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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 14 Jan 1909, p. 27

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Sg RO ELEGY Retr Eee tae BELFAST. 1908. 1907. Ves! Vous." Lonse Harland.& Wolff, Ltd ican. 8 106,528 74,115 Workman, Clark & (Cox 27% 8 50,303 63,245 Dablin Dockyard (Goris 3 4 1,574 962 Larne. Ship Building: Co.c..- 2 221 220 Dotal i cie enee Gie 22 158,626 138,542 As Messrs. Harland & Wolff have the distinction of having turned out the largest amount of British tonnage during 1908, it will be of interest to give the list of vessels they have launched. The are as under: HARLAND & WOLFF, LTD., BELFAST. Name and _ port-- LonsiolseeP. Memphian, s.s. (Liverpool)..... 65305. .2,7.00 Rotterdam, t.s.s. (Rotterdam)... 23,980 13,600 Mercian, s.s.. (Liverpool)? 32... 6;305.2."2,800 Lapland, t.s.s. ° (Antwerp)...... 18,565 13,000 Leopoldville, t.s.s. (Antwerp)... 6,351 4,340 Laurentic, trip.s.s. (Liverpool).. 15,340 9,700 Minnewaska, t.s.s. (Belfast).... 14,342 10,000 Megantic, t.s.s. (Liverpool)..... 15,340 9,700 MDgtale soya sea rce ee Cae 106,528 65,840 THE WEAR 1908. 1907. Ves. fons. «Tons. Wri. Doxford & Sons: <..5 5 o20;271 Ol254 Jide Dhompson & Sons os... 370,521 48218 S HOG BEOSi. secs as ae a ae 6 10,054 24,656 sir ffames. Laing & Sons... 2.) 9,754 ' 36,018 Osbourne, Graham & Co... 4 7,299 11,437 John: Blumer: & '(Con.33 6350) 2, - 6,309 14,063 Robt. Thompson & Sons... 5 5,301 9,666 JrePriestman -& Cows. cia 223,899" -13.576 Bartram & 9Sons......-: cage Li) 337080 16.779 Sunderland Ship Building Co 3 3,296 7,651 Wan. Pickerspill.& Sons. 02) 921968 155678 John Crown & Sons........ 4. 2,640 5,274 SB. Austin: Ge Son. fee. ao AgsZ5 te? 87,775 295,432 *Including erections. TEES AND HARTLEPOOLS. 1908. 1907. Ves. Tons. Tons. Eoin. Gray ee OCO. eis. 727,188". 43,344 Sir sR? Dixon.& Co... s 5 26,146 28,380 Irvine's Ship Building Co.. 6 14,200 21,879 Ru Crags & Sons go, 3 12,870 30,945 Richardson, "Duck &9€o.05,39" 8027. 27,696 Craig, Gaylor 3& ( oN 2 6,010 18,880 Ropner, & (Sons. .3. sso. ae 2 5,005: 325127 Wi Harkess 2& Soni 08 eae SAGE! 2 Bs8i/2 Totalsu Wan a: ses whee near 38 103,177 206,623 *Including erections. THE HUMBER. 1908. 1907. ae Ves. Tons. Tons. Earle's Ship Building Go... 9 6,130. 13,858 Cochrane & "Sonss) ov. BA ASABT 58517 Goole Ship Building Co.... 17. 3,286 3,594 Cook, Welton & Gemmell.. 12 2,760 6,712 Thomas Dobson & Co...... ZT BUG At 3 Joseph Scarr. & Son... =... 66 1280721710 Henry "Scar acc crt ae ee Sure 055 945 We a Waterers ces ees 3 268 1,500 Totals 2.8 ae SEW cles Woes 6. o> 86 20,532 35,249 THE FORTH. 1908. 1907. Ves: -Lons:. Tons. Grangemouth: Yard 4:52 35 74 9 4,638 5,916 Seott "of: Kinghorn. 3.12... Be 514-8 2.763 Ramage & Ferguson........ Zi #20467 5.545 John: Crane & Co... 2a. 2 336 622 Hawthorns::& COs... Ve. 2 230 214 John Robertson (Innes).... 4 100 252 Sic CBE Morton oo ea 1 77 425 Uy. Weatherhead =. 235%... 2 5. 2 68 247 Mackay (Bros: .4.7. 504 <. <3 nee 4,607 Totalgt26 cc Ga oak eas 25. 10,009 20,591 "TAE MARINE. REVIEW THE: MERSEY. 1908. 1907. Ves. Tons. Tons. Camimell, Lard .&) Cov... 36. 197142 3 5 501 Vickers, Sons & Maxim... 35 21,487" 4 382 W. J, Yarwood (& Sone. 7.3, 131,744 710 Lytham' Ship .Butlding (Co...7 6°. 1,637. | 1,288 R. Williamson & Son...... O71 5357) 34,089 Dee. Ship, Building Coe,.2..5 12 Higo2, 629895 Wilham 'Walker 2.402.000 .5 2 984 518 Teasumner QSonst ysis iL 5 60 Garston Graving Dock & Co. .. as 1,380 Potals oie e ieee 76: 88}77.6%) 18,413 THAMES* AND DISTRICT. 1908. 1907. Ves. Tons. Tons. G, "Rennis, & Coe. ee eo. 2402 613332 171500 Pollock, Sons (8 sGoes. . yes 428 3,124 L476 John: Chambers §.4 03. ves 20 133621. 1-801 Henry: Reynolds i... 0120: 13 717333. 1,894 AL YW. Robertson &2 Covss.. 