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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 29 Sep 1904, p. 34

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uw A RL, NL E mercantile marine being the nursery of our armed navy, the American sailor was smothered in his cradle. The Democratic party is pledged to restore American ship- ping, but not by the exotic and corrupting assistance of the national treasury, not by one-sided subsidies and bounties, not by expedients which rob the many for the benefit of the few. TRADE NOTES. The Lunkenheimer Co. of Cincinnati have prepared a most comprehensive display of a large line of high grade engineer- ing specialties which they manufacture and are now exhibit- ing them at the World's Fair. The East End Boiler Works, Detroit, Mich., have just shipped to the Electric Co., Mitchell, S. D., a 210-H. P. water- tube boiler, 18 ft. long, 9 ft. 6 in. wide and to ft. 6 in. high. They also have under construction a 50-H. P. for a Tacoma, Wash., concern. The Friederich Stadt ship yard of J. & A. Jensen at Dahl, Christiana, one of the largest in Norway, have adopted a Haeseler aeumnantc hammer and drills and have placed a two- year contract with the Ingersoll Sargeant Drill. Co. cover- ing their requirements. The Reliance Mfg. Co. have removed their plant from City Island, N. Y., to Providence, R. I. . To their gas engine busi- ness they have also added the manufacture of refrigerating machines of from I to 5 tons capacity. The new plant at Providence has three times the capacity of the old one. "The Gateway to Economy and Profit' is the title of two show cards that are being sent to the trade by the H. W. Johns-Manville Co., 100 William street, New York. One card shows several casts of plating including Kearsarge, Mobiline and Vulcabeston in the actual colors of the goods, and the other card shows " Asbestos fire felt," "85 per cent Magnesia," "Asbestocel" and other pipe and boiler coverings. The cards will be mailed to anyone upon appplication. The Falls Hollow Staybolt Co.,. Cuyahoga Falls, O., have issued a card to the effect that the Falls Hollow staybolt iron is the only elastic staybolt in the world' and make the follow- ing claims for it: The only staybolt iron which responds in service to the expansion and contraction of fire box; the only staybolt iron which relieves the molecular strains; the only staybolt iron which is self protective from burning; the only staybolt iron which does not make the side sheets crack; the only staybolt iron which earns its own' cost in oxygen through it to the fire; the only staybolt iron always sure of giving warning of breakage; the staybolt which lasts longest, causes least repairs, gives longest life to. the fire box and the longest service in the engine on the rails. The Akron Chilian mill for the wet grinding of metallifer- ous rock is the title of the latest catalogue put out by the Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Co. of Cleveland. The distinguish- ing features of the mill are said to be: First, the possibility of adjusting the rollers while the mill is in operation; second, the arrangement of the principal bearings so that they can readily be examined and repaired; third, an efficient system of lubrication, and disposal of waste oil; fourth, high efficiency as regards output, water consumption, wear and teat Tith. even distribution of feed and large screen capacity; sixth, substantial construction combined with easy access for making repairs. The wash drawings throughout the catalogue are printed in black, while the letter press is in brown. The catalogue gives a complete description of the mill and will be sent to anyone interested. OBITUARY. James C. Lewis who died suddenly at his home in Detroit, Sunday night last, was a well-known marine engineer, having served in that capacity on the old Grummond Line and on dif- ferent tugs of the Grummond fleet. He was also an engineer R Ne Ee Een E. on one of the steamers of the Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Co. .for several years. Archer Brown of the firm of Rogers, Brown & Co., well known pig iron merchants of New York, died at his residence in East Orange last week. Mr. Brown was fifty-two years old. He began his life as a newspaper man, but about twenty years ago organized the firm of Rogers, Brown & Co., which has since become famous in the pig iron industry. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. The following transfers have been made through the office of Stanley M. Seaman, yacht broker, New York city: Auxil- iary cat boat Keystone, Mr. E. M. Bull to Mr. 'Fredk. T. Mason, New London, Conn.; sloop Kangaroo, Mr. O. F, Smith to Mr. C. W. Wright of Brooklyn, N. Y. | Jib-and mainsail Knave, Mr. WwW. N. Bavier to Mr. E. Hope Norton of New York. es : The establishment of the second navy yard somewhere on Puget Sound is favored by Rear Admiral Mordecai T. Endi- cott, chairman of the bureau of yards and docks of the navy department.. Admiral Endicott believes that the new yard should be conveniently near to some central population and also to have adequate railroad facilities in order to make it a great repair establishment. Mail advices from Liverpool state fiat. the report of the directors of the Prince Line for the year ending June 30, 1904, shows a gross profit amounting to £104,553 10s. 11d. from which is to be deducted for repairs and renewal £22,118 od., leaving a balance of £82,435 10s. 12d. The sum of £43,647 17s. 6d. is set aside and a dividend of 5 per cent was declared.. The report is that the shipping business continues very depressed. Plans are being prepared by the leading underwriters of the Pacific coast for the incorporation of a salvage association on the lines of similar organizations elsewhere. It is under- stood that the shares will be held entirely by underwriters. The plan is to establish a plant on Puget Sound and another at San Francisco, each of which will have a competent salvage officer in charge. Ship owners in particular will appreciate the. importance of this new venture in view of the fact that there is at present no complete salvage plant on the Pacific coast. The American Ship Windlass Co. is furnishing complete outfits for several schooners now building in Atlantic coast yards. The schooner Catherine M. Monahan being built by M. C. McDonald at Mystic, Conn., will be furnished with a Providence outfit, consisting of a windlass, steam winch, pumps, boiler, tank, condenser, all set up and piped on board. The same equipment will also be furnished to the schooner Dorothy Belle building by Russell & Co. at Leesburg, No}, and a schooner building by Wm. G. Abbott at Milford, Del., for Capt. A, T. Hudgins. The battleship Connecticut will be launched from the New York navy yard on Thursday of this week. She is the fourth vessel of that name to be constructed for the United States navy. The Connecticut is one of the 16,000-ton battleships now building for the navy. Her sisters are the Louisiana, Vermont, Kansas and Minnesota. The general dimensions of this class are: Length, 450 ft.; extreme beam, 76 ft. 10 in.; mean draught, 24 ft. 6 in.; displacement, 16,c00 tons; twin screws: vertical triple-expansion engines; speed, 18 knots; indicated horse power, 16,500; coal capacity, 2,200 tons. Her armament wil! consist of four 12-in. guns, eight 8-in. guns, twelve 7-in. guns, two 3-in. rapid-fire guns, twelve 3-pounders, eight 1-pounders, two 3-in. field guns, eight machine guns and four submerged torpedo tubes. Her armor belt is rt in. thick at the top and 9 in, thick at the bottom: The thickness:of the armor on the large turrets is 12 in. and for the smaller turrets 8 in. The barbette armor is to in. for the 12-in. guns and 6 in. for the 6-in. guns.

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