20 mentioned speed of lift may be re- tained even for the larger vessels if desired. The present length of the dock 1s 385 ft., the overall width 95 ft. 3 in., and the docking width, i. e., the clear- ance between the rubbing fenders, 70 ft., while the draught over the keel blocks is sufficient to take vessels drawing 22 ft. The length of the cen- ter section is 124 ft. 10 in., and the THe Marine REVIEW hand capstans, i ngways, bore, BYPE SNe there has also are provided, while ae cetaded a heavy mooring ac: of anchors and cables. The Callao dock was launched into the Tyne on June 12, and since this date there wed been completed a satisfactory se : docking trial by the lifting of one : the end pontoons alongside the build- ers' yard, and as a further test the steamship City of Naples, which has length of each end section is 130 ft. 1 in, upon As in the other docks built Messrs. Clark and Standfield's principle, each section has its own in- dependent pumping steam supply. The machinery in the Callao dock was constructed by Gwynnes, Ltd. of Hammersmith, and the boilers were supplied by Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd. The pumps are de- signed to discharge about 130 tons of water per minute. The usual acces- sories, such as keel and bilge blocks, mechanical side shores, rubbing tim- machinery and FLOATING DRY DOCK FOR CALLAO. recently 'been completed by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Lid, for the Ellerman Lines, Ltd., was suc- cessfully lifted on July 12. The weight of this vessel is about 4,500 tons, and it was lifted in 1 hour 5 minutes. At one time the question of dis- mantling the dock and re-erecting it at Callao was under consideration, but it was eventually abandoned, and Messrs. L. Smit. & Co., of Rotterdam, who have 'had large experience in the towing of floating docks and other craft, were entrusted with the towage of this dock to its distant station on the west coast of South America, The dock left the river Tyne on Thursday afternoon, Aug. 20, in charge of the tugs Zwarte Zee and Roode Zee, of which the latter was specially byilt for this tow. The Zwarte Zee is 165 ft. by 30 ft. 8 in. by 18 ft, with en- gines of 1,500 I. H. P., and her bunker capacity is 550 tons. The Roode Zee is 171 ft. by 30 ft. 8 in. by 18 ft., with engines of 1500-I. H. P:; and her 'bunker capacity is 650 tons. When completed, this tow will rank as the longest feat of its kind ever carried out by any European tug, the distance of about 11,000 miles which will have to be traversed in accomplishing the journey round the south coast of America being exceeded only by the record towing with the "Dewey" dock route some years ago from the United States to Ma- nila Bay, Philippine islands. Unfor- tunately the trip has not begun well, operation en