M A R I N E, R Vv oF Boy 33 WANTED and FOR SALE ----- Department. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Marine Boilers for Sale. Two Scotch marine boilers on dock of the Craig Ship Building Co, at Toledo, O. Dimensions 8 x 12 ft; two 3 x 9g fur- naces; 92 x 3% in. tubes; check valves and blow off valves, safety valves, six cast iron cradles for boilers to rest on; steam pipe connections. Allin good re- pair. Guarantee boilers to stand 140 lbs. hydraulic pressure. Address Capt. Geo. P. Felcher, East Tawas, Mich. Dec. 22 Submarine Drill Boat for Sale. New submarine drill boatfor sale. Hull 72 ft. by 24 ft., 5 ft: sides. Bnquire of Hickler Bros., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. tf Steamers for Sale. Steamers Russell Sage and John C. Gault. Complete fit-out for package freight. For particulars apply to A. W. Colton, Gen. Mgr., Toledo, O. Jan. 5 PROPOSALS for Barges and Boats. US. Engi- neer Office, Custom House St Louis, Mo., Dec. 5, 1904. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for furnishing Wooden Flat Barges, and Wooden or Steel Flat Boats, will be received here until 12 M Jan. 4, 1905, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. THOS. L. CASEY Malo, Pa ec. Boiler for Sale. 8x15 Marine boiler for sale. It has ninety-two 4-in. tubes; thickness of plate 5% steel; double riveted; double fire doors; size. of dome 3.it. 4 in by Fit: 16 in, Boiler as good as new. Willsellit ata bargain--$1,o0o. Also one 8 H. P. marine engine, $50. Address I. Applebaum, 38 Randolph St., Detroit, Mich. tf Marine Engine for Sale. One fore and aft compound marine en- gine. Cylinders 27 x50x4o. Enquire of the Montague Iron Works, Montague, Mich. Jan. 26 Wrecking Plant for Sale. For Sale--Our entire wrecking plant, consisting of the wrecking tug Henry W. Johnson, wrecking pumps, submarine diver's apparatus, pontoon and chains, hydraulic jacks, purchase blocks, etc. Also one 6x12 ft marine boiler and 18x 20 in. marine engine, heater, etc. Mis- cellaneous lot of anchor chains, deck pumps, winches, etc. Michigan Wrecking & Salvage Co., Detroit, Mich. Dec. 15 Steamer for Sale. For Sale.--Speedy excursion steamer. Up to date in every respect. Very low figure. 1, FT. Co., 2 Rush St, Chicago, Dec. 8 Excursion Steamer Ottawa. Capacity on excursions 350 persons. Freight 100 tons. Speed 11 miles. Equipped with electric plant, search- light, steam steerer, ash-gun, patent anchor, etc. Cabin finished in quarter sawed oak and leather. Will sell cheap. ; Address Box 7o1, Grand Haven, Mich. Dec 22 Thirty Years' Experience Engines Propeller Wheels. H. G. TROUT, King {ron Works, BUFFALO; N. Y. building and 226 Ohio St., Yacht for Sale. For Sale--A seventy ft. water line gasolene yacht, whose engine room and engines have been practically cleaned out by fire, has been taken over by an insur- ance company and will be sold. The hull of this boat is as good as ever. for the damaged engine room the craft is in good shape. For plans and particulars address C W. Estabrook, Colonial Bldg., Boston, Mass. Except ESTABLISHED 1854 SHERIFFS' STEAM _s STEERER For Tug Boat Use Easy to adjust, and can be handled by any one. --------_---- ------------ MANUFACTURED BY SHERIFFS MFG. CO., Milwaukee, Wis. FOR RENT. DOCK SPACE in Cuyahoga river for 4 good-sized boats FOR THE WINTER. Both Phones. THE ROBT. H. JENKS LUNBER CO., CLEVELAND.