QUESTIONS FOR WHEELSMEN AND WATCHMEN. 551. What is there about Big: Pt. Sable lighthouse tower that from others? 552. Wher: is Big Pt. located? 553. What is the general appear- ance of the coast in that locality? 554. Where is Little Pt. Sable and how is it marked? 555. Give a general description of the land between Ludington and Pt. Betsie. 556... What is ay appearance of the coast between White Lake and Lit- tle Pt. Sable? 557. How close can the east shore of Lake Michigan be approached with safety? 558. Name all the coast lighthouses on the east shore of Lake Michigan? 559. Between which points on the west and east shore is Lake Michigan the widest? 560. Where is it the narrowest? Sable Telit ANSWERS. 541. Chicago Harbor, Sturgeon Bay Canal and North "Manitou - Island lights. 542. Nine islands. 543. Beaver Island, Garden Island, Hog Island, Hat Island, High Island, Gull Island, Squaw Island, Whiskey Island, Trout Island. 544. Garden Island is north. of Beaver Island; Hog Island is east of Garden Island and Hat Island is NE of Hog Island; High Island is west of Beaver, Island and Gull Island is west of High Island; Trout Island is north of High Island: Squaw Island is NW of Garden Island and Whiskey Island is south of Squaw Island. 545. Grays Reef is the eastern ea- tremity of the rocky shoal extendiug eastward from Hog Island. It is some 8 miles in length. 546. Is wooded and bordered sy bluffs. The island is about 13 miles in length, the eastern portion running about north and south and the south- eastern portion running about NE and SW. The west side of the island is of the same general appearance as the east side except that it is much higher. 547. On the bluff at about the mid- dle of the south side of the island. 548. High bluff and woods. 549. Good; channel about 9 miles wide. 550. Located about 8 miles W by S from Beaver Island lighthouse. Least water 26 ft. It is not marked. differs TAE. MarRINE REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR MASTERS AND MATES.--NO. 6. &6. What is a lodestone? 87. What is the natural magriet? 88. What kind of a magnet is the magnet of the compass? 89. In which direction does the magnetic needle point and to where does it point? 90. Do all magnetic needles point the same place and at the same time? 91. What:kind of iron 1s soft iron? What is its magnetic condition? 92. What is hard steel? What is its condition magnetically? 93. Does soft iron retain its mag- netism? 94. Does hard iron retain its mag- netism? - 95. What is induced magnetism, or magnetism by induction? 96. What are the different meth- ods of making magnets? - 97. How would you go about it to make a magnet for yourself? 98. In magnetizing a needle by the method of single touch, how do you know which is the north or south end of the magnet that received the rub- bing? 99. Supposing you edt sd the eye- end of a needle to be north pole, and the point the south pole, which end of the rubbing magnet would you. em- ploy? 100. How do you determine the north and south poles of a magnet? ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS FOR MASTERS AND MATES.-- NO? °652.¢- &6. A mineral closely related to iron ore and possessing magnetic force. - 87. A lodestone or one possessing natural magnetism. 88. An artificial magnet. &9. Magnetic north and south. Lo. the magnetic poles. 90. Yes, if affected only a the earth's magnetism. Ole Cast. .or. wrought 3ron..., Lt: be- comes instantly magnetized to its full capacity when exposed to the influ- ence of.a permanent magnet but loses its magnetism instantly when the. in- fluencing magnet is removed. 92. Tempered steel. Its magnetic character is permanent and it will not _reverse its poles, as soft iron does, no matter in what position it may be held. It receives its magnetism reluct- antly but holds it permanently. 93. No. 94. Yes. 95. The magnetism imparted to a piece of iron by a magnet in its vi- cinity or brought in contact with it. The communication of magnetism from 25 the earth to the hulls of iron and steel ships. : 96. By contact with an electric coil or dynamo; by- induction from a per- manent magnet. 97. lay. .a steel -bar: flat on ne table and rub it several times from one end to the other with one pole of a permanent magnet held vertically. Then turn the bar over and rub the other side with the same pole of the magnet, always rubbing in the same direction. 98. Rub from the center to one end and that end is of opposite name to the pole of the rubbing magnet. ~ 99. Rub from the center to the eye of the needle with the S pole oe the magnet. 100. By the attraction or repulsion manifested by it when brought into contact with the known pole of an- other magnet. BIDS FOR MINE-PLANTING VES- SELS. ' The bids opened by the navy depart- ment recently for the construction of ~ four mine-planting vessels resulted in the award of contract to the Pusey & Jones Co., Wilmington, Del., for the construction of one of the vessels and to the New York Shipbuilding Co., Cam- den, N. J., for the remaining three. The bids received were as follows: Union Iron Works, San Francisco, $770,500; the fourth vessel to be delivered Decem- ber 1, 1909. Newport News Company, $686,000, the fourth vessel to be deliver- ed July 1, 1909. Maryland Steel Com- pany, Sparrow's Point, $678,000, final delivery to be made May 3, 1909. Fore River Shipbuilding Company, $745,000; final delivery June 14, 1909. William Cramp & Sons Company, $659,000, final delivery July 28, 1909; New York Ship- building Company, the same as_ the Cramps' bid. Other yards bidding for one or two vessels were the Gas Engine and Power Works, Morris Heights, N. Y., John H. Dialogue & Son, Camden, N. J., The Pusey & Jones Company, Wil- mington, Del., United Engineering Com- pany, San Francisco, and Willamette Iron Works and Steel Company, Port- land, Ore. Arrangements are now being made for the building of two additional bat- tleships for the Japanese navy, the keel for one of which is to be laid this month at Yokosuke. The other will be commenced at Kure before the end of the year. These vessels are to be of 28,000 tons displacement, of 20 knots speed, and they will have 12-in. armor. Their principal arma- ment will consist of 12 12-in. guns.