Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 21 Jan 1909, p. 29

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RESULTS OF TESTS OF SUBMARINE "TAE. MaArRINE. REVIEW SIGNALS ON LAKES, inspection the number of omens ahd 4 men must be employed. Another bill was" intro- duced, outlining the qualifications of able sea- VESSEL. DATE. STATION MILES. REMARKS. Soe a : omen, i a th - W.. a. (Corey. eo Sept Ose. Southeast. Shoal. ..... 5 .. Boat ne Sound medium. Speed tain "Serene of the: ae fee ie 10 miles, ears' servic d WA Coteyir. Sept. 12.... Southeast Shoal...... 7 ..Boat loaded. Direction good. Speed age jig oe 40 gee a sae - mae a 10 miles. It had previously been the pee 'of the Ws ie Corey... . Sept. 15... Southeast: Shoal... 7.15 2%..Boat light. Sound faint. Speed 11 inspectors to make entries in the certificates of : miles. a inspection indicating the number of officers and Wim. G. Mather... Aug: 10.,.2 Southeast Shoal.....: 3%4..Boat loaded. Direction poor. Speed crew to be carried, but a court decision had : : 10 miles. : been handed down, ruling that no legal author- Wm, G. Mather, .. Augi 273... | southeast Shoal... <> 5 oa eo rovee Direction O. K. je UE) in Cae eed for such prac- \ peed 10 miles. ice. s a result several bills were intro- Wim. G. Mather... Atig. 29... Southeast Shoal...... y%, Light. 'Choppy sea. ~ Speed: 11 miles. cree in Congress, including the above, in Win. G. Mather 0 Sept 1.22. Southeast Shoal...... 434..Loaded. Sound medium to loud. Speed eee it the crews pe ane other | sel to 10 miles. y e 1ry eir qualit tees Wim. G. Mather... Sept. 4.:... Detour Elec. Bell....1 ..Loaded. Sound faint. Speed 10 miles. 0d limit their hours of service. Win: G. Mather... Sept. 17... . Southeast Shoal... 2... 8 ..Loaded. Direction within % point. oe ee were cf. ve the Pe Speed 10 miles. e on merchant marine and fisheries whi J--H. Sheadleo... July 6 cea. Southeast Shoal...... 2%..Loaded. Good direction. Speed 10 tik ear we ae fe ore cous) re ss other members o e€ association an -D: Joe Shreadle. 3 3: July Aloe Southeast Shoal...... 41%4..Loaded. Direction O. K. Good tone. ae of ores ee eras from he Speed _10 miles. riv and coasts an ese bills were vig : - a ously opposed. The result was that a new b Js Sone esse JUV LS: i Southeast; Shoals: v5.4 a3 .. ight.. Speed, 11 mies; was prepared and substituted for all of t JeH. Sheadle: ees. Ate ele ne Southeast Shoal. ...7. .. Loaded. Rough weather and_ sea. other bills upon this subject. This bill" winch Speed 10 miles. Jc H. Sheadlecs 2, Ae es Southeast Shoal... . 1. deight.. Speed ai amiles: Tae ae maT ioe arahd effecti Jc He Sheadless . 7 Ae 17 oe. Detour Elec. Bell.... 34..Loaded. Speed 10 miles. éldesifieatio £ c. Prey sigue 3 : n of vessels, hours of" work, js Sheadles as. Aura lo. is: Southeast, Shoal. ..4.. 134..Loaded. Sound medium. Speed 10 qualifications of seamen, and conferred ie miles : ae } : d ; the local inspectors | the authority and duty of JH Sheadles oo. Sept. Bo ea Southeast: Shoal... 7.5 het Os L. V. by bell. Speed specifying in each vessél's certificate the: aes : : ber of men which shall be carried t ; joo Sheadle Rees Sept. 11.... Southeast Shoalee ia. 5%..Loaded. Sound loud. Speed 10 miles. In other words, the bill ee pe Je He Sheadlexs,<.. Sept. 24 + Southeast <Shoal ... <a. he egy Good direction. Speed 10 ply legalized the practice which had obtained miles. or years, but fo hich i J. He Sheadle.-... Sept. 26:--..Southeast Shoal. 2... 3. ..Light. Sound faint. Speed 11 miles. -existed in law. witch: Be, epee ae J. Hi. Sheadles a... Oct. -- > Southeast Shoal... 7... 6 ..Loaded. Very satisfactory to captain. aie Speed 10 miles, _ During the past season : fro 'Apat M. Hanna cos Aug. 15.3.3. Detour Elec. Bell. 3 meee Good direction. -- Speed 10 9@ 6" Dec. 9, y period as 245 de M. Av Hanna. . .: Aug,,25% 045. Southeast Shoal...... 5. ..Loaded. . Good direction,. 'Speed= 10 21,201 vessels of all kinds | passed t miles. 2 NGA Bawa. a. Sépt.ids vee! Soulheasr Shoat. 5 ..Loaded. Sound faint, Speed 10 miles, -imekiins, equivalent to the pas ge uM e hee Pate Pe S ieee oss De Bell... .. ie, ge Sa Speed Be miles. of a vessel every 16 2/3" minutes. | shanna. « tae es ake POMS ce es TE ed. F irection. . St. test | goa ae ee Speed. 10 wiles At the close of 1908 the membership Me AS anna Oct, Ag) Southeast Shoal...... Ao Fine direction. Speed 10 In the association represented a. to al miles. M. Hanna. oa) Oct-20 cs Southeast > Shoal... 