnan a hundred. thousand persons were collected at the river Delaware, near Philadelphia, to see hip launched. »It-was the largest vessel that had éver p.. built i the United States, and perhaps there never pes eed than one so large built in the world. It was fifteen years fron the time it was begun until it was launched. It measured neat! aso ft. in its greatest length. If twenty-one such ships Woke! 4g line-in a line, the length of the whole would be a mile. Tt jg 54 ft. high, and one of the three masts (none of which were = the vessel at the time of launching), is 283 ft. high. One of the anchors weighs nearly 12,000 lbs. The ship can carry q weight of:3,000 tons: When such an enormous. vessel as this was to be moved from the land into the water, itis no wonder that every one wished to see the sight. "The ship's name:is Pennsylvania. It was the edge of the river, under,an immense frame house, or rather shed for it had:no rooms in it. When the time for launching came, the end of the shed towards the river was taken away, and great. tim. bers placed under and about the vessel to guide it into the river, The Delaware is a mile in width at that place, and vessels of al] sizes and kinds, and filled with people, covered it to a great dig. tance. Ships and schooners, steamboats and wherries, with their flags flying, and their decks and masts crowded, were arranged in view of the great ship. The wharfs, houses, and shores, as far as the eye could reach, were filled with people, many of whom stood for several hours waiting for the launch. At the appointed time two-cannons were fired to give notice that the ship would soon be launched. Several hundred men. were employed: in knocking away the'beams that kept it in its place on shore, and in a few minutes the great ship, with a number of persons on 'board, glided ott of the shed into the river. It was a splendid sight, and the crowds shouted as the Pennsylvania moved like. a swan among the other vessels, the largest of which appeated: like boats in comparison. - You see a representation of the scene 'im the picture.' The ship has just entered the river, 'and the peo- ple are waving their hats and rejoicing all around. : "The Pennsylvania is a vessel of war, and' can catry mo canons. It*is to be hoped she' will never be used. for this pur-' pose; but that when the nations know how well: prepared: our country is to resist an' enemy, they willbe disposed: to 'keep at peace. "And we should still move earnestly desire that the time may soon come when all nations will be peaceful, not® because' they are afraid of each other, but because they love' each other -as all mankind ought to do. "What a wonderful proof of the skill and powet that God: has given to-man in such a'véssel as the Pennsylvania! This' great and powerful structure is"made of pieces of wood, cut, and smoothed, and fastened together,' until' it becomes the wonder of the world and the terror: of all who would provoke its power. How exactly every part mist be proportioned in order to*make at -move so evénly in the water! " How 'strong to meet the'winds: and -waves of the ocean! Héw wisely constructed, sé that by its ropes, and masts, and sails,'and rudder, a few mett can_di- rect its course wherever they wish to go! Such skill has the Cre- 'ator given'to' man. And if such feeble, short-lived beings have -- this power, what mtst be His wisdom:and + might whio, 'by His" word, created 'innumerable! worlds, and keeps them | undecayed _ from age to age! "The ark which Noah 'built was about' the same height as the Pennsylvania, but perhaps twice as long.' There were'no fe joicings of the people when that vessel was in preparation. "They 'ridiculed the care of the piotis man, and despised his: warnings. But oh! how would they have crowded into his ark when the waters 'began to rise above their dwellings, and they saw that their destruction was near! bed ae _ "The ark has saved the little family' for whose! preservation | it was built, and has long' since gone to decay. Very soom this, proud ship, and all that looked upon it when it was Jauinchied into' the 'stream, will be seen no more. This little book andiits readers will be gond, and forgotteli96h the earth. But thefe "9 4 shelter, a defence, an ark which is eVerlasting, and which will protect us in eternity as well as time. You know what I mean. You have enemies far more dreadful than any that can éver at tack your country and your hornes; and you have a defence Jat. more strong and sure than all the navies of the earth. Your enemy is sin; your only defender and Saviour is Christ; and be. fore you become the irrecoverable prisoners of wrath, escape t0 Him who is ready to deliver vou." eae REAR ADMIRAL ON PERSONNEL BILL. Rear Admiral.Charles W. Rae, engineer in chief of the navy; has been very reticent in expressing his views concerning his » policy, claiming that it is altogether too early for him to spea® © However, he is in accord with the policy of Admiral Melyille re» garding the education of line officers in engineering duty, He: - said: : "When asked about two years before the introduction ue congress of the personnel bill to express my views as to the bes way to remove all friction between the line and'the staff, J said believed the amalgamation of the engineer corps with the line: would solve the problem. At the time my remark was consi<y. ered exceedingly strange as coming from an officer of the eng! neer cosps. I think that the success of the present plan has, been. sadly retarded by the lack of commissioned officers in the eee but it is my firm belief that the time is not far distant when | it will be clear to all that the amalgamation plan has proven ven beneficial to the service in every way." toes eee

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