50 . "THE MarRINeE REVIEW Passenger Steamer Built in Seventy-six Days She is equipped with a_ triple-expan- sion engine, cylinder diameters 17%, 27%; 43 in. by 30-in. stroke, 175. R. P. M. Her boilers number three, 10 ft. 8 in. diameter and 11 ft. 6 in. long, allowed 180 lbs. steam pressure. Drawings are herewith published of the inboard profile, midship section, bulkheads, stack and casing, engine and boilers. Photographs are also sub- mitted showing the progress of work on the first day, the fourth day and the twentieth day, the day on which the steamer was launched. Altogether they - give "avery clear idea. of. -the company's remarkable accomplishment. The Sharptown Marine Railway Co., Sharptown, Md., has a contract for building a three-masted bald-headed The Toledo Ship Building Co., To- ledo, O:, has certainly achieved a rec- ord in the construction of the White Star Line steamer, Wauketa. This steamer was built complete with stack and breeching and main steam pipe and delivered in Detroit in 90 days after the contract was signed. The actual working time was 76 days of nine hours..each. Moreover, the company had to make entirely new plans, patterns and molds for engine and boilers. The keel was laid on Oct. 26 and the vessel was launched Nov. 18, 20 working .days of 'nine hours each, or 180 hours. : The Wauketa is a passenger steam- ee 185° ft over all, 175 te keel, 38: ft. 4 in. beam and 14 ft. molded depth. Ere WHITE STAR LINE STEAMER WAUKETA ON THE FOURTH - DAY. schooner for Capt. George Kennerly, of Riverton, Md. The schooner will be 125 ft. long, 26 ft. beam and. 8% ft. molded depth and is 'to be ready for delivery early in the summer. She is intended for the bay and coasting trade and is designed to meet the re- quireménts of canal locks. Schuyler & Caddell, Red Hook, N. J., sare building. a covered barge 'for George L. Hammond, & Co., of .Nieew York." The: vessel is 100 ft. long,:30 ft. beam and '9 ft: deep. Johm-Bishop, Gloticester, , Mass. launched: the schooner Eugenia, 'build- ing for Sylvanus Smith' &Co.;> Inc., Dee 5. She is 9] ft. tone: 23. ft THE WHITE STAR LINE STEAMER WAUKETA ON THE FOURTH DAY. beam and 10 ft. deep.