5 ..Loaded. Rough sea, good direction. of 610 Je of all ee agere- Speed 10 miles. gatin : tons. This list e er Rogers... 3.5 Aug. 21.... Detour' Elec. Bell.... 2 ..Light. Sound faint. Speed 10 miles. 5 a 466 ; Kastaliatc wy. | Aug 4.05035. Detour Elec. Bell.... 134..Loaded. Speed 10 miles. - TaCes steamers, 54 barges an Castalia........... Aug. 5.....; Southeast Shoal...... 6 ..Loaded. Good direction. Speed 10 90 tugs. miles. (Castalia oes Aue. Ie.) Southeast, Shoal. 2... 5. .-Loadéd. Good direction, Speed 10 The total number of men 'chigaea miles. through the association shi ing oO ICastahiay eeacs | Se AMO. OD on Southeast: Shoal... .>.. 5%..Loaded. Good direction. Speeds 10 . ae so Oy ates ce fices was 23,898 during ae as agai s ae Peres ,. Aug. 24.... Southeast Shoal...... 6 ..Loaded. 'Speed 10 miles. 15, 181 in 1907. Castalia. tea. % ey UNO DO ee Detour Elec. Bell.... 2%4..Loaded. Sound faint. Speed 10 miles. (asta lias. ce, Sept. -- ...Detour Elec. Bell.... 2%4..Loaded. Sound faint. Speed 10 miles. President Tivingatdudee Wee Castalia se ce. Depte 5 oo Detour Elec. Bell.... 51%4..Loaded. Speed 10 miles, cludes with a statement of vesse Castalia jo Se Sept. 10....Southeast Shoal...... 6%..Loaded. Sound faint. Speed 10 miles. : gi SUSE O Soa nae Sc. Sep 19.5 jedke (Wuron a. e. - ..Loaded. Smoky. Speed 10 miles. construction on the great lakes d iGastalian to Sept. 20... Southeast Shoal:...., 6%..Loaded. Speed 10 miles. 5 ohne 2 Castaliag ca. . Sept. 25....Southeast Shoal. >.... 6 ..Loaded:: Speed 10: miles: 1908 and the peg ae a x ey Castalia ce co ee Och oa: Southeast Shoal..... . 6%..Loaded. Speed 10 miles. Located L. nounced for 1909, together wit ; V. by submarine bell. vessel losses for the past year. Castaliaw 0 a 2s, Oct Lie: Southeast Sttoal.. 5. -- ..Loaded. Located L. V. by submarine hell. Speed 10 miles. uaries are also published a Houghten 4.335... Atlin 29057 Detour Elec. Bell.... %..Good direction. Speed 9 miles. Houghten. 2.6 ss Oct 2850-5 Grays Reet .35 isa. aoe Uaeai L. V. by bell. Speed 8 miles. Corrigan, Frank L. Vance ae Houghtenw es Nov.) 7 ..Lake Haron. .2 002, ..- speed 9 miles. - White. S. Bo Be Morse.) July 60.25. i poutheastohoal.... 5, a -Loaded. Good direction. Speed 10 miles, Sf Morse... tly 110; 25. Southeast Shoal...... 5%..Loaded. Good direction. Speed 10 The British steamer baa owned : miles. i S.-F.)B: Morse... July 260.5..3 Detour Elec. Bell.... 2%..Loaded. Good direction. Speed 10 by the Hindustan Steamship Co., of Su wa at 5 c I ts i derland, Eng., was run down and unl Be BeuMorse: Aug, 25.0: etour Elec. Bell.... 134..Loaded. 'Captain thinks bell should be @, tar set out further. Speed 10 miles. off Sandy Hook last week by the Si BY Morse... Aug Sars Southeast. Shoal... 8 eee Good direction. Speed 10 ish freighter Catalone. The accident miles. S.3Fo De Morse... Aur lio Detour Elec. Bell. 3%-.Loaded. Good direction. Speed 10 curred in a fog. The Daghestan s y miles, slowly and her crew was able to launch S.A Morse Aug. 28. 20.5 Southeast Shoal,.7. 7. 71%4..Loaded. Direction good. Speed 10 eS Hatce: the boats and pull away to a safe dis- 5S. #. B. Morse Sept. 17. : Southeast "Shoal... .:.. 8 ee Direction good. Speed 10 tance before she séttled on the b tto Pairbairm. ..0 03. Octe-23. 52% Vansitic Shoal 22.45 S30. Wine direction. Lhey, were. afterward taken on boarc Paitbairn. <.6.3....: Oct 305.7 5 Southeast Shoal...... 5%..Fine direction. alone and later remov vr Bairbair. 374.5% Oct. =... "Lansing Shoal... 7 ..Fine direction. ie, Catalans ed b Hi Renssélaer:«.......%- Taly.G.6 =. Southeast Shoal...... 2%..Loaded. Good direction. Speed 10 boat to New York. he miles. Ce oe Rensselaer. 0.055 <, Ate. 31.234 Southeast Shoal...... 734..Loaded. Direction good. Speed 10 : , miles. The T. A. Scott Co; New 14 Rensselaer... 4.5, Sept. 21.... Southeast Shoal...... 7 heared. Direction poor. Speed 10 Conn., thas been awarded a. co! Rensselaer.:....... Sept. 22 eopocineess one Cea 2%..Light. Speed 11 miles. for certain additional work on the mensselacr....33 4, Oot Tis. os: Southeast Shoal...... 5%..Loaded. Speed 10 miles, Rensselaer... 2... Oct. 512..:.... Southeast Shoal... 3.3 4°. Light. Speed 11 miles. crib of the lighthouse at Southw st Rensselaer........ Nov. 12... : Southeast: Shoal... . . 7 .. Very good direction. Speed 11 miles. Ledge. This company's bid ee $675 Rensselaer... 2... Noy. 13... . Southeast Shoal. .... 7¥%4..Véry good direction. Speed 10 miles. h 1 binitted Average=-Light, ait: anilea Loaded Gas ates was the omy UC Soe

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