TET : t writ paar me VIEW OF PORTION OF WATER FRONT OF SAN FRANCISCO SHOWING COASTING COLLIERS DISCHARGING. small steam craft used between San Francisco and near by points. Nearly all these coasting vessels are built at San Francisco, Oakland (a suburb of San Francisco) and Eureka, a few being constructed on Puget Sound. For some years past there have been almost twenty new coasting vessels annually built and added to the fleet in this service. While almost all of the coastwise trade is between domestic merce is not very extensive in character and is not of suffi- cient importance to seggregate from the coastwise traffic de- scribed above. Capt. John McGee -of Milwaukee has been appointed to succeed Capt. Thomas Barry temporarily on the steamer City of Fremont of the Barry Line. The Detroit inspectors of steam: vessels -have revoked the license of Capt. Barry for VIEW OF PORTION OF THE WATER FRONT OF SAN FRANCISCO, SHOWING TWO SCHOONERS, ONE THREE-MASTED AND ONE FOUR- MASTED, 'DISCHARGING PINE LUMBER FROM THE NORTHERN COAST ; ALSO A VESSEL IN DRY DOCK. ports, some of the companies have steam schooners plying between San Francisco and Mexican ports and also to British Columbia. This trade while embraced within foreign com- thirty days because he failed to comply with certain orders relating to the length of hose to be used for fire protection aboard the City of Fremont.