Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 24 Dec 1908, p. 24

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24 AVERAGE LAKE FREIGHT RATE. There is appended herewith the usual annual summary of lake freight rates for the season of 1908. There is not much comfort to be derived from the contemplation of it. Prac- tically every commodity save lumber was catried at a reduced rate. The ore rate, which had held firm for the past three years at 75 cents from the head of the Jakes, 70 cents from Mar- . quette and 60 cents from Escanaba, suffered a reduction of 10 cents from each of the ports. Every ton of ore moved was carried at this rate, no premiums being offered wild vessels during the fall months. Coal was moved to the head of the lakes for 30 cents, to Chicago at 40 cents with the customary differential of five cents to other Lake Michigan ports. These TAE Marine REVIEW 1963 ioc ete ses oo eee Sa 48 38 V9 08S eo Sis ine oes oe ok v5 43 34 V9OS ae os vss en See ee 44 34 L906 i ob. Fe i wh ores baie sess we 46.52. 35 TOO ce ee ooo eo Boe Fo eee 40 31. 1908.2... RIE ee ea 40 30 Average for 10 years.. 47 36 Rate to Milwaukee on the same as to Chicago. Hard coal is net tons and is handled without charge to vessel. AVERAGE OF DAILY RATES ON SOFT COAL FROM OHIO PORTS TO MILWAUKEE, ESCANABA, DULUTH, GREEN BAY AND MANITOWOC. ; Mil- --_ Esca- Green Mani- | waukee. naba. Duluth. Bay. towoc. Year. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. TS90W es S06: 69. 58 45% 66% 67 T9OO. sisce. 5s 45 40 40 45 43% D9OU cece 49 46 38 (asd 48 POO2s esc. 46% 41y% 34% 46% 42 1908. es as 50% 45 41y% 50% 46 TO0A es 47 40 37, 45% 47 (o0h 4634.2 4104) 33 42 41% 1906 6 arse. 46 42 35 42 42 POO TN eee: 40 35 30 35 35 19082. es. 40 Soe 2 0 35 35 Average for 10 years.. 48 42 - 36 45% 44 Chicago rate about same as Milwaukee. Coal of all kinds shipped in net tons and handled without charge to vessel. "AVERAGE DAILY RATES OF FREIGHT ON THE GREAT LAKES. 1906. 1907. 1908. Cents. Cents. Cents. Iron ore, Escanaba to Ohio ports, gross ton......++eseseeeeees 60.00 60.00 50.00 Iron ore, head of Lake Superior to Ohio ports, gross ton....-- 75.55 75.00 65.00 Iron ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, gross ton.......-seeeseeees 70.00 70.00 60.00 Wheat, Chicago to Buffalo, bu.........eeeee eee e cette eee eee 1.7223 1.5796 1.00 Wheat, . Duluth to Buffalo, bu..... Be eae 2.1959 1.8639 1.2299 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, net ton..............000- 46.05 40.00 40.00 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Duluth, net ton.......-...-.......%- 34.85 30.00 -- 30.00 Soft coal, Ohio ports. to Pottage, net ton.:...5....2 0s. .e see. 41.97 50.00 30.00 Soft..coal,, Ohio ports to Manitowoc, met ton..............+.- 41.97 35.00 35.00 Soft: coal, Ohio ports to Sheboygan, net ton................. 41.97 35.00 35.00 Soft. coal, Ohio ports to Green Bay, net ton........+..+..-5- 41.97 35.00 35.00 Soft coal, @bhio ports fo Pscanaba,. met ton. ..,...... 0. 6s. ss 41.97 35.00 35.00 Hard coal, Buttalo to. Milwaukee, net ton.......-.:-.