26 THE MARINE REVIEW Accidents to Lake Vessels Appended herewith is a list of the ac- cidents which have occurred on the great lakes since 'the first of the year. Consid- ering the extreme dullness of the present season, it is surprising to learn that 49 of the limited number of boats which have been in commission up to the pres- ent time have met with accidents. In the majority of cases the trouble was caused by grounding or the vessels striking ob- structions. While there have been no total losses, one or two boats have been se-' riously damaged. The. steamer Joshua W. Rhodes, which ran ashore in a heavy fog in Hammonds bay, Lake. Huron, on May 22, is probably the heaviest loss. so far. The Rhodes was carrying coal to Milwaukee when she went on, and 600 tons of her cargo had to be lightered before she was released. She leaked bad- ly and was taken to Cleveland for re- pairs. The steamer is now: in dry dock with 43. damaged plates and other in- juries, which it will take three or more weeks to repair. Other mishaps were the sinking of the little schooner R. H. Becker on Lake Michigan, near Sheboy- gan, the collision between the Canadian ice crusher Montcalm and. the. steamer Milwaukee, near Dunkirk, Lake Erie, the grounding of the barge Moravia in the Sault river, the grounding of the steamer John Stanton in the Portage river, the stranding of the steamer Sam Mitchell and her tow, the Chickamauga, on Lake Superior, and the grounding of the barge Warriner in the Cuyahoga river at Cleveland. ACCIDENTS TO LAKE VESSELS SINCE JAN. 1, 1908. DATE. NAME OF VESSEL. NATURE OF ACCIDENT. PLACE. Jana @640 DeeciGéor vRO, Handel. etal muened: total lose Stripped. of machinery... << 0.6. cnc ere ce conte Ecorse ship yard. Jan. 5 Car Ferry, Manistique- ..--.... Struck rock near breakwater; sank; floated Jan. 9 and was docked : : oe FOre Lepalts Te hese). one elses RAGGA SMe oc OR eee sires or Manistique, Mich. Jan. On Sir. « George..G... Howes. 55.0. Sea-cobk "burst; 'samk ai sliallow qwaters: 66.4556. see ee vice ds tee oe Kingston. Ont. Jami 20 Str New Nork corse om Caught fire; after-cabins and. lifeboats and after-deck destroyed. ee vas eae te RODAITEM oe Pie heres eee eivivinoria « Pie UU a en Pan Algonac. Mich. Maveh 2555 Car Perry (Mire B. NoinZ... 7sRammed 'by My °& | Br' No: 1; islighthy injured: i. ..... 0.06. ec ee eee Lake Erie, near Conneaut. Marehe25. Strs We He REIS) oc ses wes Caught fire; woodwork of galley considerably charred................ Ecorse ship yard. March 308 bee, Tester J.) kee eee. Be eI eee ee Ch cone ees rey ees ng aca ans ee Sd Viet er cles igs wield Gia Detroit river. Api'. 7%. Lope ipretiar 05.0000. bomacia Baie ay. COCK as oe ce we hea ies eg ache sine exis HEE le oe ae Sturgeon Bay, Wis. April; 9+ Str. /Hanvey Brown. 2. v0.8 Sea-cock opened; sank while being loaded; pumped out.............. Ashtabula, O. ° April 11° Str. City of St. Ignace.......Swung into freighters tied up; several stanchions broken............ Cleveland, O. Aprikei4 1 Srv Assinibdla to. 0 io. Hit by steamer Doric which broke from her' moorings; slightly dam bese We oe Pe een ees sree ere Stee eee Nal State hte saree eed Owen Sound, Ont. Apml' 18" Str.> Robert Wente™.. 02.03. . Struck bottom; steering gear broke and she crashed into a pier; sev- oo ; : eralstanchions 'broken; pitn, badly damaged... 02.302... 365 5. Manistee harbor. pri 20 (Shr, Vann sca 6s. ca ec eee ee Ran, aground;. pumped out and taken to Toledo for repairs.......... Pelee island, Lake Erie. pi 26 Seu. Carney. 6. ces SEGRE PeORATL (OM LOCKS Mth ccs Seis Cm eat cia Pie Si ccs ieee See ca apres Onis Alexandria bay. Aprile 28eSte Putitan as1t se oe. Ren on Sandbar; wreledced, uninjured: 340.0. ey ee Lake Michigan, near Holland. April-, 29. Str, W.. HH. .Gratwick.........%. Rano aground ;. releaseds.,taniny uted ah). c-o woes hk Ta eae eee ess Portage lake. mpi 29 "Tue fom: Leatham'. 7... 0.03. peruck rocks. broke, shoe and isteum + posts: 5 6. oc ows is ee es Near Green Bay. May 1 Str. "Oscodas a. 5 05% ice: dant Got line in her wheel-and struck dock; dock considerably damaged....Sturgeon Bay, Wis. May 2 Sti Ss. We.) Reynolds. oo. as Ran sactound: near. (hightine: island 4. is. oy toes ee ari Si ls Detroit River. 'May Ob Pass Strestrome: 256d. Crashed into Duncan's coal dock, damaging it considerably........... Port Huron, May 7 -och, Rav Becker, fo sot ce became -waterlopred ama capsized: in oale: sank... ee ee es Lake Michigan, near Sheboygan. May 7 tt. Wiy Ont. 4. 6e cs seh nee Got. towsline in' wheel while landine® 200. fh ek ee. oa ce Harbor Beach, Mich. May 8* Seh J.) Be: Newlands. Ji. Hts breakwater: slightly' damaged y... ..\. 