VEL. aI. . CLEVELAND, ©.. MAY 18, 1905. No. 20. FORE RIVER TWO SCOUTS; BATH ONE. The recommendations which the naval board of construction have made to thé secretary of the navy for. the construction of the three scout cruisers--Chester, Salem and Birmingham LAUNCH OF THE PROTECTED CRUISER ST. LOUIS AT --contemplate that the Fore River Shipbuilding Co. build one of the vessels, equipped with reciprocating engines and an- other with turbine engines; the Bath Iron Works of Bath, Me., to build the third with a different type of turbine engines. Of the six concerns bidding for the contracts for these vessels, the Fore River and Bath companies were the lowest for ves- sels with turbine installation, while the Fore River was the lowest bidder in both classes. The maximum price fixed NEAFIE & LEVY'S SHIP YARD, PHILADELPHIA. by law for the construction of these vessels is $1,800,000, but the bids favorably recommended by the construction board are considerably under that figure. The turbine engine will be something entirely new to the e