TAE MarRINE REVIEW Merchant ,Work in Coast Yards Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va. Steel freight steamer for A. H. Bull & Co., of New York; length over all, 329 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 2,800; triple expansion single screw engine of 1,500 H. P.; two cylindric- al boilers, Wooden tug for the Lamberts Point Towboat Co., Lamberts Point, Va.; length over all, 100 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 150; engine to be taken from the tug Chesapeake is of 500 H. P.; one Scotch boiler, new. Steel cable-laying steamer Joseph Henry for the United States war de- partment; length over all, 167 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 790; com- pound expansion twin screw engine or 1000'-H;. P. Steel passenger steamer Southland, for the Norfolk & Washington Steam- Boat Co., Washington,. D. C.;. length over all, 305 ft.; estimated gross ton- nage, 2,000; single screw triple ex- pansion engine of 3,000 H. P.; four Scotch boilers. New York Shipbuilding Co., Camden, N. J. Steel steamer Tahoma, for the Unit- ed States revenue cutter service; iength over all, 192 ft.; approximate value, $225,000; estimated gross ton- nage, 1,050; triple-expansion, single screw engine of 1,400 H. P.; two Bab- cock & Wilcox boilers. Steel steamer Yamacraw for the United States revenue cutter service; length over all, 192 ft.; approximate value, $225,000; estimated gross ton- nage, 1,050; triple-expansion, single screw engine of 1,400 H. P.; two Bab- ° cock & Wilcox Scotch boilers. . Eight steel coal barges for the Le- high Valley Railroad Co.; length over all, 6aen 116i, 10 in.; approximate value, each, $40,000; estimated gross tonnage, 2,070 each; one boiler. Three submarine mine planters for the United States Quartermaster's de- partment; leagth over all, each, 165 ft.; displacement, 680 ft.; twin screw engine of 850 H. P.; two single ended Scotch boilers. Two car floats for the New York Central & Hudson River R. R. Co.; length over all, each, 330 ft.; beam, each, 47 ft.; depth, each, 17.4 ft.; ca- pacity 16 cars each. Two ¢ar. floats for the New: York Central & Hudson River R. R. Co.; length over all, each, 257 ft.; beam, each, 38 ft.; depth, each, 10 ft; ca- pacity, 12 cars each, donkey Side wheel steamer Robert Fulton, for the Hudson River Day Line, New York; 346 ft. long over all; 42 ft. beam and 80 ft. beam over guards; 12.4 ft. deep; approximate value, $375,- 000; estimated gross tonnage, 2,500; vertical beam side wheel engine of 3,000 H. P.; two locomotive boilers. Fore River Ship Building Co., Quincy, Mass. Steel tug General Robert Anderson for the United States War Depart- ment; length over all, 98 ft.; approxi- mate value, $58,500; compound sin- gle screw engine of 350 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. ' Steel tug General Richard Arnold, for the United States War Depart- ment; length over all, 98 ft.; approxi- mate. value, $58,500; compound sin- gle screw engine of 350 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Steel tug General R. B. Ayres, for the United States War Depart- ment; length over all, 98 ft.; approxi- mate value, $58,500; compound sin- gle screw engine of 350 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Steel tug General J. M. Brannan, for the United States War Depart- ment; length over all, 98 ft.; approxi- mate value, $58,500; compound sin- gle screw engine of 350 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Steel tug General Harvey Brown, for the United States War Depart- ment; length over all, 98 ft.; approxi- mate value, $58,500; compound sin- gle screw engine of 350 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Steel tug General GW, Getty, for the United States War Depart- ment; length over all, 98 ft.; approxi- mate value, $58,500; compound sin- gle screw engine of 350 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Steel tug General R.. H. Jackson, for the United States War Depart- ment; length over all, 98 ft.; approxi- mate value, $58,500; compound sin- gle screw engine of 350 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Steel tug General A. M. Randol, for the United States War Depart- ment; length over all, 98 ft.; approxi- mate value, $58,500; compound sin- gle screw engine of 350 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Six steel car floats for the New York, New Haven & Hudson River Railroad Co.; length over all, 327 ft. each; approximate value, $330,000 each, Steel transfer tug No. 22 for the New York, New Haven & Hudson : River Railroad Co.; length over all, 125 ft. 6%4 in.; approximate value, $100,000, estimated gross tonnage, 268; compound single screw engine of 800 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Maryland Steel Co., Sparrow's Point, Md. Steel dredge Chester, for M. J. Dady, Brooklyn, N. Y.; length over all, 100 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 200; no engine; one Scotch boiler. Steel rock drill barge for Isthmian Canal Commission, Washington, D. C.; length over all, 112 ft.; estimated gross tonnage, 150; no engine; one Scotch boiler. This company is also building three steel colliers for the United States navy, particulars of which will be 'found in the table of Vessels Under Construction for the United States Navy. Pusey & Jones Co., Wilmington, Del. Steel hull, twin screw steamer for submarine mine service for the United States Quartermaster's department; length on deck 165 ft.; fore and aft compound engines 17% and 35 in. by 22 in.; two boilers of the Scotch type, each J1-ft. 9 m. in diameter by 12 ft. long, constructed for 150 pounds working pressure, Steel hull steam schooner yacht, rigged, length over all, 17/7 ft. 6 in.; engines of the four-cylinder, triple expansion type; cylinders 14, 21 and 24 in., by 18 in, stroke; two boilers designed for a working pressure of 250 pounds. Steel hull, double screw, double end type ferry boat, 100 ft. long, to be driven by two kerosene oil engines of 25. TPs each: Gas Engine & Power Co. and Charles L. Seabury & Co., Consolidated, Morris Heights, N. Y. Steel steam yacht 140 ft. in length, of 225 gross tons; triple expansion sin- gle screw engine of 700 H. P.; one Seabury water tube boiler. Wooden steam yacht 137 ft. in length, of 123 gross tons; triple ex- pansion twin screw engine of 2,000 H. P.; one Seabury water tube boiler. Wooden gasoline yacht 111 ft. in length, of 70 gross tons; three Speed- way gasoline engines for driving triple Screws, 525 HH. P. This company also thas under con- struction eleven gasoline launches ag- sregating 152:.tons: and 272 HH... P., equipped with Speedway motors. The machinery for the new steam-