9 1,000 4,074 Edwards: & "Coma ae en 15 957 793 Forrestt |&) Coie, ins 18 838 963 Rellows. & (G6. cise bec aes 5 400 852 (Crabtree: & Colin overs : 4 336 352 Varwood "Qs COtei oes ieee ae pee Los Ri & He Green. isa. 2 i ee Soe eee OL Thornycrott &)Co.0s sy schs ieee 500 a shold USAC ne eainnant 155;- 15,680) 16,212 Totals ENGLISH CHANNEL. The transference ot their shipbuild- 'ing from the Thames to the English Channel is reflected in the increased output by Messrs. J. I. Thornycroft & Co., while Messrs. J. S. White & Co. also record an increase, and it is satisfactory to note that this firm has;;:in. hand no... fewet than vessels of 39,630 tons. The total ton- nage launched by the four principal builders is in advance of the figures for 1907, although the number of craft is 39 as compared with 53, SeWVets. 1908. 1907. Ves. Tons. Tons. Thornycroit c& 44+ O eB ae 2351 J. Samuel White & Co..... £40) 2.5555" 2.260 Philip & Sonics oye ace 10 aa 815 COS RIGO ore ek ier eae 6 466 899 Totals... cueeee ee ec ee ens BOR 7297) Oyo25 TAY AND DISTRICT. : 1908. 1907. <. Ves: + Tons.' "bons. Caledon Ship Building Co.. 4 °10,681 7,942 Gourlay: Bros.) & "Worn. . 3555575590 6,276 Dundee Ship Building Co.. 11 4,776 2,650 Montrose Ship Building Co. 7 2,957: 804 Motale ro ee a cei is 25° 26;004 47.672 DEE AND MORAY FIRTH. 1908. 1907. Ves, ons; ons; Halt, Russell & (Coc sss se <3 cea 2,310 4,416 John' Duthie: Torry Coes... 15 3 2,004... 3,783 AS PEN Re Cae tens genesis 10 1,362 1,658 John. Duthie, Sons' & Co... >... dee 900 Motale eee ees aes 36° 5,676 10,757 ; BRISTOL CHANNEL. From. Bristol. Channel shipyards there were launched 60 vessels, etc., of 8,480 tons, as compared with 61, of 8,025 last year, an increase of 455 tons, notwithstanding that there have been no launches by the Cardiff Chan- nel Dry Dock Co. and Messrs F. J. Carver & Sons, Bridgwater. Of this total 8,424 tons were launched from the yard of Messrs C. H. Walker & Co., Ltd, of Sudbrook. . NAVAL REORGANIZATION. Another step has been taken toward the reorganization of the navy. Secre- tary Newberry has increased the board of construction and has also indicated that the bureau of steam engineering is to be consolidated with the bureau of equipment. The board of construction, says the Army and Navy Journal, by the secre- tary's order has been increased by the appointment to that body of Rear Ad- miral T. C, McLean, now president of the board of inspection and _ survey; Capt. William W. Kimball, now member of the naval examining and retiring boards; Capt. Sidney A. Staunton, mem- ber of the general board, and. Gape Isaac S. K. Reeves, member of the board of inspection and survey; the former members of the board of con- struction are continued. These are Rear Admiral G. A. Converse, retired, president; Rear Admiral N. E. Mason, chief of the bureau of ordnance; Rear Admiral William S.- Cowles, chief of the bureau of eqiupment, and Chief Constr, W.L. Capps, chief of the bureau of construction and repair. The addi- tions to the board secure experts in various lines. Captain Kimball is special- ly known as an authority on torpedo ordnance; Captain Reeve is skilled in steam engineering; Rear Admiral Mc- Lean and Captain Staunton have had ~ service in the bureaus of ordnance -- and equipment. It is expected that Rear Admiral Con- verse will continue at the head of the board until it gets into' good working order and then within a few months will be relieved. He has been on the retired. list two years, which have been ~ more or less stormy in naval official -- circles, and his health is such that it is placing a heavy burden upon him to require him to apply himself tor Mec ake hard work incident to his position at the head of the most important board in the department. It is also not un- likely that Rear Admiral Cowles will retire from the board before very long, as the duties of his position require his entire attention. Preliminary to the re- organization of the board of construc- tion, Secretary Newberry amended the navy regulations with the approval of the president so that the work of the board is not restricted to new workand | it may undertake "such other work as the secretary of the navy may assign." It will be observed that the new ap- pointments bring the three important boards on construction, inspection and survey and the general board in touch with 'each other by having officers --

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