36 THE MarINE REVIEW WANTED and FOR SALE Department. PROPOSALS. . Treasury Department, Office of General Super- intendent U.S. L'fe-Saving Service, Washington, D. C., April 30,1906. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p.m. of Wednesday, the 23d day of May, 1906, and then ublicly opened, for furnishing supplies required oc use of the Life-Saving Service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1907; the supplies to be de- livered at such points in New York City, Grand Haven, Mich.. and San Francisco, Cal., as may be required, and in the quantities named in the specifications. The suoplies needed consist of Beds, Bedding, and Furniture; Brooms and Brushes; Crockery; Hardware; Household Goods; Lamps, Lanterns, etc.; Medicines, etc , Paints, Oils, etc; Ship Chandlery; Stoves, etc.; Tools, and Miscellaneous Articles; all of which are enu- merated in the specifications attached to the form of bid, etc., which may be obtained upon applica- tion to this office. or to the Inspector of Life- Saving Stations, 379 Washington Street, New York City; Superintendent Twelfth Life Saving Dis- trict, Grand Haven, Mich.; and Superintendent Thirteenth Life-Saving District, New Appraisers' Stores, San Francisco. Cal. Envelopes contain- ing proposals should be addressed to the "'General Superintendent U.S. Life-Saving Service, Wash- ington, D. C.," and marked on the outside 'Proposals for Annual Supplies." The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive defects, if deemed for the interests of the Gov- ernment. S.I. KIMBALL. Genera! Superintendent. FOR SALE. Schooner "Richard Mott" For Sale. 267 Gross tons. 254 Net tons. 147 ft. long. 26 1t.7 beam. FO it.3" hold. Built 1854. Rebuilt complete 1881. Bottom caulked 1900. Dry docked 1902. Top and deck caulked 1905. Rate A-2-%. Valuation in Lloyds $2, 500.00. WM. MUELLER COMPANY, Blaney, Mich. For Sale. 1,000 h. p. fore and aft Neafie & Levy compound Engine ; surface condenser ; independent pumps. FOR SALE. A Bargain. Steamer E. F. Gould, length 137 ft., width 28 ft ,depth 8 ft. 5 in , tonnage 261 tons. Boiler, engine and hull in gocd condition. First-class, complete sand umping outfit now installed on boat, will sell with boat if so desired. Apply JOHN M. McKERCHEY, Detroit, Mich. For Sale. Two Barges, Andrew Walton and Little Jake. Very cheap. Also two sta- tionary Boilers, Engines and Pumps. For particulars call or write JOHN HOLWAY, Put-in-Bay, O. For Sale. Five Scotch Boilers, allowed 160 lbs. steam. Good as new. ERIE MA- CHINERY. CO., -729. Garfield, Bldg., Cleveland, O. WANTED FOR SALE. For Sale. Scotch Marine Boiler 6 x 8 feet and two II x 12 Marine Engines complete. Good bargain. AMERICAN CRUSHED STONE COMPANY, Chicago, Il. condenser. Steamer Hazel. For sale at Grand Haven, Michigan, the passenger and freight steamer " Hazel." Length 93 ft, beam 18 ft, draft about 7' 6/'. For further particulars address DiS. RK. Bo RICH, 157 4th st., Muskegon, Mich. in. chain. diameter. GREAT LAKES REGISTER FOR THE COMBINED AND ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. THE RATINGS OF GREAT LAKES REGISTER GO BEFORE AND ARE ACCEPTED BY THE LEADING UNDERWRITERS OF AMERICA AND EUROPE. VESSELS BUILT UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF ITS SURVEYORS WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL RATING, AND WILL ALSO BE PUBLISHED IN BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. GREAT LAKES REGISTER SURVEYORS ARE ESTAB- LISHED AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL PORTS ON THE GREAT LAKES. - ® F. D. HERRIMAN, SURVEYOR GENERAL, 820-322 Perry-Payne Building, pies y CLEVELAND, O. eT toe . a { aeevacoe MEL SH Shes ag ovmtar Mee eng oe Two 12 fcot Scotch Boilers. One 13% foot Scotch Boiler. One Io 16-25 x 16 triple expansion Engine. Three 50 h. p. Almy Boilers. One 200 h. p. Tregurtha Boiler. One 14 30x 24 fore a'd aft Engine and One Williamson steering Engine. One 10 k. w. electric lighting Set. One 15 k. w. electric lighting Set. One Providence Windlass, 50 fathoms 1% Two thrust Shafts and Bearings, 8% in. MARVIN BRIGGS, 17 Battery place, New York, N.Y. Launch Hulls Wanted. To be galvanized steel, open cockpit type of launch, substantially built on good model lines. Length 37 feet, beam 7 feet, for a working draft of 3 feet. Ample time allowed to build. Address MATTHIAS SCHMIDT, Care Marine Review. Engines WANTED: Fore and Aft Compound Engine not less than 20" x 40' x30 One Double High Pressure Engine not less than -20//x 24". Address 583 14th Ave., Detroit, Mich. 3 Revolving Derricks or " Whirlies."' Two have double engines, cyl. 9x 10, and one with cyl. 7x Io. Booms 45 to 50 ft long. Gauge I5 ft. 6 in.; upright boiler 7 ft. 4 in. high by 3% ft. diam, Have always worked under their capacity and are in good shape. Lake delivery. © Address THE MALES CoO., * 713 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, O. GHARLES EK. PECK, WILLIAM A. PRIME. CHAS. E. & W. F. PECK, Insurance Brokers. Average Adjusters. ESTABLISHED 1870. NEW YORK, 58 William Street, BOSTON, 153 Milk St. BUFFALO, 906 The Fidelity Bidg. CLEVELAND, I107-8 Williamson Bldg. CHICAGO, 1115-16 Royal Insurance Bidg. REPRESENTED BY Cc. T. BOWRING & GO., (Insurance) LTD., 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONDON, and at '"'LLOYD'S"' LONDON. HULLS and CARGOES. We place insurances in the most advantageous mark We f i ¢ ets, employ- ing, in the interest of our clients and with eas facility,all Rersine and Home companies, at the best procurable rates and terms. We Represent Only the Assured. The Blue Book of American Shipping, Marine Directory of the World, $5.00