38 M A R I Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade. ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Atlantic Works.:.......... East Boston, Mass. Bertram Engine Works Co., Ltd......... Chicago' Ship: Building Co... 22... Chicago. Chase, Nicuine WOR aoe eta Cleveland. Cramp, Wm. & Sons............ Philadelphia. Craig Ship Pinteins COP cies Toledo, O Dake: Engine: Co... 0503 Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit Ship B sates Se aie. Detroit. Fletcher, COC ese Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Shipbuilding Co:.; Great Lakes Engineering Works. Detroit, Mich. EAI BL OSs a aes cis os ele eee sos Philadelphia. Lockwood Mfg. Co.........East Boston, Mass. Marine Iron Works......... ine ceas Chicago Maryland Steel Co..,.... Sparrows Point, a. IEE UR oo oe ails eevee s vices 6 New York. Milwaukee Dry Dock -Co.......... Milwaukee. Mosher) Chas: Dor. see 6a ee New York. Moulton Steering Engine Co....... New York. Newport News Ship Building Co......... baw Wie eM neces Newport News, Va. .Camden, N. J. New York Shipbuilding Co.. Northwestern Steam: Boiler « '& Mfe.- ~€o. Ge Ais ne GOR Ses bie cnieres Duluth, "Mich. Roach's Shi eae eee yeu ewe Chester, Pay Sheriffs Mfg. Co...............-. Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building Co....Superior, Wis. Theopp, 1. b. & sons. Co... . Trenton, N Trout, CoG oie Seed eS ods ate Buffalo. Willard, Chas. P. & Co. .Winthrop Harbor, Ill. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ETC. Cory, Chas: & Sonu siesta es New York. Marine Mfg. Supply Co......%..... New York. ENGINE TESTING. Kereer G ParsOns.. ses Gog Goce eis Chicago. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. Grate: Cou 3.6: ee paeate er ios Poa sie. Chicago. Kaeley © Mueller ieee sas es New York. ienhkenhermmer: Con ees ec. 'Cincinnati. New York Belting & Paokin Co..New York. Northwestern Steam Boiler Mfg. Co.: BPE ucts bie Os Gira se euccs soho Duluth, 'Minn. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Hynd, ae SETAE ee ee oes Cleveland. Hunt, Robi Wire he Coe cota tae Chicago. Kidd, oe CaS pup aie gAieftiaie a tniels a6 Duluth, Minn. Kreer & Parsons... less ss eses cece Chicago. Lovejoy, Oe Ree Sen ee, Buffalo Mosher, Chas. Dae ee ew New York. INAGEY) (VaIneS) 423 secs ss oh cess aa Cleveland. Race, lenny 2 co en Glee aie oe UdbAlo. Roelkeriehs Be: Goes. « eee New York: Wood, WwW ee nis nee one ce Chicago. FANS FOR eka ie EXHAUST, Sturtevant, B: FsCo: aie. Hyde Park, Mass. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. Greacen-Derby Engincering Co............. DLs e ee oce ui Siar sts aiee 6 stoes Perth Amboy, N. J. Ross Valve Conse ee, Troy, Ni ay: FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL OR ELECTRIC. General, Electric Co......'. Schenectady, N. Y. FORGES. Sturtevant, B. F. Co.............000. Boston. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PROPELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City Forge & dae Co...Cleveland. Fore River Shipbuilding Co.. . Quincy, Mass. Moonen Tron (CO. ik, ook cee ve Cleveland. FLUE WELDING. iS, S- SOUS s/s 5 oss os teen e eens Cleveland. FUEL ECONOMIZERS. Stuttevant Co., Bi Fs... Hyde Park, Mass. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS. Manna, M. Av & Cone oo iiieias. chs Cleveland. isonvalle Dock & Coal Co....)....05 Toledo, O; mater 10s: . Core Utd sc kb ee cs Detroit. Pickands, . eee og Co...:....8%.-Cleveland. ietiak ae Dai tees 5 Cleveland. Smith ote 5° RCO oe Detroit. Smith' Coal & Dock Co. ., Stanley B. Toledo, O. FUELING PLANTS, BUILDERS OF Hink Belt Machinery Co... 06056. . Chicago. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works.......... New York. .Quincy, Mass. E R GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co..New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase "Machine Co... . 0.2. sss Cleveland. Georgian Bay Engineering Works........ : y : . Midland, Ont. Ce GAUGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. Ashton Valve Co.........,.....-2.:% Boston. Woinketheimer ("Cope ceo. ous oe Cincinnati. GAUGES, WATER. Bonner & Co. Wim Di. ise ee Boston. Lunkenheimer COs aS eens Cincinnati, O. GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph..Jersey City, N. .J GREASE EXTRACTORS. Greacen-Derby Engineering Co.......-..+:- y Perth Amboy, N. J. wore err e err eee eee sere ee HAMMERS, STEAM. Chase Machine Co...........-.0+-. Cleveland. HEATING APPARATUS. Sturtevant, B. F. Co...... Hyde Park, Mass. _ HOISTS FOR CARGO, BTC. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Cor, Gince,) 2.2. BOCESUH EASES ES nee bs eie ere aie ese ere ee 9:6 Cleveland. Chase Machine 'Co MDs ahaa s ae Cleveland. General eee Cree rare ey York. G n Ba ngineerin OnkSieilse sec. vee ea Fo Midland, Ont Hyde Windlass Co..........