TAE Marine REVIEW Toledo Ship Building Co., Toledo, O. CARRYING LENGTH CAPACITY, WHERE BUILT. TYPE. NAME OF VESSEL. OVER ALL GROSS TONS NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. Toledo? ,..i 15. Freighter. ... Fred G. Hartwell "824 9,000 M i i wiles sig ace ce z Os ; utual Steamship Co., Duluth, Minn. Poledo sor. es Passa Strick Seo Wauketa: <0. ee, 185 .1,200* White Star Line, Detroit, Mich. Collingwood Ship Building Co., Collingwood, Ont. CARRYING LENGTH CAPACITY, WHERE BUILT. TYPE. NAME OF VESSEL. OVER ALL GROSS TONS NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. Collingwood... 0.5... Pke: Brit, & Passe. Hamionie i053. ae 365 5,000 Northern Navigation Co. of Ontario, Ltd., Collingwood, Ont. Manitowoc Dry Dock Co., Manitowoc, Wis. CARRYING LENGTH CAPACITY, ee WHERE BUILT. TYPE. NAME OF VESSEL. OVER ALL GROSS TONS NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. Manitowoc.......... Hire boats ee 6 ys ee Joseph Medill ...23.00. 120 City of 'Chicago. Manitowoers 08. 0. Bire boat.an weve ee 1... eee 120 City of Chicago, Johnston Bros., Ferrysburg, Mich. CARRYING LENGTH CAPACITY, WHERE BUILT. TYPE. NAME OF VESSEL. - OVER ALL GROSS TONS NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. Perrysburg. oct oie DSLCCl shui syne wears Francis, Dy Hackett... 106 Hackett Wirecking & Towing Co., Amherstbur Oo ¢ : nt. Herrysburg... 5s. CPUS me sie eee cus ee Herbert: oso ys 76 G, Mollhagen & Co., St. Joseph, Mich. Racine Boat Manufacturing Co., Muskegon, Mich. CARRYING ' LENGTH CAPACITY, WHERE BUILT. TYPE. NAME OF VESSEL. OVER ALL GROSS TONS NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. Muskecon)....035... Steel tug...........005. Bssayons "si. c esse: 85 Government Engineers' Dept., Duluth, Minn. Muskegon. 2.3 s 0 3s Steel lightship 89........ $$ seerncevaes 83 United States Lighthouse Establishment. Empire Ship Building Co., Buffalo, N. Y. : CARRYING LENGTH CAPACITY, WHERE BUILT, TYPE. NAME OF VESSEL. OVER ALL GROSS TONS NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. Batale 2 ee Drill poate si. eres oes oe a eh ee wie 140 Buffalo Dredging Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Butalogys soot: i SSAC UBMEREL 3 Whe Grane wee af se ee ai ectdsien 140 Builders Supply & Sand Co., Erie, Pa. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Cleveland, O. ; CARRYING LENGTH CAPACITY, WHERE BUILT. TYPE. NAME OF VESSEL. OVER ALL GROSS TONS NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. Whiskey Island...... Drill boat. ccc co. cues Drill Boat No. 4....... 133 . Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Cleveland, O. Paasch Bros., Erie, Pa. CARRYING LENGTH CAPACITY, WHERE BUILT. TYPE. NAME OF VESSEL. OVER ALL GROSS TONS NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. Efiev cass. cuss ses Wrecking supply boat..... PILtSDUPE Gn Sy see ese Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland, O. *Number passengers. Manitowoc Steam Boiler Works, Man- itowoc, Wis. One Scotch boiler for the tug Fear- less, owned iby E. A. Sonneman, She- boygan, Wis.; 6 ft. in diameter by 8 ft. 6 in. long, 150 pounds working pressure. One Scotch boiler for the tug Fred- erick Koehn, owned by Ernst Schnei- dewind, Sheboygan, Wis.; 6 ft. in di- ameter by 8 ft. 6 in. long; 150 pounds working pressure. Marine Boiler Works Co., Front and York Streets, Toledo, O. Two Scotch boilers for hull No. 56, Great. Lakes Engineering Works, 13 ft. 9 in. in diameter by 12 ft. long, 180 pounds working pressure. Two Scotch boilers for hull No. 57, Great Lakes Engineering Works; 13 ft. 9 in. in diameter by 12 ft. Jong; 180 pounds working pressure. Marine Iron Works, Station A., Chi- cago, IIl. Launch Aduana, wood construction, copper sheathed, for the police depart- ment of the government of Peru; length over all, 36 ft.; value, $3,000; of 10 gross tons; fore and aft com- pound engine of 45 H. P., with cylin- ders 5 and 10 in. in diameter by 6-in. stroke; one vertical submerged tube boiler 42 in. in diameter and 64 in. long. Launch Salinera, wood construction, 'copper sheathed, for the police depart- ment of the government of Peru; length over all, 36 ft.; value, $3,000; of 10 gross tons; fore and aft com- pound engine of 45 H. P., with cylin- ders 5 and 10 in, in diameter by 6-in. stroke; one vertical submerged tube boiler 42 in. in diameter and 64 in. long. Montague Iron Works, Montague, -- Mich. New engine for the steamer Dallas, formerly the Fessenden, owned by R. L. Craig, 43 Produce Exchange, To- ledo, O.; engine is 18 by 40 by 30. -- Whitman Mfg. Co., 178 Ohio Street, Buffalo, N. Y. a Steel delivery yacht Connelly. Bros., for Connelly Bros., of Buffalo, N. Y.; length over all, 42 ft.; approximate value, $3,000; estimated gross tonnage, 10; 8 in. by 8 in. high pressure 50- H. P. upright engine; one Oldman' patent boiler, 6 ft. long and 40 in. wide.