ERER DIRECT and POSITIVE QUICK ACTING. Especially adapted for Steam Yachts, : Ferry boats, Lake, Ocean ~ and Harbor Tug Boats. Send for Cata- logue and ' Particulars. 17 STATE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. BECK STEAM AND HAND STEERING GEAR SIMPLE, STRONG AND DURABLE PAWLING & HARNISCHFEGER Clinton and South Water Streets MILWAUKEE, WIS.. U.S. A. ) soemncne oe A TH : E Dake Pilot House Steam Steerer. A Simple, Compact and Durable Machine. Occupies Small Floor Space. Write for descriptive circulars and prices. MANUFACTURED BY The Dake Engine Co. GRAND HAVEN, MICH. "FOREST CITY" MARINE PAINT A Paint Made Expressly for This Purpose The Forest City Paint & Varnish Co., ' CLEVELAND, OHIO. THE ROBERTS ~ Safetv Water Tube Boiler Co, MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Marine Water Tube Boilers. Generators of the Highest Quality of Steam, Nearly {500 in use. Send for Circulars and Stock Sheet, Works: RED BANK, N. J. Phone, 49 Red Bank. Main Office: 89 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK, N.Y., U.S.A. Phone, 599 Cortlandt. Cable Address ; BRUNI V AY Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co. LEE DULUTH, MINN, MANUFACTURERS OF Boilers, Engines and Machinery, Special facilities for Marine Work. Repairs promptly attended to Night TELEPHONES: or Day. OFFICE AND WORKS, 615. We chrry-a cont: Soe ae moe p. Eote Ene of Mar: J. H. OPPERMAN, Secretary, 579 R. * ine and Engineers' E. KRIZ, Superintendent, 557 M. Supplies. Centrifugal Pumping Machinery For All Purposes. KINGSFORD FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, OSWEGO. N. Y. Patterson's Nautical Encyclopedia. PRICE, $3.00 Is in all respects a work up to date, correct as to every term known to the shipping world. Sent upon approval. Carriage prepaid. THE MARINE REVIEW CLEVELAND.