M A R I E R E V 9 Bow WANTED and FOR SALE. Department. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. For Sale--A Bargain $20,000. Steamer Gordon Campbell Cost over $10,000 to dry dock and rebuild within last year. Original cost $100,000. A2 wooden steamer, first-class condition; 206 ft. long, 33 ft. beam; two decks and gangways; top deck 113 ft. clear between cabins. Boilers, engines, etc., in first- class condition. Can carry grain, pack- age freight, coal, ties, "ete Package freight and boom hoist. $1,000 would cut her down for lumber. Can be seen at-Chicago. Address J. T. McAuley, 325 Dearborn St., Chicago. tf For Sale or Trade. Freight and passenger steamer for sale or will trade for one somewhat larger. Licensed to carry 279 passengers and is of 257 gross tons; 134 ft. long, 27 ft. beam and 7 ft. deep. Rated Ar1%. Well fitted for accommodation of passengers and for handling of freight Speed 12to 13 miles per hour. Address Box 72, Marine Re- view, Cleveland. Oct. 1 Steam BargeJ.G. Nichols. Length 106 ft., beam 22 ft. Engine Io by 20 by Ir. Boiler 8 ft. 6 in. long, 48 in. dia. Steam pressure 137 lbs. Engine and boiler in first-class shape. Steam hoister and derrick forward. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address Walter V. Metcalf, 93 Eliot St., Cleveland. tf For Sale--Tug Jim Pullar and Scow. Tug--built in 1894; 61 ft. long; 15 ft. beam. Water tube boiler. Compound condensing engine. Strong and sea- worthy. Scow--five years old. Excellent con- struction; 132 ft. long; 29% ft. wide at center, 26 ft. wide at ends. Platform style, with stake pockets. Tug and Scow recently overhauled and are in good condition. May be seen at Washburn, Wis., dock. Address, Fowler-Jacobs Co., Fisher Building, Chicago. Sept 29 Steamer for Sale Cheap. Steamer Inter Ocean, 214 ft. long, 36 ft. beam. Boiler and engine in good condi- tion. C.S. Mahoney, 17 Main St., Buf- falo; N: Y: tf Submarine Drill Boat for Sale. New submarine drill boat for sale. Hull 72 ft. by 24 ft., 5 ft: sides. Enquire of Hickler Bros., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. tf Shipyard for Sale. Whole or half interest in a wood ship- building and repair plant, located on Puget Sound. A good opportunity for a man with small capital. Address Box 73, Marine Review, Cleveland, O. Sept. 29 If You Wantto Buy or Sell Second Hand Anchors, Anchor Chains, Boilers, Buoys, Capstans, Clam Shell Buckets, Compasses, Concrete Mixers, Cranes, ~ Dead Lights, Derricks, Divers' Suits, Electrical Apparatus, Engine Room Signals, Engines, Gasoline Launches, Hoisting Engines, Hoists, Life Boats, Life Rafts, Lighters, Logs, Propellers, Sail Boats, Schooners, Search Lights, Steamboats, Steam Steering Apparatus, Steam Yachts, Towing Machines, Tugs, Windlass, patronize the '*For SALE': and " WANTED" columns of the MARINE REVIEW. Costs only $1 per inch per issue. Issued every week. Goes everywhere. Will dothe business for you. Bringsreturns. : By. Mas Steam Yacht Catherine. FOR SALE -- Length 78 ft., beam 18 ft., triple expansion Se lat Iron Cement No. 1 Makes permanent repairs on Engines, Boilers, Pumps, etc. Send for Catalogue and Prices. SMOOTH - ON MANUFACTURING CO. engines, water tube boiler, allowed 200 lbs ; electric light, search light, mahogany deck house 9 by 16, power launch, complete outfit, allin first-class condition. One of the best family cruis ng yachts on the Lakes. Inquire Wickes Bros., Saginaw, Mich. tf 572-74 Communipaw Ave., Jersey City, N. J., U.S.A. Chicago Office, 61 N. Jefferson Street. Thirty Years' Experience building Engines and Propeller Wheels. H. G. TROUT, King [ron Works, 226 Ohio St., BUFFALO, N. Y. 3 1 y Yj 7 i yee Oe SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of PROPELLER WHEELS Marine Engines and Repairs. Milwaukee, Wis. Phone S. 163