TAE Marine REVIEW 'The Upson- Walton Co. CLEVELAND, 0HI0O------_ MONG the first vessels that we fitted out was the Nellie Redington. That was nearly forty years ago, but the Nellie Redington is still afloat. Among the latest vesse Is that we have fitted outis the Henry Phipps. The Redington carries 1,500 tons; the Phipps, 12,000 tons. As 1,500 is to 12,000 so is The Upson Walton Co. of thirty-six years ago to the Upson Walton Co, of today. Our reputation as Outfitters of Vessels has grown year by year. ----__-------- Geo. L. McCurdy 169 Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS ILLINOIS 61 QUICK ano ECONOMICAL REPAIRS No Dismantling of Vessel We will contract for repairs on stern posts, rudder posts, crank shafts and cther broken steel sections at any port in the United States. Send blue prints to any of our offices and an estimate will be promptly given. Write for Pamphlet No. 18-E and learn of the many successful repairs to steamships that have been made by the Thermit Process. GOLDSCHMIDT THERMIT COMPANY 90 WEST STREET, NEW YORK 432-436 Folsom St., San Francisco, Calif. 103 Richmond St. W., Toronte, Ont. MARINE SUPPLIES We earry everything for fitting out vessels at our two stores Buffalo and Duluth GROCERIES MEATS cE Engineers' Supplies Launch Delivery Service DULUTH 245-247 Lake Ave. So. BUFFALO 11-13 Main St.