--3s-- 45.38 41.062 40.00. Hard coal, - Buffalo to 'Chicago, net ton.......... St Soa ar aean ee 46.20 40.777 40.00 Hara coal. Butaio to, Duluth, net tons 0.0. eee ce es fo 35.19 31.256 30.00 pole late sie ees avelays 271.00 258.549 261.08 ' Lumber, head of the lakes to Ohio ports....... rates did not vary throughout the 'year, the wild rate holding steady at the contract figures, no advance be- ing paid even for the final cargoes moved in December. Such a condi- tion has never been known on the lakes before. During the summer months certain grain was carried from the head of the lakes at a cent a bush- <u Many cargoes were- carried from Chicago for 7% cents a bushel. Taken altogether, the season was the poorest in years. Following is the summary: AVERAGE DAILY FREIGHT RATES, WITH 1908. 10 YEARS, ENDING Oe Cents. Iron ore, head of Lake Superior to Ohio POUNG OLOSS TON es ck ee ss Cec vee 82 Iron ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, gross: Oe ee eles eee cs is cas 5 73% oe 'ore, Escanaba to Ohio ports, gross Omit: 6 Soft. coal, BON res ase peso ch eis 0 bree ole a's ela b's 48 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Duluth, net ton. 36 Hard coal, Buffalo to Chicago, net ton.. 47 Hard coal, Buffalo to Duluth, net ton... 36 Wheat. Chicago to Buffalo, bu.......0c.% 1.61 Wheat, atatn: to Battalo; (bus... vss ee 2.08 Lumber, head of the lakes to Ohio ports.261.00 "AVERAGE OF DAILY LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON HARD COAL FROM BUFFALO TO CHICAGO, MIL- WAUKEE AND DULUTH DURING -- TEN YEARS PAST. 'Chicago. "Duluth. Year, Cents. Cents. PO We et aio act. oss 13 491% ee ess 48 39% Pere et ene Re cos 50 38 MOA Ge Fee ae Cis ook ws os 42 33 AVERAGE FREIGHT RATE ON IRON ORE PER GROSS TON FROM PORTS NAMED TO OHIO PORTS-- TABLE COVERING WILD AND CONTRACT RATES FOR 20 YEARS PAST, Ashland and other ports at : the head of - Escanaba. Marquette. Lake Superior. Wild Con- Wild Con- Wild Con- or daily tract or daily tract or daily tract : rate. rate. rate. Tate. rate. rate. 1889 ..1.01 £00 1.19 1.10 1.34 1.25 1890 ..0.89 140... 1,07 125 1.17 1.35 1891 ..0.84 0265 1202 0.90: 1b 1.00 1892. ..0.74- 1.00 0.98 P15 115 125 "1893 °°. 0:56 0:85 0.71 1.00 0.77 1.00 1894 ..0.46 0.60 0.60 0.80 0.78 0.80 1805 -2...0:73 0.55 0,92 0:75 1.18 0.80 F896 220152 0.70 0.66 095° .0.77 E05 1897. ..0.45 0.45. 0,55 0:65: 0:57 0.70 1898 ..0.51 0.45 0.60 0.60 0.62 0.60 1899: = ..20.95 0:50-- 1,08 0.60 1.29% 0.60 1900 3206914 1.00 0.78%. 1:10 0.8444. 1.25 1901 ..0.64 0.60 0.79 0.70 0.89 0.80 1902 3.0559 0.60 0.66 0:70. .0:77 0.75 1903 061 0:65°°-0:72 0375. 0.81 0.85 19042 ..0553%. 0,55 - 0,62 0.60 0.70 0.70 1905... .0.61 0.60 0.70 0:70-20;77 0:75 1906 ..0.60 0.60 0.70 0.20 0.7555 0.75 1907. .. 