3 .esk Siaceca ig ea ragleec ae cee Milwaukee, Wis. May Oy ott, James tH: Hoyte cs 3 8 Ran agrounde., released, "uninjured: pve e vis wes he ees eee ee Lake Erie, near Dunkirk. May 9 Ice Crusher Montcalm ........ Collided: withy Setr.; -Milawauletes sanlelsic shes eo ee ee ee St. Lawrence river. May 108 Bees Moravian sce ou Sie ere) he Sttuck bottom; hole in-~ starboard "side= sanke:.. 4s... . ) ee ol Sault* river. May 10; (Str: UWiticas ie eee wei sle ee Ran asrounds released -atter 'lightering@e:io.ssic8 oe ee cs eo iw se ds Lake Michigan. May 11) Str Johns Stanton: : wise. Ran aground; hole in side causing her to fill with water; docked - FOU {TepatS ek et eee se a sae ee i oe ae ee Portage river. Way olde Ste. Jacl Koppas acc ks ce k Stranded-in- Kinnnickinnie-river; delayed traffies>. 0. ce oe ee Milwaukee, Wis. May-«--12.. Ste Topelstin ccc casieaedestene Stranded... releasedy..slightly.damag@edins i vvisvwecestinss cose doesecnseee Big. Point Sauble, Lake Michigan. May" 13% Str. I.) W. Stephenson'....... Grounded; released' after lightérifie's uninjured). 6.00.00. cc ee we Niagara river. j Ne 1 SERS STS eres oboe wcale'e' e's Disabled; eight feet of water in hold; towed to' port and pumped out..Lake Michigan. Mays 19° Tuo: Wit Kennedy.......... Collided with steamer G. Watson French; quadrant badly damaged; also™ port ; rail: répdired Vat Cleveland'... 66. os. saves oa ccs ..Cuyahoga river, Cleveland. May 19> Stes Harry" Gouldéer? ....55..6, Crashed into bridge, damaging it considerably; hole in one of her bulwark plates: 6. a. as ve oe ee cues Bod shetelaye sieiatcacke + dace Lorain} O. May? 19° Stey Frontende® .2.... 62.63 oe Ran"on 'rock -during' fog; -réleased' after 'lighterinigs..... 0... ee Lake Michigan, near Sturgeon Bay, : Wis. Mase? 19 Stee Same Mitchell 3... 3% Ran ashore in heavy fog; rudder disabled: and hole in stern; tem- Porat ye repeted ae ACMIOM Cri wie oe eee ce ce eae se ne otieel Lake Superior, near Houghton. Maye 19° Bost: Chickamauga. «i... ..5... In tow' of Str. Mitchell; ran' into Mitchell; stern of barge broken Ole repamed sate Clevelandies 2. i. inl ae Oe Lake Superior. Mage 19 Soli Nelson oe oe ee Ran into a dock; bowsprit and jib-boom broken; repaired............ St Clair © river, May 22: Str: Joshtia Ws: Rhodes. ...: Ran' ashore in heavy fog; released on 24th, after lightering 600 tons of coal; leaked badly; docked at Cleveland' for repairs; 43 3 : CasNeeeee Pires. = en cos ale is ye loss oo e's ce os elvicee. Hammond's Bay, Lake Huron. Maye 22 Stes De Diy Calwitte co... sess Crashed into gates of lock No. 18, breaking three gates; steamer ran SOU Leama DN Mere Peso clos eo lb oes vo cee se se alee Welland canal. May 22% Sch' Mary. Ludwits |... 6. 63. Stranded" in' fog;. released (next day," uninjured). .........000 00000005 Whitefish point, Lake Superior. May: eps Str: Memich Chunky. ...-..-.4 Stranded; released on 24th 'after lightéring'; uninjured................ Lake Huron, near Cheboygan. Maye 26° Sti Black. Rieke... cs oa es Struck-draw. bridge; 'released: herself uninjured®. 25... 0... see cee es Chicago river. May 29° Bee SD: Warriner........-. Struck bottom; rudder broke; leaked badly; docked for repairs...... Cuyahoga river at Cleveland. May» She wee Ehizabetho Gao, voc oe vc Struck by Str. Thompson; side crushed; damage 'estimated at $500.... Sheboygan: harbor, Janes 5< Str Citys of: Montreale. i... Broweetidaer Chea aid Tam AShORe ac eas oie oes seb eee beens e St Lawrerice®: river June 8 Tug: Tem Dowhnes 20.6 coos. Filled with water while lying at dock; cause unknown; sank.......... Ashland. Wis. : June- Oe Mae 8... Stranded "on sand 'bars in heavy (smibkes oe. eee. cee eee lk oe ck Off Indiana Harbor. Lake Michigan. June™ 8 Fishing'? Tugs Deer... ....... Ce ie in oe ee ee ool s me lly oss cage eee. Saginaw. bay. AROUND THE GREAT LAKES. The Argo case, one of the most inter- esting marine cases, has been decided by the United States Court of Appeals at Chicago, affirming the decision of the lower court and holding the steamer Ar- go to be a constructive total loss. The case involved the right of the Graham & Morton Transportation Co. to recover from 'the underwriters for a constructive total loss. The vessel went' ashore Nov. 24, 1905, and was released 'Jan: 28," 1905, and taken to Manitowoc where she«has since remained unrepaired. The steamer Mataafa, which grounded two miles off Indiana harbor, Lake Mich- igan, Monday morning, was released with- out damage after 300 tons of her cargo had been lightered. No attempt will be made to utilize the hull of the burned steamer Glasgow, sunk in Sturgeon bay. The machinery has been removed in fairly good order, but the hull itself is beyond repair.