as the dock broke loose in weather in the Channel rough and was only recaptured after trouble. The journey is expected to last about 100 days. The first call will be at Ma- deira, the second at Cape Verde isl- ands, and the next at Monte. Video. It has been decided to tow the pon- toon through the Straits of Magellan, and this will be the first time such a feat has been attempted. During this dangerous passage, a pilot of expert knowledge will be engaged, and there will be much anxiety until it has been safely accomplished. On each tug there is a crew of 16 hands, and on the pontoon itself are 12 men under some S Was SEE i ae el ml } om i winhiraiany ff a Yi : ves G : Teele '"a4- iis BS TF TRF je se 25 ae = Te WW on: aoe Ta cece tol manta u gam ia 121 THe Marine Review and to this all the levers for cone trolling the various compartments are led. There are four, pontoons and two side walls bolted on to the pon- toons, which arrangement renders the dock self-docking. Other floating docks which Swan, Hunter & Wig- ham Richardson, Ltd., have in hand, and which will shortly be delivered, are two double-sided docks, each with a lifting power of about 1,700 tons, for dealing with the river traffic at the port of Para, Brazil, and an off- shore dock of 425 tons lifting power, for dealing with the large fleet of trawlers frequenting the port of Fra- serburgh. 4 a captain, for all of whom special ac~ commodation 'has been built into the sides. of the floating dock, which they will not leave until the end of their long journey, a distance of over 10, 000 miles. In addition to the Callao dock, Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd., have during the past fortnight also despatched from their Wallsend ship yard a floating dock which they have 'built to the order of the gov- ernment of Southern Nigeria, which is intended for lifting small river steamers in the Niger. This dock, which is expected to arrive in tow at Lagos about the middle of September, has a length of 140 ft. anda lifting Capacity of 400 tons. Its clear beam is 35 ft; and it will accommodate a vessel drawing 6 ft. The pumping plant, capable of lifting a vessel of the maximum lifting power of the dock in one hour, is steam driven, and is thoused in erections on the top deck. of one of the walls. Upon this deck the valve house is also arranged, Plan : FLOATING DOCK FOR CALLAO HARBOR. ASSOCIATION OF GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS. At the annual meeting of the Amer- ican A'sSociation. of General Passen- ger and Ticket Agents held at: Mon- treal last week, George T. Bell, of Montreal, general passenger for the Grand Trunk railway, elected president; was M. Burt, of the Boston & Maine, sec- retary; O. P. McCarty, of the Balti- more & Ohio, W. F. Herman; of the Cleveland & Buffalo line, and J. C. Halle, of the Central Georgia, were elected to the executive board, suc- ceeding W. H. Taylor, of the South- ern railway, C. A. Cairns, of the Chi- cago & Western, and J. F. Fairlamb, of New York, who retired: in- ee with the constitution. KOERTING PATENT OIL FIRING SYSTEMS. Two orders for Rockne patent oil firing systems have lately been booked by the Schutte & Koerting. Co. of being equipped with same. agent So Gs iach OL the Illinois Central, vice president; C. 2) Philadelphia, for equipping the new battleship North Dakota, being built by the Fore River Ship Building Co., and the Delaware, being built by the Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co. This system is in success- ful use in the English and German navies, the new English Dreadnought Catalog 6-0, giving full description of this sys- tem, can be obtained from the man- ufacturers. COOK'S METALLIC PACKING. The C. Lee Cook Manufacturing Co., of Louisville, Ky., manufacturers of Cook's metallic rod and Corliss End Elevation. Length Overall. 385 0° Length of Centre Section as 124° 10" Length of East End Section 130515 : Overall Width. 95° 08, Depth of Tank at Centre Wu, '65 Bu eecen 70: 0° - Decking Width ._. valve stem packing, has just issued a catalog descriptive of their metallic packing for steam, gas and air en- gines of every description. This packing is especially adapted to ex- tra heavy duty service on reversing bloom mill engines, blowing engines, rolling mill engines, gas engines, ma- rine engines, locomotives and_ en- gines operating under very high steam pressure and superheat. The booklet is illustrated with several engravings, and the concluding pages are devoted to a list of names of companies us- ing this packing. The St. Vincent, the heaviest bat- tleship yet constructed for the British navy, was launched at Portsmouth Sept. 10. She was gue down in De- ems last. The monitor Wyoming will be re- stored to commission on Sept. 28. She was disabled by a broken propeller shaft off the southern California coast three years ago.