-22+6: Bath, Me. McMyler Mfg. Co....-sseeeeeeeees Cleveland. Marine = Prom COne istics els scree ess ore Bay City. IMC EZ; AUIS Rees ccc sie ieee ew wie we 0's) New York. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...Cuyahoga Falls, O. HOSE, RUBBER. New York Belting & Packing Co..New York. HYDRAULIC DREDGES. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. HYDRAULIC TOOLS. Wratson-Stillman: Co;, The... 0... New York. ICE MACHINERY. Great Lakes Beginesting Wortks.2.0: Detroit. Roelker, (He Bawa es eae ss New York INDICATORS FOR STEAM ENGINES. PNSHEOM. 2VAIVIC COu. acts. cece estele ee ses Boston. INJECTORS. American injector CO.. w soci sc cc ds wale Detroit. Crane: (Co eee. obit Rey he oils ses Chicago. Menlams (BrOss 2 cjce cscs a a ceca es oe New York. Weinkenhetmer. (CO. i. sl silos ces . Cincinnati. Penberthy Injector Co......... Detroit, Mich. INSURANCE, MARINE. Elphicke, C. W. Oe CO ee ee Chicago. Fleming . Corea ik. sib ce Chicago. Gilchrist & Co Oreo eho ees Cleveland. THF geqovorel geen (loves WV ee aime n GID ead Cleveland. TUelae he COs a lies a leas oc aysaces del Duluth. Piuteninson: de> COs ccs oi Gs aie wie Cleveland. Mie @artlive el WR cide iis sis secu eels. Montreal. Mip@urdiye Geo, ye.) Mea cu. peuatie wot -. Chicago. Mitchell. & Co....... Wace uses sie Cleveland. Parker prose CO ets nes cs ve wees Detroit. Peck, Chas. EK. & W. F..New York & Chicago. Prindville & 7 CO. G06 hoc kee' Chicago. IRIGHATOSONS NV Ore hss cinerea Cleveland. Stulliwan; 1. 36 CO nner evra ce cas Chicago. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Bourne- Buller: Cog so 5. vac Cleveland, O. Hanna, M. A. & fo Merete ara Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & (Co. vs... es Cleveland. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC. Georgian Bay Engineering Works........ Sees ai Cuere Ce Deo G's aise ..Midland, Ont. Marine' Tron WOPKs. 0 i... ce ccs c ces Chicago. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co..... St. Joseph, Mich. Willard, Chas. P.......Winthrop Harbor, Til, Cee ee a eT a TET LTT I TL vod ow Continued. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armetrong, (Cork (Coe... 625. es Pittsburg. Drein,, Lhos. .& Sot... Wilmington, De Gaynotal. Bee i a New York. Kabnweilers.Sons, DD). sai coc New York. Natronal;@ork Cou. ce Brooklyn. LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Russell & Watson' scccc hess. oe, oes Buffalo. LOGS. Nicholson Ship 'Log, Co. ...:.... ,..Cleveland. Walker & Sons, Thomas. ... Birmingham, Eng. Also Ship Chandlers. ' LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph..Jersey City, N. J. LUBRICATORS. Crane Con cee ela Chicago. Punkenheimet: C0: 62.6 fcc. ce Cincinnati. LUMBER. Martin Batriss Cos.) vc. e sees es Cleveland. MACHINISTS. Chase; Machine, Conc. notes. Cleveland. Hickler Bros..........Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lockwood Mts. Co....:... East Boston, Mass. MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD WORKING). Atlantic; Works, dnc... 2.5. ,.. Philadelphia. MARINE RAILWAYS. HMickler Bross: ccs. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich: MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OF. Crandall & Son, H. I.....East Boston, Mass. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. Bosse M Wie ee New York. MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Detroit Ship Building Ca BAeulcceted Pavers ey Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. Sturtevant, Bo ES Cocos. . Hyde Park, Mass. METALLIC PACKING. Katzenstein, Us) Go Cos eevee New York. METAL POLISH. Beitramzs:. Oil Polish (Co... .c cscs no. Boston. MOTORS, GENERA TORS--ELECTRIC. Hisher' Hlectrical oWorks ces... co ccs Detroit. General Electric €o.. i... Schenectady, N. Y. Sturtevant, «Bo be Cone 1. Hyde Park, Mass. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ritchie, Bh. SS. & Sonse cc: Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Hivnd, Alexander (och oc Cleveland. Kidd, ae Godel o cua ents ore oss Duluth, Minn. Kreer PAPSONS an hee on ee ke a ae: Chicago HOVETOY, oT: COR eee Se Buffalo. Matteson (& Drake. 005 Philadelphia. Mosher: (Chas. 2 Dict; ee New York. Waceye James a eo he Cleveland. Rice lenny cone ee ene ea Buffalo. WWiOOd IW Sis ee nc Ts Chicago. OAKUM. Stratford, Oakum Co......; Jersey. City, Ne J. OIL ENGINES. Mietz, Aug. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. J. Standard: Oil Co. 0857 2 6 od Cleveland. PACKING. Crane Cot te eo ee Chi : Wenkins® Bros. 400.06. oko eee. a. New Work: Mateenstein, I & Co. ooo New York. New York Belting & Packing Co..New York. PAINTS. Baker. Howard HH. & Co... oe. Buffalo. MIpson- Walton Co. ...¢.. 5... so Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. mtlantic: Works, Inc. .¢cets....: Philadelphia.