0.60: 0.60 0.70 0:70: -0.75 0:75 1908* 420750 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.65 0.65 Charge to vessels in 1908 for unloading iron ore was 20 cents per ton. The wooden vessels that required trimming paid an _ additional charge of about 3 cents per ton for that ser- vice, Average ore rates for 20 years: Escanaba, contract 67% cents, wild 65 cents; Marquette, contract 81 cents, wild 78 cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Superior, contract 88 cents, wild 88 cents. Average for past 10 years: Escanaba; con- tract 62 cents, wild 63 cents; Marquette, con- tract 71 cents, wild 73% cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Superior, con- tract 78% cents, wild 82 cents, the entire period of LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON WHEAT, DULUTH TO BUFFALO. Year. --Ratects. .Year. Rate cts. LOO8) oes GaN 5 1:22 : G07 <sty oa ie as 1.86 TOOG Fete oe as 219 : 1905 = he oe 2.31 1894 14%@3 10042. Care 1.81 1893 14%@3% 1903 eo 1.6 1892 2% @4 1902] 236 ees 1.9 1891 nee TOORS Se naa 2:3. 1890 2 @5 E900 5 ween es 2.0 1889 2 @5 1899-9205 SF Bo 1888 2 @5: 1898 oo 1.8 188% .2 2. @8 UF oe a 75-1886 ¢ 334 @8 TOY6 6 eae Sean 2:12 1895 ee. 3.50 Figures for 14 years past average of daily rates for full season; previous to 1895 rates given are highest and lowest of the year. AVERAGE RATES ON WHEAT PER BUSHEL BY LAKE FROM CHICAGO TO BUFFALO. Year. Cents. «Year. <-Cents,-. Year.» Gents. L860! s.. 2. 9,89 1876.32.90 1892 fee aio Te6l eee 5S USES aes co Le 1893-5... 1.66 -1862 . 10.49 TS7Ssn ee SUL TOIL 2s 1863 a7 oo. 1879.... 4.74 £895 oe. OF. E864) oe 958 1880.7. 5.76. E896... 2 170 1865. 2 O78. 188l. 2.3.44 1897... .., 1:56 1866 me eode 882. 3 2550 Ss 1808. as, 64-53 1867 50.67 2883.5.45 3,41. 1899.2... 2:71 1868 wile 188420 218 1900024179 1869 $00.0 2 1885.00.6°2,02 LOOT eee ae 1870 535 88 L886... 5.68 1902 Lok PSA e762 E887. 055 4:13 19033007 41 1872 . 11.46 LSS8Si 532.56 LS0AD we 132 1873 702 PB8Oe we 252 190545 551567 1874 3403 1890-5. 1,96 PO0Go.... 1.72 1875 ia 342 ASOT Se 2.38 POOZ RS 6 1:57. 1908... 1.00 Average for 49 years, 4.30. Charges to vessels for shoveling, trimming and tallying weights of grain amounted to $4.12% per 1,000 bu. in 1908. AVERAGE LUMBER RATES, DULUTH TO LAKE ERIE PORTS. Rate Rate Year per M. Year. per M TOO Se eee $2.61 ' TOOL ee, 2.58 PIO 2 ae eee $2.54 POOG ee a 271 POO De econ 2.66 OOS ees ee eae ee e5 2.45 TOOO RM See ai ees 2.33 UO OA oe ee 2.54 VOO08 ee, 3.08 LOOs eco ee, 25F SCHOOL OF NAVIGATION A SUCCESS. The school of navigation which was recently established 'by the board of education: of San Francisco' in connection with the Humboldt even- ing high school is meeting with much appreciation. J. T. McMillan, nautical expert at- tached to the branch hydrographic office of the United States navy, is cee instructor in charse: of © the course and. since the class opened late in November has taught an av- erage of 32 pupils. The class is made up of deck hands, quartermasters and mates of sea-going vessels, boatmen, members of the naval militia, yachts- men and others. It is anticipated that as the course in navigation becomes more widely known the attendance will increase to Such an extent that larger quarters will be necessary. The Revere Rubber Co, Boston, Mass., has just issued a most ser- viceable calendar for 1909. The type is large and can. be siderable distance, the most suited to offices. seen: at..a.. con- kind of calendar

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